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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Nope, no rooms have seperate rooms. The junior suites have a seating area which is next to the bed... but it's not seperate by any stretch of the imagination.
  2. I must say that this episode really made me laugh! Shanyne's mom was ridiculous... and the pretend parents were HILARIOUS! Watching his face was so funny. Shawn and I had to pause it multiple times just so we could giggle!
  3. Oh dang it! I can't see them! But I can see your siggy picture and that is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by RyanAmanda Do they charge you to bring in an outside photographer? I do beleive they charge you... but we simply had "a good friend" take our photos. he was staying at the resort so they didn't care. If you are using someone local to the area then they will probably charge you the day pass if not more. Our 'kid' will be 15 so I'm sure they'll give her a children's bracelet. She won't even try to drink (not her thing), it's just we would like to be able to go somewhere that we can drink, and she can come. It shouldn't be a problem... but after midnight it might be So...dumb question of the day...what is the Hacienda? No dumb questions. It's the "mexican market" on the resort. It's right at the entrance to the resort. It has all kinds of shopping, the 24 hour medical center and pharmacy, some bars, the sports bar, and the disco. It's really nice actually. We went there pretty much every night.
  5. I ordered mine through this company as well. it's the travel mug with the handle and the stainless steel around the top. the printing did not come off of ours. I wonder if it's a difference in the plastic materials? I would contact them Heidi. that's not fair.
  6. I was in the sun the WHOLE time! I wore strapless shirts/dresses/swimsuits and I piled on the sunscreen. Remember to reapply. I actually didn't burn AT ALL... until my wedding day when i forgot to put on suntan lotion! Whoops! My poor head is still peeling!
  7. Shelly, I have the starfish from my wedding and the journal. I will be sending it to you hopefully this weekend along with your pashminas.
  8. Don't worry Stacy, I disagree too. I'm one who will actually tip everyone and their brother! However for some reason on this trip my mind was NOT working! I was just saying that I disagree when people say that you HAVE to leave a big tip EVERYDAY in order to GET service. That was completely false in my experience. We still got excellent service even though we didn't tip. You should NEVER have to tip in order to GET service. You tip AFTER you've received great service, which is why at our wedding the waiter and DJ went home with quite a bit of change in their pockets.
  9. For our wedding we had two toddlers who are around 1.5 years. We actually researched and found a WalMart nearby, so we didn't pack too many diapers or swimmy diapers. We bought them there. Here are the other things that came in handy: SPRAY IN SUNTAN LOTION FOR BABIES! We used this on their little heads! Regular baby suntan lotion Sippy cups Baby tylenol baby tums bandaids DVD player and tv hook ups for in the room toys - squirty fish, blow up balls, sand pail Hat - with straps! umbrella stroller receiving blanket (more light weight) Snacks from home (fruit snacks, granola bars, teddy graham type things) these were all familiar to the girls so they were good fall back options when they wouldn't eat dinner. REGULAR T-SHIRTS! My sister only brought tank tops and Addison's shoulders got burnt (reapply sunscreen EVERY hour). We ended up having to buy her t-shirts to swim in.
  10. You were there when I was... and in the next villa! Darn it! We should have scheduled a meeting! I probably watched your wedding actually! We were in the activities pool by the 24 hour snack bar every day. Schucks. Now, as for the tipping. This is terrible of me, but I DID NOT tip! Well, that's kind of a lie. Here's the story. I MEANT to tip. I had 100 $1 bills along! that's how much I MEANT to tip! But honestly, I was running around so much that I never seemed to remember! I tipped our fridge guy the very first day, and only $2. It didn't matter. he still gave us plenty of water and extra chocolate bars (the white ones are delicious!!). I did not tip the maid ONCE! I did give her one of our travel mugs, but that's it. Yet every single day we had towel art (with fresh flowers) and our room was cleaned spotless. I also didn't ever tip anyone at any of the meals. It didn't matter. They always had a smile and always served us quite well. Then again, we are easy since we don't drink so they really didn't have to do anything for us. We did tip on our wedding night though. I had a tip ready for Yuritizia... however we ended up giving it to the head waitor Jesus instead. he was phenomenal and really was amazing. We also tipped the DJ. So although I truly think it's quite nice to tip... it is NOT necessary at this resort. They still treated us with every ounce of respect and we got what we paid for.
  11. The hacienda... no. And they were serving drinks to people who looked like they were 14!!! I think it's technically 18, but they weren't stopping those who were younger. I do think there is an age limit at the disco, but that's it.
  12. I might, but I'm not sure where! Actually, the insides are almost identical I think. They both are above the activity pool with large glass windows looking out. I truly think the only difference is the food selection.
  13. Well, we thought each person would get 2... but it turns out one for each person was plenty! The bar staff also took some home for their families because they all LOVED them and had never seen them before.
  14. Don't worry Bryan, Shawn and I both got sunburnt too! Our heads and shoulders are peeling pretty good! NASTY!
  15. I used glowproducts.com I believe. They were the cheapest. They each have three settings (on off button). They go slight flash, going to have a seizure flash, and then just ON. They were super fun!
  16. I brought back Shawn's Bout. My bouquet was destroyed from the heat and the salt water... but his bout was pretty good. We went through the Cancun airport just fine and the Chicago airport just fine. They didn't care at all. With that said, it was one single rose. I'm pretty sure if I had my whole bouquet in there they might have said something!
  17. The lights in the drinks are light up ice cubes. They were so fun! Thanks everyone for all the sweet comments. We really had a great time!
  18. I'll simply add my answers in with hers!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Amanda, I'll answer what I can...there is no charge for extra water...it's AI. Why would an AI charge for water? Sillyness! You get two bottles of water upon arrival... and then when they restock they'll put two more in. However, we asked for more, and received more. And we also would simply take them from the guys cart when he was filling up the minibars. It worked. Oh, and I drank the water from the bar taps every single day and I was perfectly fine. Not sure about the beer...I do know they have Corona and DosXX. Which is basically what most resorts have down there since they are domestic to Mexico. Some of the new brides can help you with that. I disagree a little bit here. They do have Corona, but only at the Hacienda and you have to pay for it. Otherwise it's Del Sol and DosXX I believe. But, I suggest the strawberry daqs. They are SOOO good! I do not know if the other bars stay open late. I thought one of the 24 hour restaurants had beer, not sure though. The 24 snack bar is open, but honestly nobody in our group had a problem with the 11pm issue... and they are drinkers! Everyone seemed to want to go to the Hacienda to drink after 11 anyways because they have outdoor seating, live music, and shopping! Can't remember the rooms...I know that the ones you pay extra for are not worth it, or so I have read on Tripadvisor because they are so far away from everything. I don't know anything about the Tulum side. We stayed at the Akumal side because we wanted the beach wedding site. Sorry! Ha! I just realized I didn't help you at all...sorry.
  19. Ok, I'm obviously biased... but I LOVE the Bahia Principe. If you want a beach wedding, go with Akumal. That's what I did. The other resorts you will be on the beach if you choose, but it's a swimmable portion of the beach with chairs and such in all your pictures. I did get your PM, and I will send you everything that i have... but it'll have to wait until tomorrow because everything is at my work computer. I can send you the exact prices of everything too if that will help you out. As far as the beach, it's not powder sand, that's for sure. However, the area where I got married was soft. We all went bare foot and it wasn't even the slightest bit uncomfortable. As for the resort itself, all of our guests had a wonderful time. It's a huge resort, but that simply means that it is spread out (so you can't tell it has 8,000 people there!), there are many food choices because it's so large, and HUGE pools which means you always get a lounge chair. Not to mention a bar around every corner!!! We really did have the time of our lives and I would highly recommend the resort to anyone... especially if you'll save some cash!
  20. Alright everyone, here is my photographer's blog with our photos on it! EEE, I'm so excited!! Although, I'm a little nervous as to what the heck they say in the music... but I do love the songs! (note, we bought that CD from a taxi driver on our way home from the TTD session! Bryan is so funny!). Amore Studios - Our Amazing Blog In addition, here is the video of our "Dirty Dancing" song that we did at our reception. Sadly, my dress was REALLY heavy so the lift isn't too spectacular, but man did we have fun doing it! Please excuse my father's funny comments!!! YouTube - Dirty Dancing - First Dance at Wedding
  21. I think the jewelry is beautiful! But i agree with some of the ladies that you should choose two pieces instead of all three.
  22. WELCOME HOME JEN!!!! Sadly I can't see the pictures at work... HUGE BOO. I know you must have been a beautiful bride though, and I'm so excited to hear more about your day! Oh, and don't worry, I have a feeling my TTD pictures are going to be hilarious also! My dress was SO heavy in the water that the waves kept washing me out to sea!
  23. It's actually funny. Working for an insurance company (in the department that sets the rates) I am WELL aware of the fault line down there. It's actually one of the biggest ones in the country. I think what a lot of people don't know, is that historically the fault will produce a few smaller earthquakes and then one huge one. Of course this was many many years ago that it used to happen this way, but as an insurance company we are really getting prepared for this.
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