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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. My aunt is making my flower toddler dresses, and they are turning out SO cute! We had a "fitting" today with the two babies. Both girls loved them... but one is too short, so we have to hem the bottom some more. We'll also be adding a sash from the bridesmaid dress material around the waist which is a chocolate brown. So, since you guys love pictures... enjoy! This is little Josie! and this is my niece Addison!
  2. FYI, shipping is expensive to Canada. A shipment of 20 pashminas is around $25 US. However, I really urge you to think a little bit longer about ordering from this company. Right now, they have $100 and are holding it hostage from us! They no longer answer phone calls or e-mails and really... it's terrible customer service. I would suggest you go to Chinatown instead and get them for the same price. Then you don't have to deal with this BS that we got stuck with.
  3. So since I'm bored I have decided, what the heck, run around the house and take pictures to show everyone! Ha! Crazy woman, I know! So, first, the outside... Then we have the kitchen nook Then the formal dinning room Living room side one (the wall with the shelves is probably my favorite. Not sure why, but it really broke up the wall and i hated how it looked without them!) Living room side two Bedroom View from upstairs balcony WEDDING ROOM! Oh Shawn HATES when I show people this room! It's typically quite clean actually and it's my scrapbooking room, but this wedding has taken over the joint!!
  4. Now, I can't do this with you... but to keep it honest what if you post pictures obviously of before and after... but also of the scale number? That way it's pretty obvious what you weighed in at?
  5. I like to frisbee golf. Which season is your favorite
  6. 5 Inches shorter for sure! I'd be a giant otherwise! What size shoe do you wear?
  7. I would just use word. Very easy peasy. What I did was used Text boxes and made them the correct size and positioned them on the page.
  8. If you mean do I want to strangle her EVERY day... then YUP! She has sent me TWO e-mails regarding my wedding. That's it! I sent her over 10 questions and she has never responded. I don't know how to get ahold of her or get her attention or anything. It's VERY annoying!
  9. No, it's not supposed to burn when you pee. Try AZO over the counter meds. They turn your pee orange, but work like magic! yes, i speak some German What's your favorite color and favorite item in your favorite color?
  10. Welcome Melissa! I'm getting married on the Akumal side about two weeks after you! Are you getting super excited? Tell us about your details in the Gran Bahia thread! Do a search and you'll find it
  11. That's funny. He tells us every day that they aren't in stock. Jerk.
  12. Holy crap I love them! You look BEAUTIFUL! These are probably my favorite shots I've ever seen.
  13. You might want to talk to CoreyPhil too. I know that we were two shy for her order (backordered) and they will probably be in after her wedding. They are beige in color. Perhaps she'd want to sell them to you?
  14. I have them in black. I got them when they first came out last year. They are REALLY heavy, and I'm pretty sure that's how they tone you. They actually give my feet some crazy cramps because of how they are shaped and the weight. BUT, I didn't get to wear them much last season because i first got them in September and by then it's freezing here in Wisconsin! So, who knows if they really work!
  15. Have you tried any of them on? I loved all the dresses... but it really depends what it looks like on you and which one makes you feel like a bride.
  16. I like the first dress better. I don't think you get lost in it at all. BUT, being a two dress bride myself, you must feel YOUR best on your wedding day.
  17. Don't be sorry! I asked for your opinion! I think I agree with you actually. I just have to try and find something better than the blue
  18. I put 7, but I guess after thinking about it that's a lie. 12 of us are staying 7 nights. Out of 31. But the others are mixed between 3, 4, and 5 nights... so 7 is the most common.
  19. This is the PowerPoint that i have... it just seems like I should be able to come up with something more creative.
  20. Mine was around 5 and his was 2... so to me it sounds just fine. It all depends on what you want. Remember, this is a ring to wear for the rest of your life.
  21. Hmmm... let me clarify. We ARE giving them the choice of the three items. The question is HOW do we give them the choice? I am searching for a creative way to ask them which of the three they'd like best.
  22. None of our groomsmen have any of these gifts... so that's really nice! But the problem is I think they would like them all. Not really sure which one they'd like better though. Shawn really HATES going to baseball games, but the guys all love them. The problem is that the guys all have babies now, so it's hard to convience the wives that every Friday away is a good thing!
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