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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Yup, it's $150 per hour and I paid $450. He was really great though. He kept everyone dancing until the very end and he played all of the songs that I needed him to (first dance, etc).
  2. Yup, that's correct! The chair covers, the chair bows, and the table clothes were free! I was SO excited when I saw them there (Yuritzia put them as a surprise to me). I did bring my own table runners though. The outside reception is from 7:30-10:30. I had to pay $150 CASH for a DJ... but he was well worth it.
  3. Hi Morgan! Wow, your wedding is SO close! Now i"m excited for you!!! Flowers, just pick out a picture of flowers that YOU like and they'll make them for you. Just try to keep with the common flowers that were used in the brochure and then it won't cost you extra. Do you have your own photographer or are you using the resort photographer? The reason I ask is because after our reception (10:30 is the latest you can go by the pool) we went to the Hacienda and took some really awesome night time pictures. Then we were right there for when the live outdoor music started and then the disco opened!
  4. I had my husband walk down with the same music as the bridal party. He walked arm in arm with both of the moms (his & mine). Then the moms poured their portion of sand into the sand ceremony frame and they kissed Shawn and sat down. Then the bridesmaids came arm in arm with the groomsmen. It worked out very well and it filled the five minute song!
  5. I took as large of a suitcase as I could... well, my second suitcase. I packed it full with stuff but made sure it was under the weight limit. Then I had a few things in with my clothes, a few things in both of our carry-ons, and then I distributed a few things to family and friends. It worked out in the end, but man was that a lot of work to coordinate!
  6. The wedding is May 30th. I'm really excited. I hope I receive the confirmation from them soon. I'm very anxious! Quote: Originally Posted by RMB12/4/08 I'm glad someone brought up "trash the dress"! Has anyone done this Does it truly ruin your dress? My dad would probably kill me for doing it after paying so much for my dress. Plus I want to wear it for my reception at home a few months later. Has anyone done this I real curious on this! I am getting married in Jamaica on a Thursday and leaving Saturday, would that give my dress enough time to dry~ Thanks for any input! I did it for my wedding. It did NOT ruin my dress. It actually CLEANED IT! Ha! My dress was BLACK on the bottom from dancing and walking around the resort. During the trash the dress session it got back to it's natural white beauty! My wedding was on Friday and I left Monday. I had my ttd session on Saturday. It was dry by the time I left, but it was full of sand! Nothing that a dry cleaner couldn't get out, or I'm sure I could have gotten all of the sand out myself had I worried about it. There is tons of information on this forum which will give you tons of advice like this on the trash the dress option. So, i'm sure you'll hear approximately the same thing as what I've said!
  7. That would certainly be super cool! I'd love to photograph a destination wedding. I just remember how much fun mine was and the pure joy on everyones faces... I think it'd be awesome. Not to mention the trash the dress possibilities!!!
  8. I would definitely use DAFONT.COM for a sand dollar font. Then you can change the size and color without loosing pixels.
  9. The scavenger hunt would be pretty hot too... but maybe a hunt to the different bars at the resort? that could be fun!
  10. Welcome! I actually joined the forum when I wasn't engaged either, and look at me now! I'm happily married! Actually, I was SO happy that I joined this forum before I got engaged. It was awesome. I had all my ducks in a row and I could just enjoy being engaged instead of stressing!
  11. Holy crap I LOVE your dress! That is gorgeous! I can not wait to see pictures from your wedding. They will be beautiful! Now, just incase you are still concerned... I had a NOT white dress. Technically it was gold with an ivory lace overlay and my husband wore white. You honestly can't even tell in the pictures. I think the sun was so bright that it made my dress look white!
  12. My opinion is very similar to Kristy's. The pink will really make the photos pop and you'll stand out and be beautiful. Black always looks good. White would be my last choice. From my perspective it will wash your face out a little bit. but, then again with the right equipment and lighting that won't be a problem.
  13. I've been to Majuhual and it is BEAUTIFUL! Probably the prettiest place I've ever been. It's so funny because it's just down the road a couple miles from Costa Maya which is a cruise port... but not many people know about it. It's awesome!
  14. Thanks guys! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am! Everyone always says look at a photographers portfolio to see if you want them to be your photographer... well SOMEONE had to give me a chance in order to build the portfolio. Im just super excited this coule are the ones!
  15. Welcome! The Bahamas sounds so wonderful!! Tell us more!!!
  16. Welcome to the forum! Where in Mexico are you planning?
  17. Oh it went LOVELY!!!! YIPPEE!!! They took everything home to read through it (my contract & such) and she e-mailed me this morning with a few questions and some changes she wanted to make to the contract and at the bottom she wrote "Once we have a chance to review the changes we should be ready to move ahead and confirm you as our photographer. We were very impressed with your presentation and professionalism and think that you'll do a great job for us." YIPPEE!!! I'm so excited. Thank you all for giving me some advice on the type of things to make sure and discuss during our consultation. It not only helped me but it also helped calm my nerves! As of right now, I'm on the side. Eventually I would like to do 20+ weddings a year and make this my full time job. However, right now it's my fun job!
  18. Well, my ceremony was at 3, so I have an hour on you... but my dinner was at 7:30! We had a cocktail hour from 5:30-7:30. That way people could hang out together if they wanted, or they could go back to their rooms/pool... whatever. I know that we took pictures until at least 6 though... so 2.5 hours. So perhaps you should just schedule a meeting point for everyone, like at the lobby bar for drinks.
  19. Ha! So, on the topic of extremely high prices... my sister won a free photography session from a photographer with a free 11x14. Lucky her. Now... if she wanted to buy ADDITIONAL prints the cost was $75 for 5x7 and get this... $500 for the 11x 14!!! OUCH. So, yes, make sure that you at least know the price of pictures before you sign any contracts with a photographer.
  20. Welcome! Try not to get too stressed. What i recommend is sitting down and writing a list of EVERYTHING that is important to you. *Budget *Beach? *All-Inclusive *Kids allowed? *Large resort? *Short airplane ride? etc. All of these things combined will help you choose which place is truly the best for you and your fiance. Best wishes!!
  21. I've been keeping a look out for new GBP brides... however no such luck... but I have been trying to suggest it! I love the Bahia! Maybe I need to start planning my 1 year anniversary trip!
  22. It's funny that you ask this, because I was just asking the same question... only from the photographers stand point! Ha! I think you might find the answers very helpful... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t29230
  23. OOO, that is a good CON that you bring up. However, that could be part of your "welcome brochures" All of the stuff that there is to do. Since you are paying for their trip, perhaps they'd all be willing to take a guided tour of the area on a coach bus or something? Or wine tours? There has to be a TON to do... right?
  24. You guys are awesome! This is all helping! Of course some of this stuff I have already thought of, but some of it I hadn't. Like poor Maura... without a first kiss picture! Blah. I know you had issues with your photographer seeing the unedited photos... I need to think about those things so thanks for bringing it to my attention.
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