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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. That is correct. However the resort is also a lot cheaper than many other resorts, so remember to take that into account.
  2. Yeah, the big difference is that we ate dinner by the pool. That's why it's per person regardless. I think a lot of people just have their dancing reception by the pool.
  3. It is definitely extra for the poolside reception. I paid $46 per person. That included a bar and food by the pool. The DJ was $150 an hour at the time, but I think that price has gone up significantly. I paid $35,000 for my wedding, but I upgraded a lot of stuff and paid for the airfare and outfits and gifts for all of our 8 attendants... So you could definitely do it for 15.
  4. April and May are CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY busy for weddings. They'll get back to you, but it'll definitely take a long time.
  5. It'll really depends on your photographer and their style. Plus the time of day and time of year. We tend to walk everywhere but we stick to one property mostly. In November it shouldn't be too hot either, so you shouldn't have a problem. There are SO many amazing places to take photos, and many of them hidden in service halls. Your photographer will have a wonderful time scouting out the area and getting prepared for your big day
  6. I will warn you about beach pictures on your wedding day... it's extremely crowded. That's why I love to do a day after session on a MUCH more beautiful and secluded beach. It's just crazy on the wedding day. So a few engagement pictures on the beach might not be that bad. I tend to do wedding day pictures on the beach (very few), then around the resort, then around the hacienda. That way you get a good variety and you don't have the fat man in the speedo behind you in all your pictures. Why fat men in speedos think it's funny to photo bomb somebody's wedding pictures is beyond me... but they do!
  7. That's sweet of you to say! Thanks! I would do engagement pictures in Akumal. Near the bay and the Turtle Bay Cafe. It's not as touristy as the Playa area, but I think you'd be happy with it.
  8. Katryne... that made me spit out my water. You're awesome. It'll go great! I forget, do you know what you're having?? Legal ceremony. It's done in Spanish. It will be translated into English. You can add sand ceremony/personal vows/etc at the end. It's very short. I thought I had the script somewhere on my computer, but I can't find it. It might be in the official thread. As for the symbolic ceremony... I suck. Sorry! I've heard it twice now, but both times I was too busy taking pictures to actually listen to what they said. The pictures rock though, so there's that, right?!!??
  9. AHH! That's so exciting and will be such a fun time!! How many guests are you having?
  10. You can do either, but I will warn you that they WILL be in your pictures if you have them there and I'm not sure the five free is worth it.
  11. The difference that I see is in the processing. Dean has beautiful images, but some of his images on his website have slightly more of a vintage feel to them. He embraces the "grain" in photos. BUT, it depends. If you look in his galleries, they seem to be crisp and clean edited photos. Gonzalo's images are very bright and the color really pops. Sometimes a little too enhanced, but mostly they are crisp clean images. If Dean's current work (his blog is giving me an error) is all the crip and clean images with out the vintage look to them that I see on the splash page of his website, then I'd choose him. But I just don't know that.
  12. Canada05, thank you for your review! I have posted it on page two of this thread so other brides can find it easily. Sorry the photographer was so awful, but I'm glad you had a backup plan. Congratulations!!
  13. Emma, Dean & Gonzalo are both great, I think. They have slightly different feels to their wedding images. My personal style gravitates more towards Gonzalo, but I don't think you could go wrong either way.
  14. Morning! On this forum we try our hardest to keep like resort talk together in one place. Then it's easier for future brides to find what they are looking for and you'll get more answers to your questions. The Official Now Jade thread has tons of valuable information and if you look at the bridal roll call, we already have a few May brides (more will be coming in the next couple months).
  15. They definitely allow you to use mugs. In fact, most everyone will have them. If you're going to give those to your guests, another great out of town bag gift idea is a tiny little bottle of dish soap. That way they can wash them out at the end of the day and they won't be sticky for their morning coffee
  16. Congratulations!!! I have added you to the bridal roll call.
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