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Everything posted by lulubelle

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ajncooter Prim and Pixie are the best they did my save the dates and they will be doing my invites, menus and programs! I know, I love them too. I have been trying to get them to join the forum. Which invite did you order?
  2. It is probably one of those things that should be determined on a case by case basis. For example, if it is your 80 year old grandmother that can't come, but still wants to somehow be included and would maybe keep it as a keepsake, I would still send her one. If it is a friend that has already made it clear that she can't come, then maybe don't bother. Just a thought.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by IrieBride08 Thanks! So sweet! It was taken right after Michael proposed to me at the RuthChris restaurant in Alexandria, Virginia. It's funny cuz both of our eyes are puffy and bloodshot from crying! LOL! That is so great. I wish I had a picture from the night he proposed. You can't tell that your eyes are puffy. You guys look great, so happy. Congrats and best wishes!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by IrieBride08 Printing isues were a big part of why it took me so long to print these out! Whenever I converted the file to a PDF, it looked blurry and not crisp (thanks to the dafont.com fonts I used) so I eventually took it to work on a weekend and printed them on one of the color printers! I guess we're even then, cuz I LOVE your monogram Lulubelle! Very nice! Awe, you are sweet. Thanks. I love your photo too! Where did you take that picture? Looks amazing.
  5. Thanks so much for sharing. Great idea for a thread. I can only imagine the pain of losing a parent. Sorry for your loss. I definitely want to do something like this for my grandparents. Beautiful ideas.
  6. I think it could be cute to glue silk flowers to them?? Not sure how it would look. It would be nice to have something to do a trial run on.
  7. Wow those are beautiful. You did a great job. Did you just print them on your home printer? I am impressed and jealous. I wish I was that crafty.
  8. So I am helping to throw an engagement party for a friend of mine that is luau/beach themed and I am looking for decorations that are not cheesy. Everything I have found is bright pinks/purples/yellows. I was thinking more sophisticated neutrals/greens very beachy, palms, etc... I need ideas for decorations, linens, plates, favors etc...HELP!!!
  9. I had the same question. My friends dad is a jeweler and he said to just heat some water on the stove, not quite to boiling temp, remove from heat, add plain dish soap or windex and swirl your ring in the pot. It turns out beautifully! I have done it several times and it really works well.
  10. I love the idea of making the placecard double as a favour. What a great way to save money and keep your place setting clean looking.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride just add your pictures of the invites you like and at the bottom you can click on whether you want a poll or not and then you can just add the names... HTH, and I wasn't too confusing! Thanks, I was looking for a tool in the toolbar or a link. Hopefully I can figure it out.
  12. Thanks girls. I am still torn between these and a couple of other invites. I would like to do a poll but not sure how to do it. Help
  13. Sometimes it has to do with the direction you are feeding the envelope. Try feeding it with the flap going a different direction. Of course you will need to change the direction under printing prefrences as well. Hope that is not too confusing
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by chprfan Those are really nice....where did you find them at? www.primandpixie.com They did my boarding pass save the dates as well. They have a couple of other invites that I like but these are fast becoming my favorites.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 they have a great hawaiian character - are you thinking hot pink or soft pink (i vote hot pink!) Thats a great question. I was trying to decide that myself. I think hot pink but I am still not quite sure...maybe I should take a poll.
  16. Congratulations! Have a great time in Vegas!
  17. Congratulations! Can't wait to see pics....I am sure they will be beautiful!
  18. I am thinking of ordering these as my invitations but having them done in pink instead. Any thoughts would be appreciated
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by mkdela Hmm, good question, I'm not sure! I guess I want some kind of theme (maybe a palm tree or something), but not quite as extensive as looking like a passport or boarding pass...probably more along the lines of a regular invite. And I'm looking for turquoise and green if possible (wedding colors). Thanks everyone for all these great suggestions!! I am also using Prim and Pixie and love them. They do a lot of beachy looking invitations. Highly recommend them!
  20. I love this thread!! These would be cute favors. www.charmingfavours.com
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