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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by chellebella Tlseege, I LOVE the way you set up the ceremony site. I'm thinking i'll do the same and purchase 10 yards of extra fabric prior to leaving. The extra colour looks gorgeous against the beautiful backdrop of the sea. I also like the idea of purchasing extra flower arrangements for the path. Did you coordinate the extra flower arrangements with Yuritzia before leaving for Mexico or a couple days before the wedding? Thank you! I really loved how it turned out! I tried to communicate my wants with Yuritzia before we got there... but that just doesn't happen! SO, all of the flowers were chosen a few days before the wedding. It was lovely.
  2. Wow! Your pictures are beautiful! I love your dress! How perfect was that for a beach wedding? You looked so gorgeous and your details looked beautiful!
  3. I'm glad to hear everything went well Courtney and that photo is beautiful! I can't wait to hear and see more! ENjoy Disney!
  4. Thanks Christine. It's sent. Ok, on a side note... what is with the siggy strike until TammyB is back...? She just posted, where did she go? Did I miss something here?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jwilke5 Trisha - Your pictures are sooo gorgeous!! I think you've made my mind up on picking a resort. One question - did you have to bring any of the decorations for your wedding site? It looks so pretty with the turquoise fabric - did the wedding planner actually have all that for you? -Jessica Thanks Jessica! I actually DID bring that blue fabric with me. It's 10 yards of satin fabric which I bought at my local craft store (Hobby Lobby). It was $2.99 a yard, plus a 40% off coupon. I would do it again in a heart beat!!
  6. AHH, This just dawned on me... Drai, you got married on the day I was SUPPOSED to get married! HA! I wanted the 4pm time slot (4-4 at 4... I'm weird) but it was already taken so then I switched it a week to save our guests money. Wow. That's nuts! We were ALMOST date twins at the same resort just different sections!
  7. Oh I LOVE this show! During previews for next week I was yelling at the screen. "Kick her ass S. Kick her ass!" Shawn was laughing really hard. I was also yelling at Dan throughout the show. Idiot!
  8. This isn't a legal ceremony right? Are you getting married in the states first? Because otherwise you have to be there four days ahead of time.
  9. Congratulations! That is very exciting! Sorry you had to drop out of the biggest loser... but I think this will be better than losing weight
  10. I'm not Drai... but my sister was put into a regular room when she was supposed to be in a Junior suite. Now, she had a junior suite and I had the Club Golden.. those rooms are the same. the only difference is small amenities and location. As for the regular room and the junior suite... BIG difference! The regular room was two twin beds that could be pushed together and a tiny table with two chairs. The Junior suites are a king size bed. And then it has a seperate seating area with a couch and table and chairs. It was 100% needed when we were getting ready for the wedding. It was so much bigger. Plus with my neice they needed the extra room so that she could actually play inside the room in the shade!
  11. Ah, that was a fun episode! good times, good times. I love the monkey thing. And I loved that he was willing to propose with that even though it was on national tv and he'll probably be made fun of for a long time!
  12. Wow! These pictures are beautiful! You were a gorgeous bride!!
  13. Good luck, although you won't need it! I hope everything goes well and that your road to recovery is very speedy!
  14. Ok, I got married in early April, so it might not apply... but I would go with 3 PM. we had daylight savings happen the day we arrived, and thank goodness! It was then sunset around 6:30 but otherwise it would have been at 5:30 and it GETS DARK FAST! We could barely take three pictures before the sun set. This is becauase the sun doesn't set with the ocean, so the light quickly gets blocked by buildings and trees. Ok, that was long... but I'd go with 3 pm.
  15. I am so glad to hear that!!! VERY exciting! See, told ya! It's like magic when the TA's call!
  16. Basically, nope. You can't have your dinner there! Well, unless you have around 6 people total... in which case you can make normal dinner reservations. Otherwise, NOPE! I tried and absolutely not! Bummer. I did not have canapes. Sorry.
  17. Jen these pictures are beautiful! I can't wait to see the rest!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by chellebella Hello ladies, I'm getting married on June 4, 2008 at the Akumal side and have been having a hell of a time trying to get a reply from Yuritizia. We leave in 3 weeks and I still haven't received confirmation on a few requests I've made. I would love if any of you brides or brides to be can send me any info on the following: - Dolce or Fruits del Mar Restaurant? I leaning towards the Dolce restaurant. What colour is the decor? How many people do each of the tables seat? - I'm thinking of doing a cocktail reception after dinner by one of the pools with canapes, dj and a bar. Does anyone have any pricing or photos for this? Wow, only three weeks! That exciting! What type of things are you waiting for confirmation on? I didn't really ever have confirmation, but when i arrived it was all done and ready just like I'd requested in the e-mails. if you are really concerend e-mail Paloma and she'll get back to you. The Dolce is very nice. The decor is minimal. The flowers on the tables are birds of paradies, the glassware is green. They have large tables which seat 6... but for all I know they can push tables together My entire reception was by the pools, so if you look at my photos you will see kind of what that looks like. Studio Home Page Canapes are $8 per person per hour, the DJ is $150 and the bar depends on what type of alcohol you want served. It's as cheap as $5 per person for the first hour and $3 every hour after, or as expensive as $20 an hour for a full open bar.
  19. Oh goodness. If you ever want to be ripped a new one, go onto TripAdvisor and ask about dolphin swims in the AKumal forum. Oh it's just hilarious! Ok, I did this in Mexico. We went to Xel-ha and I loved every minute of it. yup, I'm a terrible person, I know it. I'm sorry. And I do feel bad for them. It did comfort me to know that their dolphins are not captured from the wild. Sure, 20 years ago the orginal couple were, but now every dolphin on their facility was born into captivity and they are it's family. Made me feel slightly better. Ok, just a devils advocate saying. You say it's alright if the animal is domesticated... who is to say what is domesticated? Who has the right to say that one animal is stupid enough so it can be domesticated? Horses are wild animals, people just chose to domesticate them. I guess i just never really understood that point of view. Sorry
  20. Yup, sorry, I should clarify for future people reading this... it was a free cocktail hour prior to my private reception (which was anything BUT free!)
  21. Our wedding coordinator set up a cocktail reception in the Akumal Lobby for us for free. she made it seem private and they served us personally... so, I would talk to her about that when you get there!
  22. it's $46 a person, but you are supposed to have at least 50 people.
  23. Wow! I LOVE this book! I hope you don't mind, but I plan on stealing a lot of your ideas for how you designed your book. Is that okay? I hope so. You really did a brilliant job!
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