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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. I made my own place card holders which also doubled as favors. They were photo holders AFTER the wedding, and place card holders during. They are SUPER easy to make. Buy the 2" large binder clips at the store. Buy large sheets of paper. Cut little strips. Place double sided tape on each side of the binder clip and slide the sheets of paper under the little black lip. Tie ribbon around the indent in the metal parts (see picture). Purchase a fun shaped large punch (around 2") Punch out two sides. Place the foam double sided tape stuff in the middle of the fun shapes and it'll cover the metal. In my case, i have stamps, so I stamped "Happily Ever After" on fun shaped punches. Then just slip the name card in the top... done. Super easy. super fast. super cute!
  2. Hi Danielle, That happened to me. As of today I'm officially in my second trimester... but at the beginning we had a bleeding scare so I had a bunch of ultrasounds. My first one was at 6 weeks, and they only saw a sac. I had been monitoring symptoms and things so I knew that I ovulated a week late... so I knew i was only 5 weeks, but they just kept saying it wasn't right for my LMP. Well then i went back at what "was" 7 weeks and there was the baby... full heart beating and everything and it measured exactly what I thought it was. I just ovulated late. So hopefully that's what you did as well. The HCG levels should confirm everything for you. Good luck!
  3. Yup, what you described is my ears! If I wear fake earrings they get infected within minutes. It's just lovely Thankfully my sister works for a fine jeweler so I finally have options with my earrings. I too have noticed that some of my normal earrings are now infecting my ears. I clean them, and it still doesn't work. Then I take them to my sister and she cleans them... and all is well. It's something about the way that they clean them that allows me to keep wearing them. I don't thinks he uses any alcohol, just high pressured air and water. Perhaps it's the alcohol that you are also very sensitive to?
  4. Well that's a darn nice present!!! I ate at Coba... but for the life of me I can't remember the place. darn shame too because it was fabulous! As for the rehearsal, we were told no (we'd have to do it on our own)... but she did set up a welcome dinner in the buffet for us.
  5. We actually had the bright blue, fuschia and green as our color scheme. I was also afraid of the blue getting lost and the girls hating me for choosing fuschia... so I compromised. I chose chocolate brown dresses with bright blue sashes and then the fuschia and green flowers. I loved it! and the chocolate was enough of a contrast against the light colored sand that the colors all really popped!
  6. Our wedding time got changed once we got there. I believe it was supposed to be at 1pm and it was switched to 3pm. No big deal... since once you are down there what does the time really matter? But it did stink that my invitations and everything were wrong. However, having a 3pm ceremony meant it was MUCH cooler and THANK GOODNESS!!! As for the internet, not in the rooms. And the premier lobby you have to have a gold bracelet. i did sneak my friend in a few times so she could check on her son back at home, but we got yelled at a few times too. Eventually Shawn just slipped his bracelet off and we would put it on her to go in there.
  7. I did favors. i actually did photo holders which doubled as place cards. I simply gave them to the WC and she had them on my guest signature table. It worked out very well. As far as the allergies, we didn't have any foodies with... but my sister and dad are deathly allergic to bees/wasps. There were NONE. Obviously they carried around their eppe pens just incase, but we never even saw one. The GBP sprays for bugs... so maybe that's why? Or it could have been the time of year too.
  8. Welcome! I got married in April, but I priced out many different options, including Christmas and spring break. Both are MUCH more expensive. However, if that's when your family and friends are able to join you, then it might be worth the extra cost for you. I'd simply try and find a location which has cheaper flights typically, like Cancun for you as opposed to Cabo. I think that will help.
  9. I love how those chair bows are tied. I think that's much prettier than the normal bow which never looks like a bow because it's blowing in the breeze. Not that my opinion has anything to do with colors... I'm just saying!
  10. Looking at Elizabeth's work, I'd go with really bold colors. Maybe bright pinks and greens? Throw in some yellows? Her work amazes me because it has such vivid colors and such POP... so I would definitely think about that.
  11. Yeah, although you might think that purchasing suits is more expensive, Mens Warehouse has very nice ones for under $200 each. And rental fees, especially foreign country rental fees and the hassel might not be worth it.
  12. Make sure you see some of her work. Buying fancy equipment doesn't mean you'll be a good photographer. so make sure she gets some practice in first. Especially with direct sunlight. It's hard to master or even attempt with good results. But, like others have said, the fact that she doesn't get along too well with your FI is adding potential risk. Being a photographer, you have to kind of boss people around. I mean, there is no way you can get all of the photos done in the alloted time unless you give instructions on who and where. So is your FI going to be okay with her saying such things to him?
  13. Oh that is so sweet!!!! What a rare chance on meeting too!
  14. i love it! It reminds me slightly of my dress. The big thing to remember is that the model is standing in a room which makes the dress feel more glitsy... when you are standing on a beach it will look so perfect! don't worry. If you love it. Get it!
  15. I threw away my option for additional desserts in order to get a cake to feed 35 guests at no charge. I brought a picture of what I wanted. It was three tiered with simple decorations and bright pink roses. It wasn't perfect by any means... but it was delicious!
  16. I paid mine with a credit card... and the only surprise I saw is that they DIDN'T charge me for a bunch of things! It was quite nice. I actually saved around $3-5,000... and I'm not really sure how!
  17. LOVE these pictures!!!! You look so beautiful! You must be absolutely thrilled!
  18. Nope, we didn't pay anything extra. They just never closed the bar. We did give the waiter a very nice tip though As for the timing of your private event... I didn't have ANY choice. I was TOLD what time I could have it. It was 7:30-10:30 if I recall. That was nice that we ended that early too (well, for us anyways). Afterwards we went to the Hacienda and people could dance to the live music if they wanted, and we took pictures. And then it was really nice because we were in bed by 12 (we didn't stay after pictures) and we were up and ready to go really early in the morning for our trash the dress. And of course since our family and friends partied with us all week... we didn't feel ripped off of any time! Plus... I WAS TIRED!
  19. Those Save the Dates that you have picked out are really beautiful!!! They'd be super easy for someone to create in photoshop for you though... and then you can upload that design and print in VistaPrint. If that's what you'd like to do.
  20. I have 14... 10 with ribbon. Here is a photo
  21. Actually I think I might have 12... or at least VERY close to that number. They have blue and brown ribbon tied on them, but that can easily be removed. Let me know if you are interested.
  22. I actually didn't buy a drink package at all! We had a "cocktail" party in the lobby bar and then we were brought out to the dinner location as the sun was going down and that's when they served us the full bar. With that said, very few people actually drank anything other than margaritas or beer... so I don't think it'd be that big of a deal. You could even make the margarita your signature drink. Name it something cute?
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