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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. I was not going to send RSVP's either... until I found out people were booking with other travel agents and NOT telling me!!!! Plus, some people might be waiting for the last minute to get a good deal but are 100% planning on coming. Just my opinion.
  2. It's funny that this was bumped because I was just going to remind everyone and let our new brides know this deal was happening. Within the first couple weeks of January we will be getting together a bulk order of Pashminas for whoever is interested. Currently I have a count of 149... but many people (including myself) haven't decided on a number yet. So, if you are interested and haven't responded to this post yet let me know! I will remind everyone in January who responds to get their official numbers together and their colors. Sound good? Oh, and Georgiabeauty, when is your wedding date
  3. How fun! I LOVE that I have photos of our engagement. It's really nice to be able to share that moment with my family. Although, I'm not too keen on my reaction to finding a camera in my face I still love your engagement story and I think it's even better that your dad snuck some photos
  4. If you are worried about the long car ride and the multiple stops along the way, I would suggest CancunValet. They are VERY highly recommended and it's a private transfer which should cut down on time.
  5. Yeah, I would go with the hobbit. Now, if for some reason the hobbit can't be found or starts to utter odd phrases, I would say keep it in a very safe place at your house.
  6. I'm partial too, since it's what I'm using... but the last one. But, then again, if we are all using it perhaps you should use one of the other ones. Do any of them have special meaning to you guys?
  7. I was just going to use the one the bridal shop gave me until I watched one of the latest episodes of Married Away! AH! Her dress got torn on the plane! It went right through the bag and through her dress! I had a panic attack and I'm now in a search to find a thicker one!
  8. I would proceed with caution. I always feel better when it's listed in a legit magazine, but I still would REALLY think about it.
  9. Here is a site where they are slightly cheaper... plus you get 12 per unit purchased. Miles of Memories Suitcase Favor Tins
  10. I hope you have a wonderful wedding day! Please hurry back with photos!
  11. I know I'm a little late on the subject, but in regards to the whales... yup, they make it easier to get in the water... but almost every wedding picture I've seen has them in the background. That would be something to consider.
  12. tlseege - April 11, 2008 - Akumal Brandi K - April 16, 2008 - Tulum CarrieRD - Nov 7, 2008 - Coba
  13. ooo, I like that idea best!!! Since your wedding is in Mexico that would make a HUGE difference in the lives of some children!
  14. That is So exciting! Aren't you glad you did them? I'm sure your FI will love them!!
  15. THIS KODAK CODE IS MAKING ME MAD!!! IT works for some people... but not for others! WHAT THE HECK!!!! For example... it worked lovely for me, but when my sister tried it it's coming up as invalid. So I tried it on my other kodak account and it says it's invalid! UGH.
  16. I have NO idea how to go about it... but I would guess you could contact a local high school and ask them? Or a college. But I think a local high school would probably be best.
  17. I agree with Angela. They will get trashed no matter what, it's the awe of getting a box in the first place and then opening it up that will impress them. Don't worry, just seal the white box and send it.
  18. Trisha, I'm really glad that you took the time to really stop and think about what you were doing. And I'm also really happy for you that your future husband has been SO supportive of you. I hope everything works out for the best, and we are here for you!
  19. I really think you should do something with a photo from graduation. And a REALLY nice thank you note. That's SO sweet of them!
  20. Oh Jaime! You just have no luck when it comes to traveling to mexico! i hope you feel better in five days, 15 hours, 57 minutes and 49 seconds
  21. Honestly, and I'm sorry for being honest... but that's CRAP! I can't believe your parents are asking this of you! I look forward to marrying the man of my dreams and getting his name. Yes, I am VERY sad to loose my name, but finally I will have a family name. Our children will have that name and possibly their children. Do you really think your parents wouldn't go Are they just saying that to try and get their way?
  22. I've had this problem already. I would say a list with Tammy is a good idea, but it might make for some really hurt feelings if they go to book with friends and a few are on the list and a few aren't. But, tuff luck! I actually caught wind of people inviting themselves (actually my aunt inviting her friends) and I just had my father call and explain that it's a very small intimate wedding for OUR closest family and friends.
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