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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. I plan on having a guest read it. I'm too nervous that the officiant will screw it up with broken up English or something like that. I'd like people to be able to understand it!
  2. I'm sorry for those of you who are sick of seeing this topic! BUT, we are placing our order as soon as everyone gets their money to Carly via PAYPAL. FRIDAY THE 18TH IS THE DEADLINE!!! Everyone who confirmed their order SHOULD have received and e-mail or a PM. Please let me know ASAP if you DID NOT and you are ordering. In regards to the out of stock pashminas... Turquoise and the light shade of orange... I am in contact with the company. They will have them back in stock. No worries. OK, hopefully I'm done now Sorry again!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva First of all.. I think most of us saw "better" dresses while waiting for our dresses to come in. (Not me because I bought a sample on ebay) but seriously they want a bride to wait MONTHS for a dress they love but can't try on again, but they can see other brides excited about their dresses in!! Do you have pictures of you in your dress.. It really took me looking at me in those first pics to remember how happy I was in my dress... don't second guess your feelings of love.. Sadly, I did take pictures of me in the dress... and I hate them. I think I look awful. I think that's part of the problem here is that I have those photos on my mind where I think I look like crap and then it's not coming in, it's just making me feel horrible about this stupid dress. I HATE WEDDINGS! Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 What's the shop going to do if you just never pick up your dress?? I am assuming you still owe at least part of the money for the dress, I know I only paid half up front. So you could fight them for a refund because your wedding is coming up soon and you need your dress, but if they said no, then you're only out half the money and you could just not pick it up. I know that probably sounds horrible, but if you don't want to have to spend more money on it this would solve the problem This shop has very strict guidelines. If I don't pay the balance of my dress and pick it up they charge you $10 a month. Lovely. I'm just so confused. I don't know what to do and now I'm losing sleep over it. This is stupid.
  4. I actually think these aren't lame at all. I think they are very nice! If you do those few changes you mentioned they will be awesome!
  5. I think these are awesome! I think your guests will love the cute picture of you guys too!
  6. Oh yeah... I forgot to mention. On my receipt for the first dress it says. NO REFUNDS, NO RETURNS, NO CANCELLATIONS. In other words, I will have to pay the full amount no matter what. I'm beginning to think maybe I could use that dress as my TTD dress... but spending $600 on a TTD dress doesn't always sit well in my stomach!
  7. I vote brown sandals or barefoot. I don't think brown dress shoes would look good.
  8. These are so cute! Your guests are going to LOVE them!!! It makes me excited to get my cups on Tuesday!
  9. No picks of either dress. The first dress is similar to this one (NOT the same though) The second dress is KIND of similar to Maggie's Anastasia... but not really. I'm trying to find that one online right now but it's not working!
  10. Oh goodness, what a day this has been. So, I ordered my wedding dress in early September. It has been 18 weeks and still no sign of my dress. So, I start to panic a little bit. Well, last week I decided to call the dress store and see what was up. Nobody answered. I called probably 20 times (throughout the whole week) and nobody answered. I also left a message (only one... I'm not THAT much of a Brizezilla!). And nobody returned my message. So, naturally I start to freak out big time. The store I bought my dress from was shady to begin with and now I'm just about to have a heart attack. Today, my bridesmaids and I went to pick up the bridesmaid dresses. Everything went lovely and the dresses all worked out great. But as I was waiting for one of my maids to get there I see this dress sitting on a rack. It's BEAUTIFUL and immediately I start to sweat and have this awful feeling in my stomach. Well, after an hour of staring at that dress I finally decided to try it on (with the horror music from my other dress not coming in playing in the background). Well, yeah, I love it. I mean, LOVE it. It's a brand new dress. The store just got it yesterday. And I'm a huge baby so I broke down into tears. The lady asked what was wrong and when I told her all about it she felt so bad. Especially because there is NO way they could order this dress in time for my wedding. Well then the owner sees what's going on. She offered me the dress, the sample that she just got YESTERDAY! Now I just don't know what to do. I actually WENT to the other dress store to see what was up. That didn't help much. She said she called the company last week and they said they'd get back to her this week (why it takes a week who knows!!!). Then she says "you just have to be patient. This company is a 10-16 week company." I fired back with, "It's been 18." I just don't know what to do anymore. I love the second dress, and I don't know anymore about the first dress. It's been so long since I've tried it on and trying it on in the store is pointless because it's 8 sizes to big for me so you can't tell anyways! UGHHHH. So, I might become a two dress bride in the snap of the fingers. Dang. There went being under budget Sorry that was long and rantful, but it's been a VERY stressful day and I just needed to get it out there. The end.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz Do you have a pic of these? Where did you order from? TIA!!! We got them from OTC. They were REALLY cheap... but they are REALLY small! One inch I'd say. But, they close very nicely and i think it'll work perfect. Our resort has REAL keys for both the doors and the safe... so I think it'll be a good idea to have these. Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 When did you buy the spanish phrase books from Target and were they in the book/entertainment section? $1 each, you can't beat that! We bought the Spanish phrases book on Tuesday. They were in the dollar section. They are so cute! Small, about 3 x 5 maybe?
  12. I have the Canon SD500 but I WANT the 1000!!! It's an amazing camera and Super fast! And I agree... the underwater attachments are AWESOME!!!!!
  13. Yup, I was just there two years ago. It's BEAUTIFUL! But it is VERY poor. It will break your heart to see the children out selling items. The cutest child I have ever seen was standing behind our van by himself. I walked up to him and offered him my tootsie roll that I was about to eat. I've never seen such pure excitement on a child's face before. If you are going for diving... it's amazing! Well, as long as the weather is nice. We went snorkeling during a storm and it was AWFUL! Since it's all mountainous the rain water washes mud into the sea making it impossible to see anything for quite some time. But, if you are diving you'll probably go out a lot further than I did. Oh, and expect to see a lot of machine guns! There are guards standing with them everywhere!
  14. Oh I LOVE American Idol! The only problem is Tuesday is a popular TV night which means that I won't be able to watch Biggest Loser (DVR only tapes two shows and One Tree Hill will always win!)
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl Did you use a corner punch for the slits or did you measure and hand cut? They look so awesome! Plus it doesn't hurt that you and I have two of the same colors! I LOVE the aruba and espresso together! You totally inspired me. That's it. I'm doing my own! Maybe none of your guests will apprecitate your hard work, but all of us on BDW will!! Thanks! It's a corner punch that Stampin' Up Sells. All I had to do was slide the corner of the paper all the way in and punch! No measuring at all
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jnowlan I would like to get two but my wedding is Feb 25th and we are leaving Feb 22nd would I have them buy then? SURE! I e-mailed you an idea of how we can do this. Since you only want two I don't think it'll be a problem... we can at least try! Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Thats great! Can you let me know what the cutoff date is? I'm trying to figure out if I'd like to join in. The cutoff date is Monday. I will need all orders by Monday the 14th of January
  17. You actually spray it on before your makeup (before ANY of your makeup) and then once EVERYTHING is complete. It's really nice!
  18. Yup, I ordered one for myself a while back. I really like it! It's cute and doesn't wash off. And so I ordered one for mom & dad with seperate orders. I'm about to order one for the best man too. As for the groom, that will be a GAME OVER t-shirt!
  19. Alright, I had budgeted $600 for 50 bags, but since our guest list is MUCH smaller than anticipated it's only around $350. I have travel mugs - $170 for 36 Playing cards - $7.95/12 Suntan lotion - $1 a piece Lipbalm with 15spf - $.50 each Gum - 10/$2.00 Shout wipes - $1 each Gold Bond - $1 each First aide - $1 each Off wipes - 12/$5.00 Spanish Phrases Book - Target - $1 Candy bracelets (Shawn's favorite) - $1.99/12 Imodium AD packets - haven't bought yet Carabeners to carry room keys - 48/$13.00 Beach balls - 12/$7.95 Children's beach pails - 12/$12
  20. Welcome fellow GBP bride! It's very exciting to see more and more people from my resort... it used to be quite lonely!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by sarah1108 Hi, I just joined this forum, getting married at the same place in Nov '08! I am assigned to Yuritzia too, and I can't seem to get her to reply to my emails for the life of me! Let me know if you somehow get her to... maybe we'll gang up on her! Kidding of course Sarah Hi Sarah! Yuritzia will not reply to you until about 3-4 months prior to your wedding. After you reserve your date and fill out the paperwork it's basically just a waiting game. She has way too many weddings to deal with everyone a year in advance. It drove me NUTS... but I do understand. So, I waited and sure enough, with 3 1/2 months to go she started e-mailing me. I get an e-mail about once a week now. So, if you have any questions, just let us know and hopefully we can answer them for you
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