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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. YAY Christine!!!! Yipeeeee!! That's so exciting! congrats
  2. HOLY COW!!! $65! lol, that's a lot. I find that too, though - shipping to Canada is an arm an a leg.
  3. YAY MISHI!!! I'm so excited to hear all about it - and bring back tons of pictures (like any of us need to ask! ) Have a safe trip and the best darn wedding ever!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
  4. lol, Natasha - you're a genius!!! That honestly NEVER crossed my mind! You're brilliant! All Hail Natasha
  5. CourtneyV


    Ahh, that's the beauty of a DW!! Everyone seems to get mad at you for having your dream wedding. The good news is: it'll weed out all the people you don't really want there/don't really want to be there themselves anyways! Have you thought about having an at-home reception when you come back for those who can't make it??
  6. I voted for number one because a) its the dress you fell in love with and; it cost you an arm and a leg lol. It's true - it's difficult to see what it really looks like. The second dress is very pretty too. I like the idea of what's been said above: wear both!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by akh Yes, this site is addicting, be warned! But let us know, and we will help in any way we can! Heck, maybe another Canadian bride can even babysit for you! lol Laura, I'm one Canadian bride that would gladly babysit for you to let you plan - just hop a flight and drop him off!! Let us know if you have any questions, or if you need any help (other than babysitting!!)
  8. Kash, I really love it. I think it's creative and unique and the colours are awesome!! Thumbs up here - nice work!
  9. Hey there Salome!! Welcome to the forum! There are getting to be quite a few DR brides on this forum. Let any of us know if you have questions
  10. Hey Andrea, welcome to the forum! I did a site visit to Dreams Tulum last month and loved it. I have a bunch of pictures somewhere if you want me to send them to you. I talked with the Wedding Coordinator there and she was really nice. Let me know if you have any questions and I'll try to answer all that I know!! Like Tammy pointed out - Jason is getting married there so he'll probably have a lot more info than I do. Welcome!!!
  11. Hey, welcome to the forum!!! That is a bit of a confusing situation! I went "hint shopping" with my FI before he proposed. Maybe just give him a sort of guideline so he's less nervous about picking out the "wrong ring" - even though we all know they always do a great job. e.g. "I like white gold, it's so pretty!!" - there instantly narrowed down. lol. I know my FI was pretty nervous about picking out the wrong ring and he did a great job!! As for PV, I don't know too much. Sorry. But welcome to the forum anyways!!!
  12. Hey Anita, there a few DR brides here - all of whom are incredibly helpful!! Let any of us know if you have questions!!
  13. Those are cool. I wonder how long they take to make. That'd be neat to incorporate into your bouquet. I like one of the string ones, but where would I use it?! Ok, does anyone else see a creepy old man with binoculars?? (It's like a psychology test: What do you see?!?)
  14. Hey Kelly, welcome to the forum!! We have some pretty awesome DR brides here, including Debs and Tara (tvt). I'm not sure where Tara is thinking of having her wedding though. Woot- four months to the day until your wedding!!!!!
  15. Wow - you have good taste! lol. That was a hard choice. Honestly I only picked #3 because it looks a little mor unique and is kind of like a mix of the other two. I like all three though!! lol Sorry, that doesn't help!
  16. I am having my uncle (who is a former priest) do our ceremony. It won't be legal, but I wanted him to perform it - I've known that since forever! For us, we want everything to be super personal, I don't want some joe-schmoe up there with us, IMO a family member (even if he's never been ordained before) is such a nice touch. If my uncle couldn't do it I would try to find another family member or friend that would. That's just me though - I know people who didn't really care who it was...
  17. Lol Melissa - she's cute... it looks like you put some blush on her! Toby - Penny and Smitty are cute. I use to have a Smitty (cat) too. I got him when I was 4 years old and we had to put him down last year. I don't think I have any pictures of him but he was awesome. Your Smitty is male or female? P.S. Toby - how is the new job going?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jet1012 Here's a funny story - I was sitting next to my fiance on the laptop when I opened your post. I told him "Help this bride pick out her dress. Which do you like?" I hadn't scrolled down, but I about had a heart attack when it was my wedding dress that was your #2! I muttered something and kept scorlling down and said "Never mind." He wasn't paying much attention anyways, but what are the chances!?! I'm sure whatever dress you choose will look great! Good luck. lol - but wouldn't that have been awesome if he chose the second one - you could have done a mini celebration (not out loud of course lol).
  19. I also got a quote from someone here in Calgary - she quoted me $300 for the first hour and $125 every hour after that, and that included ONE 8.5 x 11 picture.
  20. OOOH OOOH - you should take a trip to Vancouver and get b-pics with Leigh so we can have enough people!!! lol... Uhh, I'll have to check my e-mail for what she quoted me. Or I think it's in the other post even. I think $500 for 1 - 1/2 session includes $200 print credit?? I think.
  21. lol aww. I steal the good magazines too!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by PaulaV Thank you TammyM and Courtney! It's still cold here in Ohio (trying to remember why I still live here) We don't have grass at our new place yet! Grrr... don't get me started... When we do, we are getting a fence for him to run around, but we got a quote this week and it's *so* expensive for what we want - go figure. So I will have to take pics of him in someone else's yard Haha- I know, who knew that GRASS (a weed!!) was so expensive!?! Just wait until the neighbours are gone on holidays and use their pretty lawn and garden lol.
  23. Aww, Paula he's cute! But looking at the snow is making me feel cold - go take some pictures of him playing in the grass or something lol.
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