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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. A picture huh... ok I will. Naturally I'm located at work right now, but I will tonight.
  2. Ah ha! You see my friend, there is not one single rod in my house. We did valances over the curtains. And to get the look that I wanted we simply mounted the valances and the curtains onto a 2x4 piece of wood. it worked great and I get compliments ALL the time. And nope, not a good sewer... just REALLY easy.
  3. I made all of my window treatments, so I'm not much help. All i know is that i got so frustrated with cookie cutter window coverings that I just gave up and made them all! It was SO much cheaper and now we have the 10 foot curtains that we wanted. Very nice.
  4. What about inviting them to the dance only? Then, if they want to come to wish you well they can... but your dinner and ceremony is still an intimate affair.
  5. Sadly I LOVE Costa Maya. I would have my wedding there if it wasn't in the middle of no where. My aviator is actually taken in Costa Maya. It's so beautiful and I just want to cry for all of the locals there since I've seen the housing, the bars, the hotels and there is no way that any of it could have survived a storm like this. I'm sure the only thing that remains is the cruise port which is the most non native thing there. So sad.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka Don't worry Tom will just want to hit the bedroom I was thinking the SAME thing!
  7. Thanks for posting Matt! I'm glad to see you are home safe and sound and I'm also glad that you were so knowledgable of the area for this poor bride! Nice work!
  8. I recommend some serious cardio or pilates and then accompany that with the weight watchers point system. make sure to drink all the required water... that should work.
  9. Oh, we got boxers off of a guy too... and we didn't notice until the next morning that they had all kinds of stains on them! Nasty!!!
  10. I do think Hawaii is too far away for a 4 day / 3 night trip. Since it's at least 8 hours in a plane, that's just too much time flying for such a short trip. I don't think eloping is a bad idea at all. As long as you and FI are happy, that's what's important.
  11. Yeah, we had to find a guy that had a nipple pierced. We never imagined we'd see the items pierced that we did! OUCH
  12. TATrisha


    Welcome! there is so much great information on this site, you'll love it!
  13. What a rip off! My sister was VERY embarrassed at first... but as she started to see the cash flow in she got over it! We couldn't believe how much money we made. And it actually came to the point of men giving me $10 to take a life saver off of my sister. I'm not sure why this was a big deal as she was wearing a baggy t-shirt... it's not like I was sucking it off of her. But, he $10 is $10! Oh, the nipple piercing sacavager item was fun too. Except men found it important to show us "other" piercings!
  14. Oh, the most fun item on the scavenger hunt was "find a man to serenade you." This guy started singing a song from Top Gun... THE WHOLE BAR JOINED IN!!! And we are talking a huge bar in downtown Milwaukee!
  15. What we did for my sister's bachelorette party which was a LOT of fun is we made a t-shirt for the scavanger hunt. She had to cross things off of her list as we went. We also stuck life savers (Suck for a buck) on the front of the shirt. We made $250, so it was awesome! We had such a great time!
  16. Maybe I'm just evil, but I would still have it in Mexico. I do like the marriage in the states idea, kind of... but I would go to Mexico. It's your wedding your dream and I'd hate for you to look back on it and want to change it. Although, you might do that either way. Ah, I am no help. Sorry.
  17. Welcome to the forum Rebecca! I'm actually about 20 minutes north of Milwaukee, so if you ever need anything just let me know!!
  18. Welcome! Argentina sounds amazing! How did you get engaged?
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