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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Welcome! I'm excited to hear which desitation you end up choosing and then to see photos!
  2. TATrisha


    Welcome to the group! Where are you planning to have your wedding?
  3. I would say if you want a group picture, schedule that in immediately following the ceremony. That way you won't forget
  4. I voted to stop thinking. Being in the same position as you, every time I talk about wanting to get married I think it pushes him further from the decision. I think he feels as though I'm pressuring him and he might not be making the decision, but simply going with what I want. I think it's very important for the man to be fully prepared when they enter into marriage because as the other ladies have said, if there are problems now, there will be problems when you are married. And that's not just relationship wise, but money too. Yes, there are some breaks when you are legally married, but expenses will come up that you guys will have to deal with as a couple. And if either person has bad credit, the other inherits it... which could cause more problems. I think it's just really important that he knows that you love him with everything you have and that you do, someday (preferably sooner) want to be married to him. But, that you understand it is the biggest decision in his life and he shouldn't be pressured into it. The ring will come. Whether it be cracker jack or "Holy Crap!"
  5. Hopefully it'll be cancelled or he'll be dismissed quickly.
  6. According to a lot of wedding timelines you are supposed to take care of that around 9-6 months before your wedding. plus, the newspaper might be able to only put them in once a week, or maybe only four couples at a time... and so they may wait awhile to put it in.
  7. TATrisha


    Welcome! I hope you'll share all your details so we can gush!
  8. I get mine at Buy Envelopes - All Sizes, Styles, and Colors - Printed or Plain - ActionEnvelope.com
  9. Thanks so much for posting such a thourough review. nice work!
  10. Welcome! Dreams Cancun looks gorgeous! You should have your sister write a review on Dreams Tulum and post it along with some pictures. i'm sure it would help some future brides.
  11. TATrisha

    Hi Everyone!

    welcome! I'm sure when you look around the site you will find amazing ideas for all of the locations you have listed!
  12. After seeing how beautiful your legal ceremony was, I can't wait to see your real wedding! I hope it's everything you ever dreamed of and everything goes off without a hitch.
  13. No need to panic! you are perfectly fine! I would say go down and finalize everything and then work on your STD's when you get home. As long as you get your STD's out about 6 months before hand I think you'll be fine. If you can't get them out 6 months before hand, then just send an actual invite a little earlier.
  14. Kash, You really provided a wonderful review. Thank you so much for being so honest! I'm sorry everything didn't go as smoothly as you would have liked, but it sounds like you still had an amazing wedding! Congratulations and I can't wait to see photos!
  15. The closest I've come to the Atlantis is watching Real Weddings by the Knot! Ha! But, her wedding was gorgeous! How many people are you expecting? Does the Atlantis not do your flowers, hair, or anything?
  16. Welcome! You chose a great time to join the forum, since we just had TWO weddings at the Sheraton! How exciting!
  17. TATrisha


    Welcome! I plan on getting married at a Gran Bahia as well, but in Riviera. Let me know how everything goes!
  18. well Tammy, at least he took the dogs for a walk! As for the fighting, I'm not engaged, so i can't comment on that, but I've been living with my boyfriend for over 2 years now. I must say, that the first year was ROUGH. It seemed like we would fight over anything and everything and VERY often. I would say it took a year, and now everything is wonderful. It's very rare when we fight now. But that first year, wow! I think it was because it was our first time living with someone else. We had to adjust to mom not cooking and cleaning and dad not mowing the lawn! It was quite the adjustment. But, like I said now, everything is wonderful!
  19. Hello! Based on your location, I'm pretty sure it'd be much cheaper for you and your guests to go to the Riviera Maya or Cancun. I would be flying out of Milwaukee or Chicago and that's what I've found. There are a lot of great resorts there for children and the beaches are beautiful and you can swim in the ocean, as opposed to a lot of Cabo.
  20. Welcome to the forum! I hope you find a lot of great information here.
  21. TATrisha

    Newbie here

    Welcome! The DR is a popular choice. Which resort?
  22. Welcome! I'm sure you'll find a lot of great information on the site and become quickly addicted like the rest of us!!
  23. I've read reviews where the women just get a normal styling and then put the veil in by themselves. it's just like everyone says, the word Wedding ups the price!
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