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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. When requesting the samples from their website do it in the section where you can actually write in your request! Instead of $5 a piece you get them all for $5! (Thanks for the heads up on that!)
  2. I just want to let you know that I know how you feel! Except the only way I found out was when I mailed my TA my invite! She called and said her phone number was wrong! Great. I wonder how many of my guests call the wrong number!
  3. 1. Introduce yourself. Hi. I'm Trisha 2. It's Thursday at noon, where are you usually? In the salad bar line at work. 3. Who was the last person to send you a text message? My friend Shanna 4. When did you last take a shower? this morning 5. Accomplish anything fun yesterday? I completed step one for my invites! 6. What are you listening to right now? The sound of my finger nails on the keyboard. 7. Do you watch MTV anymore? Real World 8. How do you feel about your hair? SO FLAT! ugh. And thin. icky. 9. What time do you wake up for work? 7:14 10. What movie is in your DVD player? I get yelled at when i leave movies in the DVD player 11. Last two numbers of your phone number? 61 12. What side of the bed do you sleep on? When looking at it, or laying in it? When looking at it the right side. 13. Do you like roller coasters? Yes. 14. What magazine(s) do you buy regularly or subscribe to? None. 15. What month is your birthday in? January 16. How many people are under "contacts" in your cell phone? They don't have numbers, I'm not counting! I'd say 80 17. What do you think about gay marriage? I'm against it... but have no problem what so ever with gay couples, just not with marriage. 18. What do your pants look like? black 19. Who was/is your prom/homecoming date? Didn't go. 20. What is the worst part of your work day? Being here 21. Have you ever won anything in a sweepstakes? I wish! 22. What's your favorite number(s)? 7 23. What are your plans for Saturday? Shawn's football game, and then go shopping for his wedding attire. 24. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done with your cell phone? Besides being a klutz and dropping it, I don't do dumb things with a phone! 25. Did you ever have a fake ID? Nope 26. Are you a collector of anything? Picture frames. We get one from every place we travel. 27. Are you doing anything now? This quiz instead of work! 28. What age did you get your first boyfriend or girlfriend? 14 29. When was the last time you were up all night? Too long ago to remember! 30. Do you use a fake name to wait for tables at a restaurant or to order food? No 31. Do you ever think about the price of gasoline? No, I need to get where I'm going and when prices rise 50 cents that only costs me an extra 10 bucks. 32. Do you sleep with a fan on? Shawn makes us. 33. What is the best thing about winter? Snuggling by the fire watching TV 34. Do you have an AIM screen name? No. 35. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? When i wore a bra in first grade and whipped it out to show the class. Sadly my teacher ended up being my highschool friend's mom... who then told everyone about my incident. 36. I've come to realize the last person who held my hand is... the cutest niece in the world! 37. The closest blue thing to me is... Calculator 38. I am ... bored. 39. My best friends... better pick a cute dress Sunday 40. My car is... scratched! A naughty word hit my car, rubbed it just to make sure that she left a huge scratch and dent... then she got back in her car and left! UGH! 41. I hate when people.... make noises. 42. Love is... amazing. 43. Marriage is... less than six months away. 44. Somewhere, someone is thinking... is it 4:00 yet? 45. I'm constantly... on the BDW instead of working! 46. I have a secret crush on .. oooo, tough one. Nobody right now. 47. My cell phone.. is old. 48. When I woke up this morning... I was really sleepy 49. Before I went to bed last night I... finished watching Law and Order:SVU and then said I love you. 50. Right now I am thinking about.... how to answer this question! 51. I get on BDW to... get inspired 52. Today I will... finish my homework!!!! 53. Tonight I will... pick out playground equipment for our new neighborhood park! 54. Tomorrow I will... go to school 55. I really want... to take a nap!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Ok for vista print do I do one full sized version or do I do my 4 mock up lilke my sample up top and send that as pdf. I feel so dumb. You will do one full sized version. I recommend doing this in Photoshop. If you'd like I can size it for you, just PM me.
  5. What about white flowers? Cala lilies, white roses, orchids
  6. I recommend vistaprint. If you follow this link it should give you 100 FREE plus FREE upload and a FREE black and white backside. All in all it'll cost you about $5. VistaPrint - Business Cards - Full Color Printing - Digital Printing Company | VistaPrint
  7. I also did the rectangle round edged business! And I grouped things A LOT! It made it so much easier. But, you can still change the text after it's grouped.
  8. Alright. Currently I have 12 people interested in ordering after Christmas (sorry January girls). And from the five people that listed counts we already have at least 91 that will be ordered. And since over half of us didn't say how many we need, I think we will be fine at hitting 200! I will keep a spreadsheet. After Christmas I will revive this thread and PM those who have already said they'd be interested and we'll get official counts and start negotiating with the company. Does that sound OK with everyone?
  9. Wow, it's getting so close! And Donnie is so cute! He really seems to be a very helpful groom!
  10. I just got my order too! I have yet to open it... but I was happy that I got it somewhat quickly.
  11. I actually cut all of mine out by hand. I had originally had them cut at the printer, but they weren't precise enough (printers feed every piece of paper differently) so we cut them all by hand. It actually only took two hours and looked a LOT nicer.
  12. If you go onto the Stampin' Up website you can find a consultant near you. You simply contact them and order it. I love their products!
  13. Maria... you rule. Seriously. I'm not sure why I EVER send out anything without asking you to read it first!
  14. Interesting! In that case I recommend the Stampin' Up! Cutter Kit. It includes a perforating tool. It's $16.95
  15. So, it will be an 8 1/2 x 11 or will it be cut out into boarding pass shape? How many actual boarding passes will you have? I recommend that you buy a perforator (cheap) and you simply score the pass just like they do for real boarding passes. Then they keep the small part for their records and rip off the RSVP section and send it back.
  16. Oh Christa, that REALLY sucks! I'm so sorry that these things always happen at the wrong time. I sure hope you are still able to secure a mortgage.
  17. I would like a few I won't know until after Christmas how many I need but I notice your weddings are all after mine. Would you guys be OK with that?
  18. Happy birthday! Dang, you are really busy! The good news is that you don't have to sit around twiddling your thumbs waiting for your wedding! It'll be here in no time!
  19. I don't know anything about that site, but I tried that dress on at a local store (or one VERY similar to it). I actually tried it on as a joke because my FI loves my tummy and my bridesmaids thought it'd be funny. I actually LOVED it! They did too. It was really beautiful and fit perfectly. The only problem was that it was REALLY heavy and I couldn't handle it in the heat. But, it's a beautiful dress!!
  20. That sounds like such a great time! I hope you got some great pictures, and I hope we get to see them!!!
  21. i ended up getting a portfolio building package too! Different photographer though! he's from Seattle (and possibly his wife... but she's due in November and isn't sure if she's coming yet). Anyway, for just over $2,000 they will be staying with us for four nights and photographing everything! I'm SOOO excited!
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