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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. I really like it, and it's completely suitable for your wedding. Is there anything that goes in the blank spot on the left? Just curious, but I really do love the way it looks! Did you design it yourself?
  2. Laura, this is such a WOW dress! It really is one that is so unique, yet so beautiful! It's gorgeous!! Are you gonna use the $70 dress for a trash the dress session?
  3. I know a lot of people feed their photographers and videographers. Those are the only vendors I've seen. I'm not sure about the hours either - I'd definately ask, you don't want to assume just in case. Plus, they might bring something small like a granola bar or something to get themselves through the rest of the time?? I dunno. The only thing is that you want to make sure they're still "alert" for the toast people might make, or w/e. Sometimes there are good pic opportunities during these. I'm sure the vendors are aware of that though... Ok, sorry I shouldn't have posted, I'm no help!
  4. ***UPDATE!!!*** So, dress shopping today went REALLY well! I'm afraid to post pictures because when I look at the pictures they look so different from what I saw in the mirror. I'll post them, otherwise TammyM will have a freakout, but the dress I like the best I think doesn't look so hot in the pictures. Every dressed that was a finalist I asked my mom to "help me in the dressing room" and we'd snap a quick picture w/no flash... so they're not the best pictures! Anyways we went back to the same place as before. For you Calgary brides (If there are any lol) it was Beautiful Bride on Macleod Trail (just across from Chinook Mall). I tried on my "benchmark" dress first to refresh my memory and still loved it. It wasn't my dad's favourite, but as he put it, he "won't be wearing it!". So here it is. I think it's the cheapest of the three, at somewhere aroung $700 - $800. It fits perfect already, I wouldn't need any alterations. It's also only a four week order. So here's option #1: The second dress was on the mannequin last time we were there and I wanted to try it on, but didn't end up doing so (they were closing). So, while we were there it didn't make it completely to the finals, it was ruled out... but as I look back on the pictures it looks really nice. I might still try it on just to be absolutely sure. ANNNNDDD... this was my favourite. Seriously, I don't like it in these pictures and if I do end up getting it I'll take pictures in good light w/flash and all! It's also a bit big, so it'll be a bit higher up on me and maybe it bit smaller, but after lacing it up in the back it felt snug enough. But she said for sure it'll be higher up. Also, the bottom part was really flatted from being in the bag, she said when steamed out it's bigger.. I was just getting too tuckered out to stay much longer! I tried this one on and didn't want to take it off. I totally loved it! I felt comfortable in it... and it looked especially good with the veil lol. So heres my favourite (Ugh, I seriously don't like the pictures!), and of course it's the most expensive at about $1,100! Anyways, when I see the pictures, I think the last one is actually my least favourite, but the pictures really don't do it justice! It really is my favourite. I love love love it. It has a 6 month order time, so I'd order it soon and leave LOTS of time for alterations.
  5. Hey Guys, it's Rachelle's (redwards) first anniversary to her husband, David! Happy anniversary!!! And feel free to give us future brides and newlyweds wonderful words of wedded bliss advice! P.S. Since first anniversary gifts are traditionally paper, you can print off this thread! lol
  6. Wow, Susan!! Are thesea DIY project?? You might have to help me along when I start making mine! They look absolutely amazing!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian Ummm, your wedding party is HOT!!! Between you, the groom, and the weddding party, that's way too many good-looking people for one wedding Haha, I'll second that!! Edyta, seriously looking at your pics gives me goosebumps! Everything is so gorgeous!! Congratulations and thanks for the teasers!
  8. Edyta, seriously you look amazing! And omg, look at that beach! I'm with Melissa, I've got a giant smile on my face! I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures! P.S. - Hi Sarah!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA I think it would be great. I bet it will totally make people cry! Ooh - that would be good if I made people cry!
  10. Does your dad take birth control? lol - just kidding! My dad got dry sockets too - but he's a smoker and they warned him that if he smoked he'd get them, and sure enough he was back complaining about them!
  11. Ahh - I haven't had mine out either. My dentist said I could wait a year.... but that was a year ago! lol. I'm such a massive wimp. Plus, if they're so wise then why do we get rid of them? Good luck! Please tell me afterwards that it was a delightful, painless procedure!
  12. Aaron's family is incredibly musically talented (opposite to my fake violin playing when I was a child @ concerts!), and his dad is in a band in Grande Prairie. They're a really good band, and I'm not just biased, I promise... especially since they play mostly country music (*puke*!). I was thinking of finding a song that Aaron's dad can play on his guitar, we wouldn't have anyone sing or anyting. Is that tacky to have his dad play our first dance song? Should I just suck it up and play one on our iPod?
  13. Holy cow, that's so stupid. Don't piss off a bride on her wedding day, she will spread the word. If that happened to me just on a normal vacation I might get pissed off, but could be happy if you sent me to a decent resort and maybe gave me like a "we're sorry for the inconvience" free dinner. HOWEVER, if it splits up a group, it would piss me off to no end. Groups plan together for a reason. I use to be a hotel manager, and we rarely overbooked. Of course, the hotel was not in a pretty location, but we did book up. The only times that we did overbook was because of like travelocity, who'd push the reservations. Or we also had a call centre, and sometimes they'd override it so they didn't have to deal with a pissed off customer.
  14. No, I'll wear a white dress still, but something more casual probably. Maybe a cotton dress. Mine is also a Bon Voyage... but I think even if it was afterwards I still wouldn't wear the dress. I dunno, theres soemthing to me about wearing it twice... or maybe it's just the fact that I get to buy two!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Adamsgrrl When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried? Last Sunday after my team members teased me for accidently cc my professor on an email to my group members announcing that I found the answer to our homework assignment online. lol I still can't believe that! I would have been laughing so hard I'd cry too... but it'd start out like a laugh and go right in to a full fledged cry, no laughing left! You're brave to walk into his classroom again after that lol. OMG, I have apit in my stomach just thinking about it!
  16. Wow Susan! Why balloons though? I've only ever seen that on Maury before... and other people on the show are terrified of kittens. I don't mean to make fun of you, it just amazes me I guess. Are you afraid of when balloons pop? I always got made fun of because I was afraid of Mannequins. They're SO creepy. And at the Bay, in the cooking section they have mannequins w/no heads, but cooking utensils stuck in their necks. Uber creepy! Also, good for you about the soda. I'm an absolute addict.
  17. lol, I love that you guys made a list of everything that might bother each other. Was leaving the toilet seat up one of them?! That's such a good idea though. I'm glad your first week of living together is going so well. Hardest part for Aaron and me was chores! When we both get home from a long day neither of us wants to clean. I think we've kind of settled that, but that's definately one of the things where we bumped in to "problems" - and even then it was like "wow hun, we should really do something about this!!"
  18. I don't have a regular will (dead will?!? lol) because I don't really own anything except a computer lol. And if "they" take that away, Aaron will be happy because he'll get to build another one anyways!!! As for a living will, I never thought of this before - ever. I guess I always thought any type of will isn't necessary unless you have a lot of stuff to give away, or you have kids! I have neither! Lesson learnt though, Aaron and I will talk this over when he's back!
  19. No problem, we're here to help! So, when you go to post, next to the text box where you type to the right there are the smilies. Below that, at the bottom right part in the grey box it says "My Photos" and below that is "open", and "Quick Upload"!! Click the Quick Upload and away you go!
  20. Amy, I was thinking of doing the same thing a while back. I've heard it's really windy in cabo, so I'm not sure how that'd affect it - or how difficult that'd make it so it stayed up!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt I am 100% addicted to chapstick and I freak if I can't find it. OMG, me too!!! Seriously, I ALWAYS have a chapstick/lip gloss in my coat, purse and in Aaron's truck and my parent's vehicles. I think I have chapstick OCD or something lol. In fact... I need chapstick right now...
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by mexicomelissa When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried? The other day driving home from work with my sister. It went something like this: Sister: "I need a bike rack for my car" Me: "What?" Sister: "I need a bike rack for my car" Me: "Huh??" Sister: "I need a bike rack for my car" Me: "Why do you need to buy crack for your car?" haha, omg... when you say it out loud I can see where the mistake came in. lol I'm still laughing at that one!!
  23. Nooo! Do NOT add Mah Jong! I play enough arcade games as it is, I cannot afford to get even more addicted!!!
  24. Hey Gals and Guys. A lot of us on this forum seem to be going through some stressful times, so I thought I'd get a "questionarre" up and going and hopefully it can draw some funny stories - afterall, laughter is the best medicine! So here's how it goes: try to answer all the questions possible, and if your answer makes you think of a story that goes along with - then share it!! Heres the questions: Have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out your nose? Have you ever been scuba diving? bunjee jumping? sky diving? Tell us three things about yourself the rest of the world doesn't know: 1. 2. 3. What is the weirdest nickname you've ever been given from anyone? When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried? Hmm, ok that's all i can think of for now. Feel free to add some questions. Here are my anwers: Have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out your nose? No, no beverage of any kind. I've heard it hurts though. I've burped pop through my nose... that's hurts too!!! Have you ever been scuba diving? bunjee jumping? sky diving? Sadly no, I really want to scuba dive. and I've always thought about bunjee jumping but I'm a big wimp! Tell us three things about yourself the rest of the world doesn't know: 1. I am deaf in my left ear. Not "legally". I forget how many decibals I can hear in that ear, but it's enough that I can block out sounds like my brother's alarm clock in the mornings (his room is right next to ours). All I have to do is roll over and the room is silent again! Same with the TV in our bedroom. Its kind of a blessing! 2. I've always wanted a tattoo, but I can't decide what!! When Aaron and I were online dating his screenname was Devil, and mine was Angel (I know, cheesie!) so I was thinking something to incorporate those. 3. When I was a baby one of my eyeballs was stuck in place, so I constantly looked crosseyed. The muscle wasn't strong enough to move or something. Anyways, given time everything worked properly. Kind of scarey/sad for a parent, but they make for some pretty funny pictures now! What is the weirdest nickname you've ever been given from anyone? OMG, I have so many! Besides my screenname (Nini, which my cousin gave me because she couldn't say my real name!), Spaghetti, Snarf, Chicken Little, I could go on and one. Apparently Snarf emerged from my brothers fav. cartoon? He was the cat or something! When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried? It was kind of random. We were watching America's Funniest Home Videos, and a guy had loaded his toaster, which sat on the counter below a set of cabinets above. So, he leaned over to look directly into the toaster, the toast popped and he hit his head on the cabinet. So boring sounding, but I could not stop laughing. Tears were streaming down my face, and Aaron just looked at me like I was retarded!!! lol - ok I didn't get any funny stories out of mine, but maybe you can do better!!
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