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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. See the thing is, we never have people over! Since all of our friends now have babies, it's too much work for them all to travel with the goods, so we go to one of their houses, and then my parents have a huge yard with a pool so if we have family gatherings we go there. So for me, it'd sit on a shelf and never get used. With that said, I still like it a lot. I will bring it to work, I'm just not sure if I'll always have it running or just stop it on one picture.
  2. I just got one for my anniversary of dating. It comes with mixed feelings. I LOVE taking photos... so I think it was a very thoughtful gift. But I am not sure what to do with it. I will take it to work with me and have it on my desk... but it seems kind of odd to me to have photos flipping all day at my desk. But, at home, I don't think I'd ever use it. Especially since my computer screen saver flashes through all the photos. So, in conclusion, I don't think I helped you at all! Sorry!
  3. Great review! Thanks so much for coming and posting your experience for future brides!
  4. What I had planned on doing, is actually wearing a white swimming suit as my undergarments. I thought it would make for cute photos if I eventually took off the dress and had a white suit on... but, I'm weird!
  5. Oh my goodness! This is SO exciting! I'm so happy for you Erika! That is amazing and the ring... wow, gorgeous! I would be bouncing off the walls if I were you! How amazing!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira I have a renters policy with Nationwide - I am assuming my ring is also covered - is that correct? Not necessarily. It depends how much your ring is worth. Most policies will automatically cover up to $1,000 or $2,000 worth of jewelry. After that, you will need to add additional Special Personal Property coverage which is typically an additional $8-$10 per thousand of value.
  7. Yeah, like Tara said, I highly recommend Jewelers Mutual. My sister works for the high end jeweler in town and she said that's where she directs everyone. They have very little or no deductible and their claim handeling is WONDERFUL. A bunch of our friends have had diamonds that have fallen out (men who wanted diamonds all the way around the band... BAD idea) anyway, one of our friends has had his diamond fall out 3 times, and every single time they replace it with practically NO questions asked and his rate has never increased.
  8. Well if you wouldn't be so darn creative!!!
  9. I would like to learn nice dances... but I think our wedding dance will be a fun dance. Shawn has his heart set on the dirty dancing finale (note aviator photo!). I think that'd be really fun and more entertaining for our guests... I'm just nervous about his lifting me in a dress which I anticipate to be strapless!
  10. Ah ha, so a moderator is basically a post whore? Just kidding! You are an amazing asset to this forum Sarah, so I think it's great that you've been upgraded!
  11. Welcome! We like the grooms on here! They do sweet things that our men hate, and we envy!!!
  12. I LOVE all your new siggys ladies. Someday (sigh) I'll give you my engagement shots to do this with!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by akh Although mostly fixed within 12 hours, the incident shows how easy it is to send major swaths of the online world to the dark ages. Sites that millions of people rely on can be knocked offline by freak accidents, not to mention major catastrophes, and this event served as a wake-up call to the executives that operate them. Tammy, was this a wake-up call? I COMPLETELY RELY on this site!!!
  14. TATrisha


    Welcome. Tammy should invest in a PANIC button like that one website has. It says it's for when the boss or wife comes around and it redirects you to a work looking website. We SERIOUSLY need one of those!!!
  15. Well, you have a year and a half to flood her with beautiful pictures, talk about how much it would mean to her son if she would come (even if only for an extended weekend), tell her how much safer it is to travel in a large group. I wouldn't give up quite yet!
  16. What about a sunset dinner cruise? Or a snorkel adventure. Something that people wouldn't do normally for an at home wedding?
  17. I have heard very bad things about destinationweddings.com. I believe Ann actually started using them and asked for her money back. Perhaps I'm just making up a name though.
  18. Welcome! This site will make a lot of the stress diminish! These ladies (and gents) are wonderful and so helpful!
  19. How very exciting! Were you expecting it?
  20. Welcome to the forum! Don't worry, you aren't running out of time! Some ladies on here planned almost their entire wedding while at the resort! Don't worry, it's doable!
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