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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Very exciting... but I am slightly confused. When was the cutie pie born? Saturday... or Today?
  2. That's a very pretty choice, and you look SUPER happy in it, which is most important!
  3. Shawn and I really want to do Dirty Dancing... but I don't think I'll be able to pull it off. Last time he lifted me up over dry land I almost broke my neck!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Wisco4 Those are so great! You two are too cute! Now where and when is this DW We go to the travel agent on Friday to finalize, but it'll be at the Gran Bahia Principe Riviera Maya in April of 2008. Hopefully the 4th or the 12th!
  5. I plan on making them myself (rather simple) and spending around $200 for 200 of them including the $41 in postage.
  6. Hmmm... cheaper than the $200 sandals, but still pretty pricey!
  7. Hmmm... maybe these could be like the traveling starfish pin! They are adorable!!!
  8. I like the idea a bunch. I think that if you put labels on the DVDs it would be even better! If you could find someone who has a DVD engraver writer thingy that would be awesome! it basically etches into the dvd itself. it looks really neat. A lot of new computers come with it.
  9. Thanks so much everyone! I feel bad for Leigh, since I was laughing in basically every single picture! I was on cloud nine and there was NO holding it back!!! It's funny looking through them now and thinking about what we were saying to each other... and then I see the next picture where we are both cracking up... and I laugh. It was so amazing!!!!
  10. Ekkk! my pictures are done and I love them!!!! Check out Leigh's blog!!! Leigh Miller Photography EKEKEKK!!!!
  11. Well, it's been about 4 years since I was at disney in Cali... but it's fun. And the California theme park is right across the street. That one he'd like too! And, I think it's VERY sweet of you to do this!
  12. Oh yeah! Shawn laughs at me all the time because he catches me staring at it. And I make it seem like a disco ball in the car with all the reflections. I love my ring SO much!
  13. I love the letter! Is it ok if I borrow part of it? I think you did a wonderful job and captured a lot of the things I was trying to say!
  14. My sister did this. It was really cute. She took silver puffy paint and decorated them with stripes and poka dots to match her cake! It was super cute. Actually... now that I think about it I think she did blue and silver (her colors).
  15. When i had surgery I went swimming before I was supposed to. Yup, my incisions got infected. It stunk. But Mexico is beautiful and I'm sure you will find SO many other things to do! Just make sure that you don't do anything too stressful on your incisions!
  16. Good luck! That Maggie dress sure is beautiful! And I hate it when the stores won't tell me who the designer is. That's stupid!
  17. These save the dates look great! You should consider doing your own invites, I'm sure they'd turn out lovely!
  18. Very very nice Leigh! I can't wait to see my pictures! Eeek!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller thanks everyone for your kind comments. i will post more pics when they are done. im so happy for trish and shawn!!! just two wonderful people. and im not such a good secret keeper. i told ann WHAT! Ann!!! You knew about this! You little sneaksters!
  20. That is SOOOO funny! I have to remember that for if anyone around here gets lasik!
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