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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Welcome! You are getting married ONE day before me! how exciting!!
  2. Hm, I see the walking out song as having to be a fun upbeat song. Something Rascal Flatts like maybe? With that said your wedding is coming up so fast! Are you excited Could you bring me back a bunch of pictures and advice?!?!?!
  3. I actually am having my reception by the pool instead of the reception which is included. Because of that I'd like her to e-mail me back confirming! I'm really nervous I'll get down there and she would have given away the reception site! Ah well I guess.
  5. Have a wonderful birthday Tammy! I hope you get a cute "Happy Birthday Mommy" present
  6. Actually... I haven't gotten ANY planning done! It's VERY frustrating! Irma sent me an e-mail as well, but the coordinator doesn't respond! I don't know if my wedding is still too far out for her to care about me or what... but it's annoying!
  7. Hi Carrie! I'm getting married at the Gran Bahia too! Have you been in contact with the WC? Mine won't e-mail me back! It's ridiculous!
  8. Sarah, could you be any more crafty? I mean, dang! Those are going to be super cute!
  9. Yup... and out of 85 invites I think I have had 4! Stupid. I asked that they RSVP on our website, with an e-mail, telephone call, or in person. I give them all these options and what do I get in return... NOTHING! UGH. Because of this I have decided to send my invites out a month earlier requiring a firm RSVP.
  10. Congratulations!!! I need to convince Shawn to get one, but it seems hopeless!
  11. Great review, and my girls are wearing those bridesmaid dresses too! Different color though! How fun!
  12. I checked the rates for my resort on Locogringo. They typically will post the months and the rates that correspond. By looking at that I saw that March 24th was when the rates dropped for 08. It was April 9 in 07. Meaning it corresponds with Easter. Easter 2009 is Sunday April 12th. Hope that helps! Oh, and I wouldn't FIRMLY set a date until you book it with the resort. I had to switch my date.
  13. Wow Tammy. You are such an amazing person! A little crazy... but amazing.
  14. I LOVE that dress! I'm sure it'll be gorgeous!! How exciting!
  15. Happy birthday! And I love your birthday morning activites! SO cute!
  16. Dear trick or treaters... I understand the insane NEED for candy... but please SAY TRICK OR TREAT! And then follow it with a THANK YOU!! Is it that difficult? I don't think so! Brats! Dear trick or treat little girl with her little brother, OK, you are now my favorite little girl in our neighborhood. Her brother is apparently alergic to nuts. So at our door she told me this. I had already given him a piece and he had walked away. She ran over to him and emptied out his VERY empty bag. She found my candy bar and returned it to me. I traded for a sucker. She could have just stolen the candy and put it in her bag, but no. She looked out for her little brother and returned the candy. Such a sweet big sister!
  17. I will be using Please Sea if you can respond... ____ You beach ya we'll be there! ____ Sorry, must wave your invitation.
  18. I'm glad you liked dress shopping more this time. It probably wasn't nearly as stressful. And I LOVE the last dress. It's very pretty. Stinks they had it in such a small size though.
  19. I have to share my instance of this yesterday. So, I was driving my three other co-workers back to work after our lunch break. We somehow started talking about eating squid. I hate it. So I proceeded to say "I hate how I can feel their testicles in my mouth." I didn't realize what I was saying until they were laughing so hard I thought I was going to have a puddle to clean up. Dang it. Think, then speak. TENTICLES!
  20. Sucky experience! Have a great time with Angela and Matt! If you meet Angela's mom tell her Trisha says hello!!
  21. The topic of posting the BD pictures online came up with Shawn and I during the last American Idol season. If you recall, there were "porn" photos floating around of one of the contestants. Alright, I looked at them. To me, they were BD photos. She was covered in all of them... but it was very BD like. For instance, one was her standing in a fountain in a fitted white long t-shirt. Clearly covered, but... well, you know. I actually thought most of them were very similar to what I've seen on here. Anyway, long story made not so short if people dig hard enough they can find any photos you post on-line and make up any story they want to go behind them. Just a word of warning.
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