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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Wow. Dan is a moron!! Seriously, how was that deal a good idea? I mean, sure he got to read his letter from his gf, but boy did he shoot himself in the foot. He should have just made sure he was safe for this week and drop out. He didn't need HOH. That being said, I actually like the nominations. Sure, it's not smart for Dan, but I really don't care for Jerry or Memphis.
  2. Congratulations!!! What a little (BIG!) miracle you have!! And really, there is no better reason to have to find a new wedding dress.
  3. lol! If you ever want real ketchup chips let me know!! They're seriously amazing!
  4. Jamy, we have those "Smarties" (if you want to call them that!) here too, but they're called Rockets. They're gone most of the year until halloween, when suddenly they're everywhere!
  5. CourtneyV


    Let the 2-month countdown begin!! What do you have left to do?
  6. Wow!! Seriously?!!?? I can't believe it's here already! Have a fantastic time Martha. I truly cannot wait to here all about it!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa So, who has watched it so far? Courtney - where are you LOL! I'M HERE!!!! Of course I've watched it, that's a no-brainer! The whole Renny and Jessie thing was stupid. Both of them are at equal maturity levels. Renny will be entertaining though. And wow, what a quick turn-around for Jessie. I think eventually it'll be the nail in his coffin though. He's already made himself a target on several different levels, but now he has to nominate (and piss off) more people. I heart Jerry. I think in the beginning he'll do well, but then other houseguests will start to see him as a threat and won't want to end up with him next to them. I'd say he makes it to the jury though, without a doubt. The rest are all pretty boring! It is "back to basics", which I like. I was never thrilled about the secret relationships from outside the house... but there will still be twists, there are always twists!! So, there's my 2 cents and then some... what does everyone else think?
  8. Welcome to the forum!! There is a wealth of knowledge here, all for your enjoyment! Have you narrowed your location down to at least a few countries?!
  9. Wow Ann, that's unbelievable!! Could you imagine, we could have a thread going right now about your countdown to Nugget's birth. Well, I guess you were going to induce a little early, weren't you?? ... but still, you get the point!! I love your little rockstar, she's so adorable. I agree though, you definately need to start posting more pictures. I can't believe how much she's grown since I last saw pictures of her. Are you going to get any pro pics done of her?
  10. Welcome to the forum! You'll find lots of information for the locations you are interested in. Most locations will have an on-site wedding coordinator for you to work with. If you're interested in finding group rates, you may want to contact a travel agent to see what they can do for you.
  11. Susan, she's adorable!! And she looks so much like Matt already. How is everything going at home? How are you feeling?
  12. OMG!! That picture is jaw-dropping! I think that is my favourite picture of all time. I love it!
  13. Yay Abbie!!! I'm so glad everything went so well. I can't wait to hear more details!! You look beautiful in that one, single photo (COME ON GUESTS... PRIORITIES! Geez).
  14. I missed this thread before, but I'm so incredibly happy that everything went so well. That's the best news we could hope for!! Not to mention you made her half-smile! Yay!
  15. We've had a similar topic brought up on the forum before (minus the FREE part!!) and photographers have been kind enough to let us know what they think. Most of the photographers said they'd take a thoughtful "Thank You" note over money any day. Money is always nice, but it's nice to know how you're appreciated and hear the kind words from your clients themselves. I think (hope!) your photographer doesn't expect a tip; afterall, you seem to be doing him a favour as well - sure you're not paying for his expenses, but in turn, he builds his portfolio because you were kind enough to trust a photographer still building his portfolio. I'd say don't feel pressured to tip. Like you mentioned before, you are on a budget. Maybe do the shoot, wait for the proofs to come back and decide if he really went the extra mile for you (which is what a tip is all about, afterall!). If you want to tip at that point, then go ahead!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 Wow Amy....it is all fabulous. You did an amazing job tying everything together....so classy and so chic. I love love love all of your DIY projects. It will turn out so beautiful! Good luck! Welcome back!!! How was everything??!
  17. Ahh!!! WTF with the shirt and shoes?!!! How do you not notice these things... I dunno, FOUR MONTHS AGO?! This is it though, the final stretch... you only have to frantically worry for 10 more days! And 18 days off work, how great is that?!
  18. Yay Amanda!!! Even though she ended up giving you a good review, it doesn't sound like she's the type of boss you'd want to work for anyways. You can't just expect someone else's life to be put on hold just because you're on vacation!! That's just stupid. Congratulations on the new job though!! How come the start date is so far away?!!
  19. Thanks Kristen!! I've already got Cruise Critic bookmarked! It really is a great site. I think I could spend all day on the forums - and that's just what I need... another forum to get addicted to!!
  20. Woot!! I voted! I'll be back in one hour...
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by phoebe75 hmm i need to try that Courtney - I thought I went everywhere! I just learned how to give a gift though. I hope u like grapes! Quote: Originally Posted by phoebe75 boo. I don't have enough points! LOL! That'll teach ya for giving a gift before you get to change your username! I'll send ya some points, just because you're too generous. I do like the grapes, thanks!
  22. Wow Amy, I know I'm incredibly late on this, but WOW!! There's no way you can credit the forum for all of that work you've done... it's amazing!! Can I just say I'm IN LOVE with your centerpieces!! I want to re-plan my wedding just so I can have those centerpieces. I cannot wait to see your pictures, everything is going to be outstanding. Not only have you got a record number of guests (I'm pretty sure you do!), but the details you put into your wedding are inspiring! Congratulations Amy!!
  23. Nope, it's not obvious... because I'm pretty sure you're looking in the wrong spot! If you go to vbPlaza Menu, and select vbPlaza Main I think it's in the Username Options or something like that.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW Does anyone know how you become an event planner? I'm thinking of looking into that field. Drea, I'm pretty sure Tara (tvt) is an event planner.
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