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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Alright, take two. So, I’m not telling the whole story. We did WAY too much stuff to talk about. It was amazing and I know it makes the story even better but I’m sure you don’t want to read a novel! All you need to know is that all weekend I didn’t know what we were doing. He’d tell me what to wear, how long I had to get ready, and what direction to walk. OK, Monday morning. We’re walking to an appointment he had scheduled. He got us a couple’s massage. SO sweet and it was awesome. Afterwards he led me to Central Park where we took a carriage ride. Very beautiful and our horse was cute! And the driver talked sports to Shawn the whole time so he was in heaven!!! Now to the fun part. We walk back to our hotel room. It’s 2:00. He tells me I need to be in my formal attire by 2:30. Alright, now is a great time to mention that apparently boys have NO idea what it takes to look pretty!!! So, I hop in the shower. I get out and put my makeup on (note: I don’t EVER wear makeup so didn’t go too well). Next, I go to do my hair (note: I never do my hair… so this didn’t go well either. Looking back at this I should have worn my hair down like I always do… but hind sight.). OK. So whatever. I’m in my dress and my high heels ready to go at 2:30. He tells me I don’t need to wear flip flops and bring a bag with change of shoes. So I figure we are going somewhere close or taking a taxi. WRONG!!!! We walked to Central Park. Once at Central Park we walked for 30 minutes until we arrived at the Bethesda Terrace. Alright ladies. Brand new heels, 30 minute walk (at a very fast pace), on rough terrain. You can imagine I was beginning to be a little bucky. So, we get to this fountain. I take a picture (funny story about that which will come at the end). It’s beautiful. Shawn wants to go down to the fountain for a better picture. Alright, large set of stairs… no railing… high heels… lots of walking… again, bucky. Anyway, we get to the fountain and it’s still just as beautiful as it was. I loved it. I was searching for fish when all of a sudden Shawn says he has to ask me something… down on one knee… blah blah blah (sorry sweetheart, but as you know I have NO idea what you said). All I know is at the end he asked me to marry him and I said yes and hugged him. As I was buried in his arms the crowd erupted into cheers. It was SO sweet! I lifted my head and opened my eyes and… AHHHHH!!!!. There is LEIGH MILLER taking my photo! Yup, that’s right ladies, Leigh. Shawn and her have been in cahoots this whole time! Sneaky devils! So, after I calmed down a little (that was two really large surprises all at once), I’m told we are taking engagement photos! I was SO excited and I really hope they turned out well. It was wonderful and perfect and everything I could have wanted and more. Not to mention I get to keep Shawn… and I have some beautiful bling! So, that’s my story. Of course, there are some post story stories. My feet were sore after 30 minutes of walking TO the fountain. Now, imagine walking another two hours while shooting photos. At the time I was tough and did it. NOW… not so tuff! My feet have about 5 blisters on them and each one is the size of a dollar coin. They are huge and hurt SO bad. I can’t walk actually. Well, I can, but it’s so funny that everyone at the airport was laughing quite hard this evening. Not good. But, worth it  Other story about the photo I took of the fountain. While waiting for my plane, I decided to scroll through my pictures. In the photo I took I can see Leigh! It’s hilarious. Obviously I would have had no idea it was her from so far away, but with her friend and knowing what she was wearing, you can now clearly see it is her. Very fun! So, that’s it! I am downloading pictures as I speak, but Leigh has promised to post some as soon as she can!! I hope it’s REALLY soon! I’m dying to see them as is my family!
  2. Yup, and now I just typed the whole thing... and my computer just erased it all!! STUPID STUPID STUPID. Please hold.
  3. Actually... I wasn't yet! I will do that now though. I just wanted to make you all squirm a little bit! But now I'll write up the story.
  4. Welcome to the forum Kim.
  5. I don't think so! I plan on just scheduling an updo ($65) and then putting it in myself. My sister had her's professionally put in and it fell out anyways! So, heck, for $35 I'll shove it in there myself!!!
  6. Side note: it's only $65 at my resort if you put the veil in yourself. Yeah, that's right $25 for a veil! Man, they sure do take advantage of brides!!
  7. Hi Cassondra! I would assume you could have seating for 75 people. The seating isn't inside of the gazebo, so I think you'd be fine. As for the per person charge. Yes, there is. There is a bar fee ($5 per person per hour) and then a food charge. Although it is an all inclusive, you are paying for the service and set up. I have heard wonderful things about the dinner that comes with the packages though, it's just not private.
  8. Ann, you are officially in my hair file too! It was just so beautiful!!
  9. Welcome, and YUP! It is the best site ever!!!
  10. Oh yeah, a bunch! here are some links to get you started. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ics-janet.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...cabo-surf.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...urf-hotel.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ng-review.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...rf-review.html
  11. Welcome! So you just got engaged? How did it happen
  12. That is awesome! Did you see the grooms socks in one of Sol's recent blogs? They are black and pink skulls. I totally thought of you when I saw them!
  13. Welcome and congratulations on your engagement! And, we love girly frilly wedding talk so let the fun begin!!!
  14. TATrisha


    Welcome! I can't wait to see your pictures! I don't think we've had a bride get married in Bermuda... or at least not lately! Thanks for joining.
  15. You know, the picture of you sticking your tongue out at us is just perfect for this entry. It's like you are saying "na na na na boo boo, you are old"
  16. I would say you'd only get a discount on facilities. Obviously each resort can make their own rules... but food typically costs the same, as does the help who makes and serves the food. People don't typically get paid less on weekdays (unless weekends are overtime). They discount facilities because making some money is better than no money.
  17. I think that it will be bridal enough once your hair is done and you have a boquet and that bridal glow that I've seen in everyone's pictures. I do have a sister and I know that I would seek her opinion in everything I do too... but I don't want my wedding to be like hers. I think a wedding is where you show of YOUR style (and your FI's). If you love it (and the price), buy it. Treat your sister to a massage with the money you saved and I'm sure she'll love it too
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