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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. From the Gran Bahia right? I don't think it's free... but you can take the collectivo for $2 each way.
  2. Congratulations Jen! Now you can move on to more exciting things... like planning for our time together the end of August
  3. I'm glad that there was a margarita there to get the party started! I would cry too. I hate when I work so hard at something and not everything goes perfect... of course, I'm positive that you were the ONLY one that thought anything of it! I'm glad it went so well after the stress.
  4. Name 7 things in your bag (or if you're male...wallet/ pocket): Money Camera Cell Phone Credit Card Chapstick Pen Pain killers Name 6 things you do when you're really stressed: Sleep Cry Eat Pout Be bucky Put lotion on my hands (yeah, i'm weird but it helps!) Name 5 favorite fruits: Kiwi Strawberry watermelon grapes Banana Name 4 names you go by: Trisha Trisha Moschy Sister Name 3 things you are wearing right now Capris Pink Tank Top White Sweater 1. What are you thinking about right now? This survey 2. Where do you sleep? In my bed 3. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Maurice's 4. What was the last thing you ate? Pinnapple 5. What kind of cell phone service do you have? Cingular 6. What is the closest item near you that is blue? Calculator 7. What is the last movie you watched? Mr. and Mrs. Smith 8. When did you last cry? About 5 weeks ago (I got a D on a paper... yeah, please see stressed answers above!) 9. What were you doing this morning at 8am? Working 10. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace page? i don't do Myspace 11. How many different beverages have you drank today? Water, so one 12. What's one thing you wish to change about yourself? Don't get me started 13. What do you wish for? Family and friends in good health 14. When was the last time you got really hurt? physically or mentally? Um, probably my surgery a year and a half ago 15. Any plans for Friday night? Get ready for my niece's 1st birthday party 16. Something you are excited about? NEW YORK! 17. What is your favorite flavor of jelly? i HATE jelly. 18. Describe your keychain? My grocery store club card 19. Do you know anyone in prison? Nope 20. When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly? I don't eat Jelly, but otherwise a few month ago 21. Have you ever gotten naked at a party? No. 22. Name someone you miss? My grandpa 23. Are you named after a grandparent? No, aunt 24. Who loves you? I hope a lot of people! 25. Have you ever broken a rib? No, ouch! 26. Would you rather be a girl or a guy? A girl for sure, otherwise we'd have issues! 27. Who is the most spoiled person you know? My niece Addison! 28. Would you rather have a million dollars or true love? True love 29. Have you ever had sex in church? No. 30. Would you rather date someone 2 years younger or older? older 31. What's your favorite junk food? Ice Cream 33. Is your birthday on a holiday? My birthday is a holiday! But to other people, no. 34. Are you old enough to vote? Yes 35. Do you have any friends or family in the war right now? Nope 36. Are you a vegetarian? Heck no! 37. Do you worry about global warming? Not really 38. Seen shaun of the dead? Don't think I've even heard of it! 39. What song do you want played at your funeral? Something NOT depressing! 40. What's the best day in the world? Everyday that I have family and friends who I love and love me back.
  5. Wonderful review! You did an amazing job with your OOT bags and your organization. I can't wait to see the pro pics.
  6. Welcome Martin! I really enjoyed your engagement, by the way! nice work!
  7. When did I miss this development... Martin on the forum Welcome Martin!
  8. What I plan on doing is letting them pick out their own style of dress, with a few limitations, and offering to pay up to $150 of it. That way, if they choose a more expensive dress, they will have to pay the difference.
  9. Erica! That is so sweet of you! I'm sure your sister is going to LOVE it!
  10. Oh Tammy! You guys are so cute! I love the pictures and they were well worth the wait!
  11. Welcome to the site!
  12. prices for May of 2009 won't be out until around then in 2008. I would wait until about a year and then send them. As far as the at home reception goes, I think including an enclosure card in your actual invite with information on that would be the best idea.
  13. I say call her. it'd just be polite to let her know you won't be there Friday night, but you look forward to seeing her on her big day Saturday. You'll probably get her voicemail anyway.
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