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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Well, we turned our house upside down for over 3 hours last night and the pants are gone. Good news is that because it's the season, MW has the suit in his size in stock. He still needs to get it altered because he's the skinniest little crapper in the world... but they said they can have it done before we leave Sunday morning. Of course this all comes at a tune of $250... but oh well. The funny thing is that he always yells at me because I have two wedding dresses... well, he can stop that now!
  2. You have a strapless dress right? Yes, i know you do... in which case I love the half down look. Since your hair is naturally curly I don't think you have to worry about it losing curl and I think it's beautiful. But, I'm the minority on this one!
  3. I'm hoping that's what they do. I just don't know what the heck happened to them. I'm playing stupid and acting like we never received them when we bought the suit... which actually could very well be the truth! I'm hoping they'll give us a new pair for free... or cheap... or at this point AT ALL! Did I mention we live an hour away from Men's Warehouse? So this week is going to get crazy!
  4. OK, in case anyone else cares to get concerned like I am... today Shawn decides to iron his suit, since we leave on Sunday morning. THERE ARE NO PANTS! THE PANTS ARE MISSING!!!!!! Goodness gracious! This is ridiculous! I don't even know what to do at this point! I have called Mens warehouse and hopefully we can get a pair in ASAP... and altered, but Saturday! But honestly this is NOT good. I'm having a heart attack!!!! Ok, it feels better to type it out.... sort of!
  5. Have a great trip Heidi. I hope you have SO much fun! Enjoy every minute of your trip!!!
  6. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day today!!!!
  7. I don't think I ever saw these pictures before! You are beautiful! Holy crap! I love how happy you look in all the pictures. It makes you look even more beautiful than you are, if that's possible. Your FI is going to flip!
  8. DANG! You are beautiful girl!!! YOur FI is going to be so freakin excited to get these!!!! You must be so proud of yourself!
  9. Welcome! What are you guys looking for in a resort? Good beach, all inclusive, family oriented, large/small, private ceremony site, close to downtown & nightlife The answer to these questions will really help narrow down where to start
  10. I know this is an old thread, but I stumbled accross what I think you were looking for!Porcelain,Crystal Wedding Flowers & bouquets by Jem-ma They are expensive... but SUPER cute!!!
  11. I'm bringing in my photographer, I mean "best friend with a camera " So I will be using the same photographer for both. We aren't really sure of where we will be going though. I've flown him in two days early so he can scout stuff out and get some ideas. I'll be doing the TTD in two weeks, so I'll post and review when I get back. Hopefully that will help you at least with locations!
  12. I do! I actually graduate in November though, so I've been planning and schooling at the same time. BUT, last night was my last class until midMay! I took off a month for the wedding! I will be SO excited once I graduate!
  13. Oh yeah Claire, I forgot about that! If anyone is missing any, please let me know. It appears one magically ended up without a home... I don't know if they counted wrong or if I counted wrong! I assume the later. So please just PM me and I will send it right away. It looks like we are only waiting for arrival confirmation to 6 more brides! I'm glad you all like them. I think they are beautiful! Thank you everyone for your patience with this. I know it must have been frustrating for you guys too.
  14. HAPPY WEDDING DAY!!!!! I hope everything goes absolutely perfect and you are the most beautiful bride! Hurry back and tell us all about it!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by IrieBride08 Still excitedly awaiting mine. I got a FedEx delivery sticker today but it had no identifying information on it. I signed it so they will deliver tomorrow. I hope that this is the pashminas! I've been getting packages daily so I don't know which package this one is! LOL!! I hope to get the pash package tomorrow. Can't wait! Hmmm, the FedEx isn't me. Everything was shipped UPS. So that's exciting though! Maybe you'll get TWO packages tomorrow!!! Everyone else, I still haven't seen my mom... whoops! I will see her Saturday at the latest, so expect some shipping costs to be PM'd to you. Thanks!
  16. OH Sarah. How sad. And I know you must be upset... but in 100% honesty... if you don't say anything to your guests about how disappointed you are in the bags... NOBODY will notice. They will love them for the effort you put into them and the handyness of them. Nobody knows what "shade" of blue you are using. My invites are different than my bridesmaid dresses, my pinks are all different... it's just the way it happens. I would say maybe call and try to complain (what can it hurt?) but otherwise, accept and move on. People will love them. I promise. POST A PIC, just to be sure
  17. Nope, not Venice. I sent them to Google? That's the address I had. I sure hope that's correct! Oh crap! Now I'm freaking!!!
  18. Wow. That really stinks big time! I remember when you first picked that resort. I thought it was so beautiful. That's really sad that they are closing. I mean, it's terrible for you, but you have time. You'll find another beautiful place to get married. You are also a very calm bride so I think you'll be fine. But it's really sad for the poor families and economy of that island. How terrible.
  19. I'm getting married at the Gran Bahia Principe in 16 days! i will post a FULL review when I get back. But, so far I love the resort...
  20. I would say get alterations done closer to you. I had to have two alteration appointments... BOTH WERE NEEDED! And then when I went back on Friday (3rd appointment), turns out they need to do one more thing! The first one they adjusted it to my size. The second one I made sure their adjustments fit (thankfully they did... but otherwise you do slight adjustments). But, my hem was crooked! So they had to fix that. Then when I went on Friday I put it on and everything was perfect... except when it was bustled it stuck out. So they have to sew in a ribbon to hold it together. I will pick it up next week.
  21. You know, I didn't want to bring anything that someone would bring on their own either... but then I thought about when i'm on a trip and I bring it... but I don't ever bring enough! And that stinks. So, what the heck. The main things for me that I really wanted in there are *Bag - duh! *Mug - some may bring their own, but I think it's fun if everyone has one that matches, and some will forget their own! *Playing cards... most forget these and it's great for bar games! *suntan lotion - all though all will bring it, these are little tubes. Easier to take on excursions. And a lot of people underestimate the amount of sunscreen they'll use! *Lip Balm - I just love chapstick! *Gun - yeah, who won't use that? *Shout wipes - margaritas stain! *First aid kits - not many people remember these things when packing, and sadly I think they'll get used! *Off wipes, not many people know of the sand mites at night. These will come in handy *Tums - can always use more! *Imodium AD - can never pack enough! *Tylenol - who knows when you'll get a headache! The rest is just random fun crap...
  22. oh Jen! i miss you so much! i can't believe your wedding is coming up next week!!!!! You must be thrilled! I was just talking to Shawn about how it seems like just yesterday we were eating lunch with you talking about the beginning stages of planning. And now here we are... getting married! Ah!!!
  23. I forgot about the Ashlee chick! Oh goodness was she annoying! I wanted to take my shoe off and throw it at her head... but then I would have wrecked my TV!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by nylalany Thanks for figuring out a way to save us some $ (thru your mom's work). I look forward to getting the package although I'm guessing they won't come before I leave for NY tomorrow night unless I'm really lucky. I'll send am't once you tell me what it is! Sarah, did you get them? I hope you did... but I guess it is kind of doubtful. Especially because you won the prize for "who ordered most and heaviest box!"
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