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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Holy crap you got yours already DANG! They just shipped yesterday! Do you love them If it says on the box how much shipping was, then please send that amount to my paypal... PM me for it. Otherwise, I shipped them using my mom's work for a cheaper rate (who would have thought personal UPS rates were SO expensive!) Anyway, they shipped them yesterday and my mom has all the tracking codes and costs... but I haven't seen her yet!
  2. Congratulations! That's a very big decision to pick a date and I remember what a great feeling it was! You should be SUPER excited!!
  3. FINALLY! Someone who feels like I do! I find strip clubs fun... BUT... I WOULD HATE IT IF HE WENT WITHOUT ME! And even when I am there he is NOT allowed to have a lap dance. That's just wrong and gross. So, for the bachelor party I was so nervous. I just feel like complete crap whenever I think about him at a strip club. I hate it. THANKFULLY! He told the guys that he doesn't want to go to one. And Saturday was his party. Three of the guys were pushing for the club but our groomsman said "No, this is Shawn's party and if doesn't want to go... then that's not what we are going to do." When I heard that I was SO happy! So, my advice to you is to tell your fiance to tell the people involved with his party that he would rather go to a bar or DO stuff instead of going to a strip club, and that he really just isn't interested.
  4. Yeah, Shayne was intersting last night. I felt bad for a lot of the girls... but some of them are just stupid! They annoy me when they get drunk and talk stupid.
  5. I thought about doing that. My only problem with it was then I would have to buy the open ended envelopes, and then BIGGER envelopes to put them in. So it would be a lot pricier.
  6. My wedding is April 11th, and I had my RSVP for Feb. 1st. My reasoning was that when people didn't respond, I had two weeks to call people prior to the 45 day window that counts typically have to be in or final payments have to be made to the travel agent. Of course, with that said, I have about 1/3 of my RSVPs which STILL have not been returned. lousy waste of postage.
  7. The starfish that I have didn't NOT make it through 3 weddings. It has been replaced many times. But, i'm going to try the toilet paper roll idea!
  8. Just an FYI, I requested villas last week... AND IT WAS SENT TO YURITIZIA! I am SO mad! She doesn't respond to ANYTHING so now I HIGHLY doubt we'll get any of the room or dinner reservations we requested. What a joke! So whatever you do DO NOT say you are there for a wedding or they will send it to her!
  9. I already missed you Rachel, since you should be on your way already... but I hope your trip is amazing and everything you've dreamt of! Enjoy every minute of it, but make sure to tell us all about it and post pictures when you get back!! Best wishes!
  10. Happy Birthday Stephanie! I hope you have an AWESOME day!
  11. All of this stuff looks great! Your guests will be very pleased!
  12. hmmm, we got 14 inches of snow yesterday... and our power went out RIGHT as the basketball games were starting. Literally 60 seconds before the game started. Terrible! What the heck do people do without electricity!?!?! Oh, and I had my final dress fitting and everyone thought I was nuts that I drove in the snow storm for it. Don't these people understand bridezillas?
  13. You look SO beautiful! I Love the colors that you chose for your wedding. Everything looks so great!
  14. Dance Dance Revolution is our favorite game. But then there is Game Party, which is a lot of fun...
  15. My mom LOVES April fools jokes! Every year when I lived at home she would stuff our shoes with toilet paper so it felt like our feet grew. It was funny. Last year was her best year though. You know how older sinks have a speperate nossle for spraying? It looks like a little squirt gun kind of? Anyway, she taped (clear tape) the trigger. So when my dad woke up and turned the water on, instead of coming out of the faucet, he got super soaked from the sprayer! It was SOOO funny.
  16. Yup, I'll PM everyone with shipping costs as soon as I know them.
  17. Just so everyone knows, I will be sending them all on Monday via UPS. Well, except the Canada brides, they are via USPS.
  18. Nice! Well, my profile name is Moschy... and I'm magically up to 10 votes! HA! But I didn't upload a photo or video or answer any of the questions so I can't possibly win. However, if I were to convince people to sign me up just so I could tell her that the lifestyle she lives is nuts... then I'd post a video!
  19. I'm sorry! i can't access photobucket from work so I can't! Perhaps someone else could do that and post them?
  20. YIPPEE! I'm glad you were so happy with them. As for everyone else... THEY HAVE ARRIVED... ALL OF THEM! Yes, that's right... the dealings with this nut job are OVER! Carly, I got a receipt for your purchase, and it's the exact amount we discussed in the e-mail. Everyone else... I boxed up as many as I could last night. I need to find 6 BIG boxes for you who ordered more than 23 (23 is the most i could fit in the boxes I have). So, as soon as my mother is feeling better and is back at work I will ship them all via UPS!
  21. OH, I TOTALLY RELATE! Our best man SUCKS too! But I can't really say anything to Shawn because he's like a brother to him. But oh goodness I want to strangle him! He's awful!!!! So if you figure out how to handle this problem, please fill me in!!! Oh, and happy birthday to the cutest ringbearer ever!
  22. **UPDATE** According to FED EX, the package was delivered at my house this morning!!! Yippee!!! I'll sort through it tonight and make sure nothing is missing and Rachel, I will send yours out first thing tomorrow!
  23. 1) Whom did you choose for your home builder and why? Belinski Builders... simply because we liked the land in their neighborhood, they were affordable, and we liked the house 2) Did you finance using your home builders mortgage company? Any pros/cons to using theirs instead of your own? Went with acunet mortgage. MUCH better rate 3) What do you know now (that the building is finished), that you wished you knew then (before starting the building process)? What we'd really want in a house! It was a first house for both of us, and we missed somethings along the way! 4) What didn't you expect in the process? (or, what "surprises" did you have in the process- both good and/or bad) The cost of upgrades! And how many we'd need to do! 5) What advice would you give to someone starting the process? Be patiant! 6) What would you have done differently if you did it all over again? We would have double checked the location going into our basement. Where our stairs are located we can't get any furniture down there! 7) What did your builder consider "standard" options? And what did you choose for "upgrades"? Ha, yeah... we had to upgrade everything. We upgraded to maple trim/solid doors/cabinets, hard wood flooring, carpeting that didn't feel like sand paper on the tootsies, better flooring in the 3rd bath, tile in master bath, we had to add A LOT of outlets and cable jacks, ceiling fans, upgraded light fixtures, stainless steel appliances... the list goes on... and on... and on... What percentage of your final price was due to upgrades? (example: if the home was $200,000 and you spent $25K on upgrades...) we spent around 20% on upgrades 9) What kind of timeframe did you have for this---- from starting to research, making a decision, then actually building and finally moving in? We "bought" the house in September and moved in March 24th... so less than a year 10) What was the easiest decisions you had to make? What were the hardest things to decide on? Easiest decision was the lot. Hardest decision was the upgrades. There are just SO many options and they were all thrown at us at once, with out prices!!! it was really hard to choose!
  24. I signed up for this. HA HA! I did it just for fun, and I haven't put up a blog or a movie or a picture or anything. i just wanted to see what this nonscense was all about! So funny. The best part is... I have 5 votes! Weird I actually bet she'd be pretty fun to hang out with... but then again, probably only for a day!
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