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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Welcome to the forum! Use the search function to find a bunch of information on Casa Magna and have a good time!!!
  2. I just wanted to say how awesome it is that you are planning a Disney wedding! I saw one on TV once and it really was magical. That is just so amazing! Otherwise, I would send Save the Dates ASAP so people can start to plan!
  3. Oh yes! I definitely saw them at the Hacienda. I know my bridesmaid bought some for her nieces. Sorry though, I don't remember the price.
  4. Welcome! i too started as a NOT engaged Newbie. I was actually really embarassed at first, but these ladies assured me it was okay. let me tell ya, it was MORE than okay! It was amazing! I was probably the most calm bride ever because by the time we got engaged I had already set up all of my plans in a word document, just like cheese_diva mentioned. Then, when the time came, I just referenced that, deleted the ideas which I didn't like anymore and away we went! It really is a good idea to plan ahead!
  5. Here is what I did. I had my husband walk arm in arm down the aisle with both the moms. Then when they got to the alter they each poured a container of sand (white) into the vase. Then they hugged and kissed Shawn and sat down. Then after the official portion of our ceremony we were allowed to incorporate our sand ceremony. So my aunt read and Shawn and I poured the sand. I loved it. We played the song Bless the Broken Road, so I found this reading to be the most appropriate. "There is a song that speaks of “a long and winding road” and before you met, your lives were on such a road... each going in different directions and seemingly leading to different destinations. But somewhere along the way you took a fork in the road to a destination called “love” and today you find yourselves standing together at the entrance of a new path that will join your once separate journeys into one. Before each of you there is a container of sand. Each container represents the separate journeys you once were on. They also represent your own sets of friends and families that once were apart. I will ask that in a moment you both blend your individual container of sand together... representing the coming together of your friends and family, through your marriage, into one. And as the sand is blended into one container, your once solitary journeys will now be one of companionship, as you walk a single path together into your future. I now ask that you blend your containers of sand together. As the sand has blended together, your lives are now joined. Your friends and family are as one as well, for now you will share those who are in your lives and will walk hand-in-hand along the path of your marriage - united and strong as husband and wife."
  6. TATrisha


    Welcome!!! You are getting married on my one year anniversary!!! That's SUPER exciting! Best wishes!
  7. TATrisha


    Welcome my neighbor to the south! I love weddings too! What time of the year are you guys thinking?
  8. TATrisha


    Welcome to the group! I got married in the Riviera Maya and I loved it! Hopefully you'll find a resort that makes it amazing for you too!
  9. Welcome!!! I love the title to your Newbie thread! you're hilarious!
  10. Wow. That's not cheap is it. $660 for 90 minutes and 70 photos?!?!?! Goodness! I need to start charging more!!!
  11. Joanna that is a great deal if she is willing to do it! Although the Spa was great... they are a little stressful since they don't speak ENGLISH! Ugh... I go to a Spanish speaking country and I expect English Silly. Mayan Butterfly, congratulations on setting and confirming a date! Yippee! I have no knowledge of those photographers... but if their website isn't too great, maybe you could e-mail them and ask if they'll send you pictures from a complete wedding. I think that could help put you at ease.
  12. TATrisha


    Hi Karlye! i'm from Wisconsin too! Welcome to the forum! Let me know if you need any help!
  13. We got our hair and makeup done at the salon... I loved every single one of our hair styles. Three of us also got the makeup and I thought it was amazing. I did however NOT use their eye mascara or liner. That's nasty.
  14. First off, nice Harley! Yup, they actually still have the same thread mount. It only fits me 70-200 mm lens, but Canon makes one with a smaller thread which I think would work on the 50 mm.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by MayanButterfly Tlseege - were mosquitos a problem for the poolside? Nope, not a signle mosquito the whole time we were there. They were spraying... so maybe that's why, or maybe it was the time of year Also, any recommendations about photographers? And how long is a good time to book them for? I'm looking for someone that won't be too pricey - ~$2000. I brought my own photographer for just around $2,000... slightly more. However, I found a photographer who had never done a destination wedding and wanted to expand their portfolio. By doing so, he gave me an AMAZING deal and I got three days worth of photos for what some people pay a photographer for 5 hours! It was an amazing idea and I really highly suggest you try and find something along those lines.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Stephany@EyeSpy You should come over and borrow my 100!! Hey, if you are offering for people to come to the Twin Cities and play with your stuff... I want to come too! I just bought a Canon 77mm 500D Close-up Lens. It attaches right to my lens and makes an instant marco. I just can't purchase the 100mm right now. I'd rather focus on getting the business up and running. So in the meantime, this adapter lets me get the ring shots that i want. but lighting i find is VERY important. You need A LOT. You don't want all of your picture to look dark. Bad bad bad.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Stephany@EyeSpy You should come over and borrow my 100!! Hey, if you are offering for people to come to the Twin Cities and play with your stuff... I want to come too! I just bought a Canon 77mm 500D Close-up Lens. It attaches right to my lens and makes an instant marco. I just can't purchase the 100mm right now. I'd rather focus on getting the business up and running. So in the meantime, this adapter lets me get the ring shots that i want. but lighting i find is VERY important. You need A LOT. You don't want all of your picture to look dark. Bad bad bad.
  18. I actually see where you are coming from. Maybe it's a Wisconsin thing because around here most of the weddings are still paid by the parents. Although, times are changing and I think more and more couples are helping out. Perhaps it's because the average age of brides is getting older so we can actually afford to pay for it ourselves? I don't know. None the less, I was in the same prediciment that you are in. My mom and dad made it quite clear what they were giving us... however his parents never did. And in the end, them coming to the wedding was their contribution. And that's FINE, and great! But, it would have been nice to know and I wish I would have asked. But, since I didn't know, I budgeted for everything, kept costs low, and then made sure that I could pay for everything if it came to that. So, in conclusion of this LONG response... talk with your mom and then plan a low cost wedding that you and your FI can afford and will love.
  19. Hi Holly! I'm from Wisconsin too! Just to your west about an hour! We should meet up some time, that'd be fun! Now, as for your destination, where will you be flying out of? For my wedding I did A LOT of price and package comparision leaving from both Milwaukee and Chicago so maybe I can help you out. PM me if you are interested. Otherwise, WELCOME and congratulations on your engagement!
  20. That looks like such a wonderful shower! And it sounds like you got amazing presents too! You guys must really have a lot of people that love you. Very nice.
  21. HI! Is it worth it... 10000% percent! I would do it again in a heart beat. It was amazing to have our reception by the pool underneath the stars. I loved every second of it. Now, the Catholic weddings are NOT legal. So you'd have to get married before or after in your local courthouse or something like that. That's all I know about the Catholic weddings.
  22. Where is your wedding? Our "asile" was VERY long! Since I was being married on the beach, I had to start walking from the bar where nobody could see me. Plus, I had four pairs of bridesmaids/groosmen, which is why I needed two songs. I am sure you'll be fine with just one as long as you really don't have a long aisle.
  23. We had the Theme dinner as well. There was no negotiation, the dinner was to start promptly at 7:30. And then dinner went for an hour and we had a DJ reception afterwards until 10:30. Prior to the dinner we had a 2 hour cocktail party in the Akumal Lobby Bar. Yuritizia blocked off an area for us and we had a trio playing music. It was very nice.
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