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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 As they said on Friends, there should be a job where we could wear our wedding dress every day! It just feels great to have it on! Haha omg - it's so true. Maybe that's why I'm delaying buying it! I'm pretty sure this dress is the one, as soon as I put it on I had a smile on my face. This is probably the one I'll buy, but I might as well enjoy playing dress up a few more times! This dress takes one month to ship, so I'm in absolutely no rush!
  2. HURRAY!! Congrats Toby! How long until you get it? Am I imagining things or did you say before it was 4 months?
  3. OMG, Anny - that looks awesome! I was already smiling at it without the translation! I love it!
  4. My first thought when you say "greenhouse" is really hot and stuffy, but obviously since they have weddings there, it's not some stuffy, humid room. They have A/C? I love the first picture - all of the colours of the trees off in the distance. So pretty. This is a gorgeous location. Oh, and I forgot to mention before - you can almost never go wrong with Martha Stewart! The table gifts are fantastic!
  5. Laura - it's gorgeous!! I love the reception area too. It looks like it gets a lot of natural light, which is always good... seems like when there are no windows it feels really stuffy!
  6. Hurray!! Congratulations on your big day! Enjoy every moment, and the rest of your time in Jamaca Mon'!
  7. Edyta!!! CONGRATS!! Ya know we're thinking of you on your super awesome wedding day! Enjoy every last milisecond of it, and then rush back to tell us all about it!
  8. Yay Leigh. But I have to admit, I'm not even a tad surprised! Your work is amazing!!!
  9. Awww - Your kids are SO cute. Seriously, I just want to bundle them up and put them in my pocket lol.
  10. Alright ladies... update time!! So, we're going dress shopping again on Saturday. I LOVE that dress so much that I tried on before. I've dreamt about it, and thought about it more than I'd like to admit lol. So, last time my mom went with me. This time I'll be bringing my cousin (who is one of my BMs) and my dad wants to go too. So I'll have fresh opinions. I'll try on this dress again, and then we'll use it as my benchmark for all other dresses. I'm just afraid to buy it now, and then fall in love with another one later. So, regardless I still won't buy probably for another few months. I have lots of time. The other thing about this dress is that it's a complete opposite from what I was sure I would buy. My grad dress was a simple ivory, one shoulder dress and when I try on non-poofy dresses I feel like I'm in my grad dress again! I want something that will make me feel all special inside lol. Anyways, blah blah blah.. i'll stop talking now! I thought I'd just give you gals an update. I'll try to see if I can get pictures this time, even if we sneak a few! Yay - so excited!! Wish me luck!
  11. Ya, you can also share the photo URL if its on a website. on the website, right click on the picture and go to properties where it will tell you the photo's URL. High it, and copy. Go to the button on the top toolbar that looks mountains w/yellow background and paste the URL in there. It'll post the picture from the website.
  12. It was definately a hard vote to make since we seriously have the best peole on this forum. You three rock and I'm glad you guys are getting the recognition that you ladies deserve. Congrats!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM NOPE... Because we leave in a month I went ahead and booked something else. It's been two weeks now and IMO that's more then enough time to email me back on a status. Even if you just got an email saying "hey, I'm still chatting with them, but I haven't forgotten about you!" would be better than nothing. If she is still working on it then you'd think she'd be able to update you on the status of your account?? I understand that people get busier with appointments etc, but you're a client of hers. Did you pay her a WC fee before she was a no show to the resort? I hear ya about wanting to book now instead of waiting though. A month beforehand you want to have as much ready as possible to minimize the scrambling at the last minute. Thanks for the review, too bad it didn't work out, but bad reviews are just as useful as good ones!
  14. Hey Leah. Welcome to the forum!! Besides the awesome beach, what else are you looking for? An AI resort? Adults only, or kids attending? You are going to need to steer clear of a few resorts because of hurricane restoration on the beaches. (for example El Dorado Royale - beautiful resort, but massssssive sand bags, kind of ugly!!)
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by PaulaV Hi Kash, I voted 'no' just because it sounded like too many sweets. If you feel like you need to poke something into the fire, what about just marshallows? A few bags of those would be cheap, spend the rest of the $$ on more drinks huh... I wonder if you could head out to the nearest Costco or whatever that sells marshmellows? Could you bring those in? That'd be cheap and does the trick.
  16. Mmmm, I do love Smores. I agree, I think it could be money saved or used somewhere else. I think chillin' by a bonfire with drinks is enough.
  17. Yay Heidi! Isn't that such a good feeling? Not only does it feel like you're making progress, but it's such a hard choice it's nice to have it out of the way! Plus, now that you know where, you know what the location looks like so you can start deciding on all kinds of other factors like theme and colour and decor etc etc. WOOOOHOOOOO! Location? *CHECK!!*
  18. Pssssh!! Its not too early!! My wedding is in May '08, and I've been actively planning (read: sadly addicted) since last year... and that's when I thought my wedding was going to be in November '08!! I agree, it's better to have way too much time, than too little. You can work on your theme and colour choices, and it'll make your choices a lot easier to make. Think about DIY projects you might want to do. Are you doing Save the Dates? I've sent mine out already (just last week).
  19. Aaron and I are leaning towards having a Bon Voyage "reception". It'll be really low key, something like a BBQ in our backyard or something. I'm just confused about how to go about inviting people. Do we invite the people who will be attending the wedding? Obviously we'll invite the people that were invited to the Mexico Wedding that couldn't attend... but what about people that we didn't invite to the Mexico wedding at all?! Is it rude to invite people to just the BBQ Bon Voyage, but not to the actual wedding in Mexico? The only reason why I ask now (instead of a year from now!)is because it might affect who we invite to Mexico. There are a few people that we want to invite just because, but we don't really care if they show up or not. If they go, great! - if they don't, oh well! But if we can invite them only to the BBQ, but not to the Mexico wedding that'd probably be best... is that rude? lol, sorry for the long confusing explaination!
  20. Woooooooooooot Tara!!! That must feel amazing!! Congratulations!!
  21. I agree with Tara. I never wanted a veil before. I just thought they got in the way lol. Then, I was out trying on dresses, and the veil always made it look and feel complete. There are a lot of different styles and lengths that you can get. You can have them custom made if you can't find what you like. Seriously, who'd have thought there would be so many options for veils? lol. I'd say go for it. If you decide on the day of that you don't want it, then just ditch it! Can't be done the other way around!
  22. Well first of all, congratulations on your engagement!! And don't worry about being stressed about the location. That was the hardest part for me (I decided 9 months after I got engaged lol). Where do you live in the US? Are you concerned about the length of the flights? Are you thinking driving distance? Will guests be staying for a long period of time, or more like a weekend trip? There are locations within the US and Canada that you can go to that are beautiful places, it doesn't have to be somewhere w/beaches. Where do you see yourself getting married? The beach? Surrounded by flowers and greenery? At a church? There are tons of things that can help narrow down the options, and we're more than willing to help!
  23. I saw it posted on some random person's facebook (didn't even know the person!) so I tried it and laughed my ass off. I just had to share it! I thought it was going to be something perverted so I was pleasantly surprised to read something as retarded as that lol.
  24. I do like the Charlize smokey eye look - I'm just not the biggest fan of the smokeyness under the eye. I think it looks like people slept in their makeup and rubbed their eyes a few too many times. Hers is toned down, and I'd be unsure as to how to make that effect look just right. Personally, I like the other two more. Those would be easy to do yourself as well.
  25. Ooh ya, I've heard a lot about them and am surprised to hear you didn't like them. What was it about them you didn't like? Definately go in to as much detail as you can. You're right, $3500 is a lot to spend for something that you weren't thrilled about.
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