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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Bumping this post so we can keep all of our fur babies in one place! Also, post more stories about the crazy things your pets do that make you laugh, I love those!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt This is a dumb question, but what does OOT stand for? I'm not to good with all of the acronyms yet.... lol 'OOT' got me too for a while. I knew I was doing them, but didn't get what OOT stood for.. The other one that got me was 'STD'. I don't remember if it was this forum or anyother where the thread name was "Gave my guests their STDs today" and I didn't know what it meant. I just kinda looked at it like.... ummm... ok!!!
  3. I actually really like the first picture. Maybe do the blonde with the darker "highlights" (are they called highlights if they're darker?!) - kind of like a transition. You're luck to look great with both colours - I wish I could do that!
  4. Ya, it's all what you think looks best with your dress. I think the longer ones might get a little annoying if you're outside and it's windy, but even that's a stretch if it's the one you love! Ya, I've heard about weighing down your veil. I think just with the bead work it can be weighted. I agree with Ann - those shots of the veil up in the air can look really pretty and dramatic. It's just personal prefrence
  5. Hahaha, omg - thanks Christine for showing us this. lol, I've seen the commercials for that Bridezilla show, but have never seen it - but really want to!! I can't believe people expect this of other people - namely their friends and family. The weight loss blows my mind! My mom is my MOH and she is plus size, but I'd rather her up there than her size 2 replacement!!! Who cares?! lol. And the colour swatch for the changed hair colour?! I'm sorry - no! I don't care if she dyes her hair bright pink and green with a neon yellow smiley face in the middle - she's the one that's going to look dumb in the pictures, not me! That's her choice! lol, ok ok I could go on and on. But I think I might send this to my BMs just for a kick!
  6. Hey Tracey!! There are plenty of us Dreams Cabo brides here to help you out. Ask away and you'll have a reply before you can even say "Cabo"!!
  7. I'm not a Starbucks girl - I don't drink coffee. But I do get a hot chocolate (and bagel) every morning from Tim Hortons - any Canadian knows that Tim Horton's is the way to go! lol Paula, I like when you get service like that! They're like your second family for 2 minutes everyday! When I was in High school, my dad use to drive me to school every morning and there was one Tim Horton's drive thru worker that always jokingly said I was spoiled because of that (and I was - and still am!) anyways, she gave me the nickname "Princess" and use to write in in the cup-pencils they have on my cup every morning!
  8. First of all - wow, engagement in Italy?! Lucky you! And no, unfortunately I don't know who that is. I've actually never heard of Earth, Sea, Sky Vacations (did I get that right?). Do you have a link for them? P.S. Welcome to the forum!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by akh i wouldn't give up. even if you have to say to her, "i know i am probably wrong, but just help put my mind at ease and show me they're not in there, for my own sanity" or something. what a whack job. OOOH that's good!! Ann, you're brilliant!
  10. This is at work?!?! Go to your boss!! It might sound childish and tattle-taleish, but who cares! Why would she take your pictures? What a creep
  11. Melissa - have you confronted her about it? That is weird, but those people are out there. Maybe she didn't want to pay for it? Not that I'm justifying her actions, I'm just trying to figure out why someone would steal someone elses wedding pictures! I'd say, give her a call and ask if she "accidentally" took some pictures when she was looking. If she says no, tell her to check the bag she brought just in case! I once did that - she went and checked for the item while I sat on the phone and she came back and said "Oh - oh ya, it must have fallen in my bag! Weird" Mmmk, w/e - give it back!!!
  12. lol - when I first got engaged, someone gave me this big book of Speeches and Thank Yous. I haven't looked through it - and it's at home, otherwise I'd take a look at it now for you. I think they'd be pretty impersonal though! If you like I check when I get home in a few hours
  13. Ha!!! I'm too cheap for $$$$$!! I'm more like $$$! I wonder if I can find a knock-off!
  14. DON'T WORRY ABOUT THESE PEOPLE SO MUCH! THEY ARE ADULTS. THEY CAN TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES!! Don't put so much pressure on yourself. I'm just copying and pasting that since it can't be said enough!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL Umm, I'll just grow pot to raise money, that's much easier. LOL! Hahaha, seriously.... laughing so hard, I'm crying!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by mc23 Did anyone run into any problems with reservations for dinner at EDR? YES!! Just make sure you speak with your conceirge (make sure he/she has been assigned to your room) and get a print out for all of your dinners and you should be ok!
  17. Well, by the sounds of it you don't really want your extended family there. There are a few members of my family that I rarely speak to, but that I know will be pissed off when they find out they didn't get an invite. The way I think of it is: when I'm standing up there, and I take a look at all of my family - who do I want to be there smiling back at me? If I don't really care if Uncle Joe isn't there, then he's not on my guest list. You'll enjoy a small guest list - it's so personal. In fact, I'm jealous of TammyM and her three guests!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by olisa6 I thought I read in a thread(that you actually responded in) that you heard the photographer that Dreams recommends is not that good. Maybe it was the DJ thread and I am mixing them up(I need help with that too). I'm trying to do too much at once. I did not ask Dreams about a photographer but maybe I'll ask Yessica to send me who they recommend. I'm not speaking from experience, but word on the street is that the photographer that is included in the wedding package isn't as good as if you were to hire your own. I think if you mention to Yessica that you've already contacted those two, and if she knows of any others she might be able to get some good photographers for you to consider.
  19. Woot, we have our on private investigator!! Alright Laura - can you tell me where they sell that dress near me? lol. As far as I can tell they only sell in the US
  20. How is that the best pose?! She is slouching, and she doesn't look happy. She's not a very pleasant bride - she looks like she would be a diva. The bride in the slideshow, however - she's a much better model for this dress!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL This board is so awesome! I wonder how much that puppy costs?? Also, as per usual, I love how the model is in the "I have to pee really bad" pose! Haha - what a perfect name for that pose!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine I take my dogs to the Petshotel at Petsmart and they love it, lots of play time. But I understand I hate leaving them. lol... I always thought those dogs were for sale?!
  23. Just remember: if you hire a photographer that doesn't reside in the city that you're getting married, you'll have to pay their travel. :| That can get expensive!
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