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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Why do the "plain janes get the guy with money?" Because plain janes typically don't go bragging about their looks which makes them appear even more beautiful. Not to mention, they probably have jobs and work hard. Why would anyone want to marry someone who can't even work hard enough to FIND a man? I mean, internet dating really works... but I'm not so sure about Craig's list.
  2. This is exactly what my baker wrote to me "Due to the humidity I am unable to do fondant, it just melts & falls off the cake, so I usually recommend buttercream"
  3. I am having my cake made by a baker in Akumal. She won't use fondant. It's too humid and the fondant won't stay on. It ruins cakes. I'm doing a cream cheese frosting instead of a buttercream.
  4. Dear Off Your Chest Thread; Is it sad that I find this thread so humorous and I love it? I would like to thank you for being created by the lovely Tammy to allow us all to explode in what seems to be a very funny way! And it really does help too! Thanks again!
  5. I'm glad you called her back. It had to have been hard enough to tell you she has to cut the budget... but then for you to get mad must have really hurt her. That's really very sweet of you to call her back and apoligize, even if she had hurt you too.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by naughie dear self, chocolate is not officially a food group. remember that. Well it should be!
  7. Yup, I'm paying in addition to the AI as well. I guess i felt like I didn't want my guests paying for the meal either... so I found a happy medium! An AI resort which will allow me to upgrade the dinner package! That way everyone's food and drink is covered for their whole vacation, but they still get something special for our wedding
  8. Dear self, Please start working instead of being on this forum before you lose your job! and honestly, would a little physical activity kill you? No! Get up!
  9. I printed mine at my work. They only charged me 15 cents a copy and that included the awesome cardstock. It was really nice of them!
  10. They weren't really that much work! I was surprised actually. Designing them took the longest because I had about 10 different options to choose from But then once i had them printed it took Shawn, myself, and my parents 2 hours to cut them all out (one by one by hand). that's it! I was really surprised!
  11. So I assume you used Photoshop or something like that to make all of your pages? It looks really beautiful! Nice work!
  12. I don't remember who... but the letter was borrowed from someone else! I thought she worded it perfectly!
  13. Welcome home! She looked beautiful in her dress! very nice! Too bad your battery died
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Wisco4 darn, I couldn't open this at work so I'll have to look when I get home. That's funny about the sheep! So how many guests are you inviting? We sent out 85 STDs which equals 211 guests! We are expecting/hoping 50 will come. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Wow, I hadn't heard that one - switching resorts. I actually didn't get much feedback at all after I sent out the STD's. But everyone knew for like 5 months that this is what we were doing, so I guess they wre prepared. Well, our resort is actually three resorts in one. They would like me to switch to a different one of the three... which will NOT happen. But, it would save them money so I understand why they'd bring it up.
  15. it's SUCH a relief! Except now I am dreading Wednesday! That’s the day everyone will receive them in the mail... and I anticipate a lot of not happy people! I also have had about 3 people ask me if I can switch our resort. And that was before it was officially announced via STD. So, I’m not looking forward to the responses too much!
  16. Finally I'm done with our STDs and they were mailed this morning! Thank goodness I mailed them from work, since they so kindly weighed them for me! they were over weight!!!!! I quickly ran to the post office and got extra stamps. Dang nabbit. Now instead of pretty flowers I have ugly sheep that look mean and they look like they are about to eat the flowers. BUT, they are done! Whoo hoo! I've attached the PDF of them, since I actually didn't take any pictures. I think they turned out nice. std BDW.pdf std Envelope BDW.pdf
  17. Yeah, I'm flat out lying! I plan on putting a very low number just incase they see a high number and feel the need to rip us off!
  18. O. I got an application AFTER that one. I've attached them for you. You are doing the dinner by the pool right? IMPORTANT INFORMATION.doc MARRIAGE APPLICATION.doc
  19. Well, I got engaged a month ago! And I've finally officially set the date with the Gran Bahia Akumal. DANG, they are difficult... but i don't care! Did you have to fill out the wedding application? Ours has income and stuff about debt/assets on it? Did you fill that out or leave it blank?
  20. Hmmm, I had to switch the time of my wedding too. SUPER SUCKY!
  21. I try not to think of it as being cheap... but trying to get the most bang for my buck! I actually have a rather large budget (or at least I feel it is... and my bank account feels it too!), but I'm still making things myself and cutting corners where I can. This way, I can do and offer more things for my guests!
  22. I was SOO scared to make my first post! First off, I wasn't engaged! I thought everyone would make fun of me and make me feel like a fool. BOY, was I wrong! Everyone was so welcoming and I really did appreciate it. I also was afraid to post because I was afraid people would find my information. And, although this is still possible, I am very careful with what I post.
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