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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Enjoy your last day in California today Ann!!! If you need anything on your trip from Chicago back to Minnesota just let me know!
  2. The only problem I see with 90 is the Wisconsin dells Baraboo area (disaster!)... But I think 90 is open. Travel safely!
  3. I don't even think our legal ceremony was 20 minutes! It's rather short. The script is less than a page long.
  4. HA! I thought she said john too! how funny! I really like Jason! I can't wait to see what they do with Ty next week! I hope they have lots of fun and she really gets a taste for what life would be like... because as much as I really want Jason to win, taking on a 3 year old is a big responsibility!
  5. YIPPEE! Oh Ann I am so happy for you and Paul! Please don't hesitate to ask if you need anything! Oh, also... things are REALLY tore up around here so if your route from IL to MN includes Wisconsin you might want to contact me and I can help you find out which roads are all closed (there are A LOT OF THEM... TERRIBLE flooding!). Travel safe and give her a kissy for me!
  6. OKay, I LEGALLY got married there and it was a piece of cake! However, with that said, neither of us have ever been married before. I think that's where the big difference is. For us, we simply brought our four witnesses, our travel cards (you get them at the airport), our passports, and then we had to give blood. We gave blood right at the resort and it was easy peasy. We actually did not translate or apostile anything. We simply took the Spanish wedding certificate to the Social Security office and DMV and switch our stuff over. That's it.
  7. Oh goodness! Congratulations on your little man!!!
  8. I loved using the Tulum public beach. it's just down the road from the ruins and it has BEAUTIFUL water, wonderfully colored boats, and some really cool buildings which are abandoned/under construction which make for cool photos. I would check that out.
  9. Oh this is so exciting Ann! I hope you hear from the doctors today on whether you can take her home and be full time mommy & daddy today or tomorrow!
  10. Oh I really like that shade of blue! And your belly looks so adorable!
  11. That's so wonderful that you guys got to go out to dinner with Tammy & Steve! They seem like such wonderful people. i"m sure it was nice to see "familiar" faces while out there. Gwen's bath looks SO cute! her little face just makes me smile. And that picture of Paul combing her hair is just precious!
  12. Welcome! I got married at the Akumal section and LOVED it! If you search Gran Bahia you will find a bunch of threads about the resort.
  13. Oh shucks! Hopefully Gwen will do better today. So here's my question... is she not supposed to be in a car seat for over an hour? I've never heard of this carseat test and i'm a little confused by it.
  14. I just read the other thread and now this one! I am SOOO excited for you guys! That little Gwen, she sure is one tough cookie!!! If you need us Ann just let us know!
  15. welcome! I'm looking at your blog and you do amazing work! I'm sure you'll be a great resource to the forum!
  16. Ann, any word on when little Gwen will be released? I know you were due on or around July 16th... so I was thinking she'd probably be let out around 4th of July
  17. The Hacienda definitely has maracas. That is the little mexican mall type place that they tried to recreate. They have all kinds of stuff there!
  18. Yeah, I had that same problem What a bummer right? I mean, I know the work is TOTALLY worth it... and if it weren't that good they wouldn't be my favorite photographer... but I just couldn't afford it. It was crushing
  19. Well congratulations! I'm glad you had fun with it! Now next weekend will be even MORE fun!!!
  20. Welcome back!!!! I wish I could see these pictures, but being at work it doesn't let me I'm glad to hear you had a wonderful time!
  21. I actually don't wear makeup... so I can't remember what i did as far as that. I might have put on waterproof mascara... but I think that's it. As far as my hair: I had a curly up do for the wedding. I had fully intended on leaving it up to sleep in. YUP, that HURT! So i took it down. However when I woke up in the morning it was still curly!!!! So, I simply pulled all the curls to the side and did a side pony (think Carrie Underwood) and put my hair flower in it. I loved it, it looked kind of fancy yet relaxed. I didn't want to pay $75 to get my hair wet If you are doing it two days after, then this probably won't work. But maybe you can simply put smaller curls into your hair and style it yourself?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Didn't you have problems doing the TTD in Tulum? Or was that someone else? the Tulum Ruins were where I had the problem. The public Tulum beach was perfect!
  23. Congratulations ladies! Welcome to your Modhood!
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