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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Well, when I was there I had a lot of people tell me I looked 15 (!!! ) and I was never ID'd - not even at check in. But, is it worth the risk to have to turn him away once they get there??!
  2. lol Tara. I know, I was shocked at how easy it was too. I'm afraid to admit how much time I actually spent making all of my monograms lol, but its sad. It sure makes a day at work more enjoyable!!!! Show us what you've got when you've made them!!
  3. Hey Julia. That's so awesome that you got engaged in Cozumel - did I read that right?! You're so lucky!!! Do you have pictures by any chance?! You should definately post your engagement story. You're absolutely right - there is some fantastic information on this forum. There are a few brides here that are getting married in Cancun, so ask away with your many questions. Welcome to the forum, Julia!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by BVP To Do a Video or Not to do a video.... That is the question..... Having a video is personal... Some people could not live without one and others are indifferent. It all depends on you as a person - if you like to look back, and remenisse (sp) it's great to have something live as it actually happened... It is also good for future generations to look back on. Have to take issue with the video being overpriced... It cracks me up that nobody thinks twice about paying thousands for a photographer, however they hesitate with the price of the video. Just to let you know - To edit video takes much longer than photos. For every one hour that we are on site at a wedding - I can count on at least 10 hours in editing. Not to mention an extra half a day for artwork and packaging... I just do not want to be undervalued... most brides regret it if they do not have a video.... and I understand that having both a photog and videographer is cost-prohibitive in some cases. Please though - we work really hard after the wedding day, putting our heart and soul into the footage to include the most beautiful parts of your day together in one unforgettable memory package... It is worth the money. (I don't know too many folks who work a 40 hour week for under 1k). I hope I don't sound defensive - it's just that sometimes we video people feel so underappreciated for the amount of work that we do... m I definately don't think any of us brides (or grooms) mean to sound like your work isn't appreciated. I can only speak for myself when I say that I understand and respect the work and time you put into each project. However, I think before you "feel underappreciated" by reading what we are saying on this forum you need to understand that a lot of us are trying to cut costs, and for a lot a video may not be worth the $$. The costs as a bride, as I am sure you are aware, can really add up - and that is what we mean when we say it is too expensive. I happen to think that paying the price I am for my photographer is overpriced too, and whether or not my photographer agrees w/me or not is not the point here - I still pay the price because his work speaks for itself. It hurts me and my wallet to shell out the money (I wince every time!), but I do because I love his work!! I am willing to pay that price, others are not. ...Anyways, that's just the other side of things.
  5. No, Tammy - I don't think it'd be too much. Keep the seashells small enough, and the monogram simple (limit the loops and twirls!) and I think it'd be a nice touch!
  6. Well Tammy - since your wedding is so close, why don't you call the videographer. Get a quote from him - if you're ok with the quote, ask if he's available on your date. If he is, take it as a sign! It's getting pretty close though, so there is a chance you might not be able to find one - in which case you're stressing yourself out trying to make a decision for nothing!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL We've all been there! I took the same approach - step away from the planning when it gets to be too much. And, I won't lie, after it was all over I literally said "I am never getting married again!" Sounds funny, but seriously, I will never put myself thru such an arduous planning process again. Hopefully next time I plan something I'll be able to apply the lessons I learned. Christa, I always hated it when people said to me "ELOPE! Planning a wedding is too stressful!!" I didn't believe them. Now, I am starting to, and the wedding is still a year away lol! I hope it will all be worth it in the end. I think planning a DW is actually more stressful than an at-home wedding. At least here I can deal w/everyone in person - see all the vendors, the locations, do a tasting if I want to. Planning a DW is all by word of mouth. If someone has said great things about Dreams Los Cabos - I trust them. I can't see too much for myself. Haha - now I'll tell people "DON'T DO A DW! Plan a traditional wedding here!!!" lol.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL Courtney - haha, no it's not my forum finale! Swear! I may not be able to keep up as much as I did while I was planning, but I feel very invested in you girls! I can't wait to see how all of your weddings turn out. One thought on your weird parental situation...and I may have said this in my review, but these people are adults! They do not need you to hold their hand, or anticipate their difficulties and plan around them...they can manage themselves. Although that sounds completely obvious, I think in a way I felt like I had to make sure everybody was "ok" - like they were all my responsibility. Rafael's brother in law said under his breath at our welcome dinner "you're working to hard" - that's when I realized all of this.... Oh - I know they're adults... I just know that they have a lot of unresolved issues that they'd love to get off their chests, and I don't particularly want my wedding (or that week at all!) to be the place to duke it out!! I'll have Aaron call each of them before we leave and tell them that such behaviour is unacceptable. If it comes out - I won't be afraid to tell them to take a "time out"!!!! Hey, if they want to act like kids, I'll treat them like kids!! That's good that you had your "ah-ha" moment at the welcome dinner. Like all of the sudden "Oh, I realize that I'm not responsible for all of these adults - I don't have to keep them entertained, and happy!". I hope I realize that nice and early too - it's so easy to get swept up in all of this. I promised myself that if the wedding started to stress me out at all then I'd stop planning - stop what I'm doing - and take a breather. This is suppose to be fun!!! Unfortunately, I've gotten stressed out a few times - gotten upset already, cried a few times b/c things didn't work out my way. I am still having fun though - and for me that's the key! I will (hopefully) never plan a wedding again - this is a once in a lifetime thing, so I need to enjoy this phase of my life!
  9. Ok first of all - has it really been 3 weeks already?! Wow time flies! It's nice to hear that life on the other side exists!! I think we all have our anxieties - mine is Aaron's parents, who haven't spoken a single word to eachother when his mom left his dad one day w/no warning. They both "hate" eachother now. They haven't even lived in the same city since! I can't wait to see how that works out! But I'm a lot like you, Christa - in that I have to be in control of everything, otherwise I freak out. I have to have everything planned and organized - and I know this part won't be. I know that they're both civil adults and I'm sure they'll be fine. It's true though - if they do end up scratching eachother's eyes out, at least Aaron and I still have our love!!! (and a good story to tell the kids!) Christa, that better not be like you're forum finale! You're still going to be a regular to the forum, right...?!
  10. Clearly I slack off the most among all of us DW brides! I'll be taking 1 full week (not work week - 7 days) in Cabo for the wedding. Then we're going to Disney for 2 full weeks! THREE WEEKS BABY!!
  11. Louisa - I love, love, love this one: You look so pretty, and relaxed and like you're really enjoying your day!!
  12. Hey Stacey - congrats on your almost engagement! How do you know it's going to be in two weeks though?! Yep, Tammy is right - you need to post the story after it happens (with pictures if possible!!) P.S. Welcome to the forum!!
  13. Aww, Christine great pictures! So you set up a few of the girls w/disposable cameras and they all got filled up?? You pretty much picked out all of my favourites - but there is one where your college roommate (as per above pic) is laughing and facing another direction. In the slide show it's a sideways picture I think. She's the blonde one - and you can tell it's a completely genuine laugh. I love candid shots. Haha - did I notice a "pin the tail on the man" poster in that one group shot?!
  14. Well Tammy, it takes 2 weeks to do one "cycle" of it. The week before your wedding you'll be too stressed w/running around trying to get everything you need. I'd say do it 3 weeks before. Fresh white smile for the wedding, but not the added stress the week before!
  15. And she did a reasonable job? Or have you not seen the end result yet? That is an excellent price. Do you think you could find someone in Calgary, Canada for me?!
  16. Wow Lisa, she did a fantastic job!! Where did she get it from?
  17. Hey Jen, welcome to the forum! You're definately joining the forum among some other fantastic photographers we have here. And we value all of your opinions and insight! You should post your website so we can see all of your great photos and "oooh" and "ahhh" over them!
  18. Are you actually getting this EXACT dress by the designer, or having a similar one made? I like the dress, my only concern (if I were wearing it) would be the fact that you can see her legs allllll the way to the hip - it's a little see-through!! I'd just worried the whole night that I'd be mooning (or, umm... flashing) my friends and family if the dressed moved a little to the left or right!!!
  19. Sherri, I used the Crest Whitestrips. I found it difficult to keep up with the twice a day for 14 days, and ended up missing a few. I did notice a difference, but not a huge one - and it lasted a month or so (?!). lol, that might have something to do with the fact that I missed some days tho lol. I haven't used the "paint-on" whitening that they released. You put it on before you go to bed and sleep with it on, then brush it off the next morning. I think that'll be my next try though. It seems that I buy so many of these products that in the long run I would have been better off doing the expensive treatment in the first place - but oh well!!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by EDYTA I know that excellence riviera has a gorgeous beach and the resort is stunning....the edr looks amazing also but I think the beach is rocky That's actually a good point Edyta, the beach at EDR is pretty good - a little rocky, and gets rockier as you go towards the water, but it's not too bad. The downside about the beach is that there are MASSIVE sandbags to rebuild the beach after the hurricane. They are a bit of an eyesore, but you get use to them. Also, if you select the gazebo as your ceremony site, there are no sandbags there, so they won't ruin your pictures!
  21. Hi Mary. I haven't been to the other two resorts, but I have been to the El Dorado Royale and LOVED IT!!! I would absolutely have my wedding there in a heartbeat if they allowed children (which is something you might need to consider?) Also, I know Louisa (weez) JUST had her wedding there. I've attached both of our reviews. I just want to say that before you read my review - ya it sounds a little negative, but I really wanted to point out the things that might bother some people. It was a really great, private, quiet, enjoyable resort. The staff there were so amazing and would pretty much do anything to make your stay perfect. It's SUCH a nice resort - and if you can afford it, I'd suggest you upgrade you and FIs room to a casita - I've heard it's a pretty nice treat (and I'm pretty sure Louisa did this). Anyways Mary - reviews are attached. Ask or PM me if you have questions and I'll be happy to answer! (I vote EDR!!!) http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t4139 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t4173
  22. Hey Jessica!! Like Glenda mentioned, Kash and Sarah are having their weddings at the Hilton. I don't know about Kash, but as far as I know, Sarah is paying for 3 nights accomodation for her guests!!! That obviously makes it easier for her guests lol. I think you need to consider what is important to you - you might lose some guest's attendance b/c its not an AI resort as the costs can really stack up. If your dream wedding is at the Hilton, then go there!!
  23. eBay? Haha, I'm a rookie eBay buyer! I just thought they'd be so fragile for shipping from eBay sellers since they won't guarantee/replace broken shipments?! Glenda - you're awesome!! I might just have to take you up on that offer. My parents also mentioned that they'll try to find a whole bunch while they're in Vancouver next month so hopefully I can save on shipping all together!! If they don't find anything tho Glenda, I might PM you for assistance. Laura, that seller is great, I'll keep her bookmarked. Thanks guys, for all of your help! You're the best!
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