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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Ok, those are adorable! I'm kind of a dork though. Are the individual bagies of pills going to be OK through customs? Or are you going to divy them up once you are down there?
  2. TATrisha


    Welcome to the group Kate! you will love it here! Do some searching around and you'll find SO many great ideas for a destination wedding! Best of luck!
  3. Yeah, they have all kinds of tricks. There is the cash back... there is the "click here to finish your order" on the very last page. But... if you just scroll until you find that you'll miss the section where by clicking on that you are agreeing to a subscription. Their site has A LOT of things like that. It's how they can charge such cheap prices
  4. Oh. My. Goodness Rachel! That lady is NUTS!!! Who would say that?
  5. what color linens are you thinking? Perhaps it'd be cheaper to buy them on clearance from Target or something rather then renting them? And then you can donate them to a retirement home or something when you get home.
  6. OK... now, this has NOTHING to do with the veil, but I have this idea that I really wanted to do... however my family didn't cooperate! So, what I wanted to do was take the hem of either my mom's, grandma's, or Shawn's grandma's dress (all three of these ladies have been married at least 30+ years if not 50! so I figure it must be good luck). I wanted to take the hem of their dress and cut it about three inches wide. I was then going to take that and wrap it around my bridal bouquet. Like this... p.s. My family didn't behave because none of them have the outfit they wore for their weddings! Dang nabbit! All my good ideas go to waste!
  7. I went through this same problem... sports bottle or travel mug. I ended up with the travel mug after ordering a bunch of sports bottle samples. The main reason was the insulation. But then after that: a handle for easier drinking and carrying around, large opening for ice (some sports bottles make a huge mess!), easy to drink out of (the squirt top just doesn't work well for margaritas), and the travel mugs were slightly cheaper! Hope that helps!
  8. I know this really sucks, but like the other ladies have said... it's really only important to you. Her church is equal to your wedding. She probably wonders why all you want to do or talk about is your wedding. Just like all she's interested in spending her time doing is in regards to the church. We don't always understand everyone's priorities, but we all have them. Hers = church, yours = wedding. But it sounds like you are starting to feel better about it and are getting excited that she's at least going to DB with you. That's a good thing. You will have a wonderful time!
  9. Yeah, I was very optimistic when she e-mailed me at the very beginning of January! I thought "alright, here we go!" But then the e-mails STOPPED! i did get enough out of here that I'm satisfied with the most important portion of my wedding (the private reception). However, I had a lot of other questions. Given that I can do most of the stuff when I get down there so it's not TOO important that she answers my questions... but it'd be nice to know she cares!
  10. I feel ya! RSVP woes especially! We have 20 invites which have not RSVPd yet. HONESTLY! It's Mexico! You should know DARN well if you are coming or not! It makes me SO mad that people think that just because it's a destination wedding the usual common graces don't apply!
  11. Yup!!! I got a skinnier version of Shawn's! I'm so excited about it! Well, and I got it without diamonds (it's my second wedding band to wear when I can't wear my diamonds).
  12. Wow Leigh! WW is really working wonderfully for you! I'm not really sure where you found the extra 15 pounds to lose or where you will find another 10... but it's awesome that you did! You must feel great!
  13. Even though you have joint custody you still need to have a notarized note from her father. In fact, you can still be married and you need that note. A friend of ours was going to bring her baby down a few days earlier than her husband could fly down... and she'd need the permission in order to board the plane. Interesting, but definitely something you need to look into.
  14. I actually made my own since i didn't want to pay $15 for it (I know, I'm cheap). So I ordered it on Vistaprint and only paid $4 shipping.
  15. You know, that's a very difficult situation to be in. I'm really sorry. But, and I appoligize because this probably doesn't help at all... but you need to get a notarized note from her father to take her out of the country. If you don't have a good relationship would he even be willing to grant you that permission?
  16. Ick. I mean, we all have issues with people not coming who say they will... but when you PAY a deposit for them, that's different. Man, this SUCKS! Completely. I would recommend the smacking method. Why do people not understand that although it's not in our home town a destination wedding is still a wedding and requires just as much, if not more, planning! Honestly! It's not free for us either people!!!
  17. Oh fun! I love your bridesmaid dresses and your ceremony decorations!! Oh, and your guest book, and your dress.... OK, I love it all! It looks great!!!
  18. How expensive were they? If really expensive, then NO. If not, then it might be a nice gesture.
  19. What about having them wear simple black dresses? Or brown? Kind of like how ushers and usherettes where black. It signifies they are part of the wedding and will have a uniformed look. Plus maybe get them a corsage or something??
  20. I would tell her that it's her responsibility for sure! If she wants to break the committment, which is basically an oral contract, she will have to pay the penalties! Which, in this case is the $300 for Angie. It's just plain rude otherwise.
  21. I would say relax a little. It's a year away, and although it's number one top thing on your radar, and $200 and a committment doesn't seem like a lot for you, it really is. I would say that people will probably book closer to September for your wedding. That way they know for sure if they will have the money. Some people just aren't good at saving. I wouldn't hound them just yet.
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