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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. I would be very worried about those jewels catching on your dress. I would also be very worried about spending that much money one a pair of shoes that you won't wear very often. But, with that said... they are SUPER cute!!! I would personally just use that money on other details of the wedding.
  2. Only my FI will be wearing a suit (well, and my dad). I have decided that Shawn will be the only one wearing a bout. My dad has a tie instead. And then the boys will just be wearing white shirts and I don't think a bout would stay nicely on the shirts... not to mention that's just more I have to pay for. And since they'd be pink roses I think the boys are happy not to wear them
  3. Those look awesome Carrie! Good buy! Your guests will love them! And I think they'll really like that the logo is so little. When I ordered mine (this morning) I actually didn't put our names or dates on them so that people could reuse them without it being weird. I think a small logo like that would have been perfect for me though. Dang it!
  4. I am having my reception pool side... and yup you have to pay per person ($46 for the meal plus bar service). And I have also heard that it's plastic dishes. I really don't mind. I just like the idea of it being by the pool!
  5. This thread is perfect timing! I just ordered this morning!!! I also asked for a proof and am very nervous about my logo! I hope they send me one!!!! As for coupons... why yes they have one right now! Sad thing is that it expires after tomorrow! Type in Holidays and you get an additional 10% off plus free shipping on most items. I have been on their e-mail list for quite some time and this was the very first coupon code I have ever been sent! I hope that I ordered everything correctly and I get my mugs quickly
  6. How much time to allow for getting hair done Bridal Hair takes two hours, regular hair takes one and a half hours, and make up takes thirty minutes.
  7. OK, Christmas is over... POST THOSE PICTURES!!!! I really haven't seen any pictures of the flowers that are offered!
  8. That is VERY exciting! Congratulations and thanks so much for sharing!!!
  9. Oh my goodness! Those are wonderful!!! I love the one with you and the girls facing the ocean with your backs to the camera. And the one of your husband holding the girls. Both of those are my favorites!
  10. Sorry! My cat is the exact same way! It's driving my mother crazy!!! She's 21 years old and all she does is CRY! My mother has VERY impure thoughts about her. I guess I would suggest just trying to think of the good things, like she she snuggles with you WITHOUT licking!!
  11. First off. Welcome!! Second, don't worry about planning so late in the game. The WC for Akumal won't even talk to you until you are three months out. Don't stress about it too much. I started panicing at the beginning of this process because I am quite the planner. I have learned to relax and go with the flow. She is a great coordinator and a lot of people love their weddings there so I'm sure it'll be wonderful! What day do you arrive at the resort? I leave on the 14th, so I doubt you'll be there already... but maybe!
  12. WOW! These are really nice! I don't think anyone will be able to tell you were on a budget!
  13. Alright, so I am ordering my insulated mugs for the wedding. I can't decide what to write on them!!! I was thinking... "VIVA MEXICO! April 2008" But, I don't really know what Viva means or if it's fitting I just know I say it all the time! Anyone have any really cute or clever ideas?
  14. I don't have her e-mail, but I didn't have my coordinators correct e-mail either. I e-mailed Pulma or whatever her name is. It's the one that's listed on the wedding brochures. I simply e-mailed her and asked for the Akumal's coordinator's e-mail. I'm sure you could do the same.
  15. I love the first dress. I looked at the third dress at David's for my girls, but I didn't like it in person as much as I did on-line.
  16. I always get my envelopes from actionenvelope.com. They have pretty good prices and beautiful envelopes. Problem is that most magnets are smaller than the required size for postage. I would say attach them to a peace of cardstock.
  17. It is SOOO fun! I got it Sunday night and Shawn and I had a 3 hour dance marathon! Then Monday morning we played for another hour!! I now have a cramp in my leg
  18. We are doing 7 days. Most of it is prior to the wedding so that we can square away everything to make it legal.
  19. I got Dance, Dance Revolution for the Wii... that's awesome! Well, except that with all the jumping around our Christmas tree is about to fall over!!! And then I got a bunch of really awesome stuff for the wedding (like Bride tank tops and stuff that I wouldn't spend the money on, but really wanted ) I also got a really nice printer from my parents. That's SO nice because currently I print everything at their house and it's really inconvienient. All in all it's been a wonderful Christmas!
  20. You should post your Tulum Ruin pictures! All we've seen is the one in your signature and I'm very excited to see more of your work!
  21. I am sending them, but instead of an RSVP I am writing a personalized note which expresses my sadness that they won't be able to make it, but that I completely understand and we will be thinking of them on our day.
  22. Which part of Mexico? Is Cabo OK? If so, the Cabo Surf Hotel is a great hotel that you can rent out... but I'm not sure if 200 people will fit?
  23. WOW! Those pictures are awesome and your reception looks like SO much fun!!! You must have had a wonderful time
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