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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Hey there Sally!!! Welcome to the forum! There are TONS of us Cabo brides on this forum, so I'm sure we can help you with anything you need! And... if we don't know it off the top of our heads, we always like a good challenge! Do you know where you're staying yet? When is the wedding next year?
  2. With the exception of Rachelle's awesome advice of the website, the only other way that's proper "etiquette" is to let your wedding party (brides maids and grooms men) spread the word politely! If people go around randomly saying where they're registered it sounds like you're assuming gifts lol. People will normally either ask you, or your wedding party though... and word kind of spreads that way via other family members. And if certain people don't find out, they'll usually bring MONEY! This is one thing that you can let everyone else worry about, might as well take advantage of that break!!!!
  3. I think the point in which the fans will get used the most in during the ceremony. That'll be the hottest point of the day - and at your reception it'll be getting dark and thus colder so guests might not use them as much... and you definately want to get your money's worth! But I think if you include the placecards on the fan people won't think to look, or won't acknowledge it come time of the reception.
  4. It's a good idea for sure, but I'd have to agree about the fake flowers up close. There is just something about being surrounded by such beautiful scenery, and then to be seated with fake flowers - most often it's easy to tell, especially when so close to them.
  5. Hahaha, Rachelle, that's awesome!!! Now I'm trying to figure out when I can use it! lol
  6. YAY ANDREA!!!!!! That's awesome! And by the sounds of it you'll be going to some amazing locations! Wooohooo!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards . . .does that make me a bad person?! Lol! ...yes, yes it does! lol, just kidding. I'm the same way. I'm all happy and smiling when they walk up, and they start dancing and I get bored too! lol
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Why don't you have Aaron walk you to the dance floor, place your hand in your dads, you then dance with your dad. Your dad can walk you back to Aaron, kiss you and put your hand back in Aarons. Aaron then can make a toast to his beautiful bride, thank your guests for being there with you, and then proceed to dinner. Kelly~ Ok, that is so perfect - I get goosebumps when I think of it! That's an AWESOME idea. It's like - my dad gives me away at the ceremony, and Aaron ... well not gives me back lol, that doesn't sound very good but you get the point! Love it! Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege OK, what if you play the slideshow... to the song your dad picked out. And then while it's playing you ask your dad to dance with you. People will be focusing on the loving moment of you two and then your dancing... but because there isn't a slide show for everyone, nobody will think that dancing is to be continued. Maybe that just makes sense in my own head. Sorry. No, no - that makes sense! I thought of that for my dance w/Aaron and might use that since for sure all eyes will be on us! I think Aaron is more nervous about the dancing than I am.. I suck too, but I can handle the slow dancing.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM patiently my @$$ I'm about to burst at the seems with anticipation.. I was hoping Edyta or Tammy would at least post a teaser pic. I'm with Tammy - where are our teaser pics?! We have two very capable members of BDW out there! I'm so glad everything went well Sarah! We are all eagerly awaiting your review and pictures! Congratulations to the new Mrs.!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Dance with your dad, my dad recently passed away and what I wouldn't give to be able to dance with him again. Umm ok Kelly, that pretty much convinced me right there! But is it awkward to just do a very selective dance? I mean, so I dance with daddy dearest, and maybe with Aaron (although that will take A LOT of convincing) and then that's it? Is that weird? Not many people in our family will dance, but some might. I don't want to put a cap on the fun if people do end up dancing, but I don't want it to be boring either! Should I still schedule some kind of entertainment (like how Linsday - Feb14Bride - had a fire dancer)?? I (a) don't want people to think they can't dance if they don't want to or ( feel so bored because there is nothing else but dancing planned for a pretty low-key group!
  11. Oooh, Rachelle that's good! I really don't want to take away something that is important to him. Do you think if he just thought we weren't doing the dance and I surprised him with a slideshow or something he'd be happy, or he'd want to do the dance anyways?! lol, I know you don't know him or anything but I'm looking for an outsiders opinion! Also, we're already doing an Aaron and Courtney Wedding slideshow at either the rehearsal dinner or the wedding... would it be lame to have two slideshows?
  12. It's stories like this that inspire me to get on my guest's asses about getting their passports now! That's the last thing you need with less than a month before your wedding. Thankfully Aaron and I still have valid passports (as does the rest of my immediate family) so I know we'll be going!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama OK this site is the BIGGEST RIP OFF if you are in Canada. The shipping seemed cheap, 13 bucks american and the exchage rate is really good right now, 90cents to the dollar, so Im like sweet, I go to the checkout and theyve added on what they call "additional fee" of 27 bucks!! No reason why, they just add it on! So my order that was around 70 bucks is now over 100 bucks! Grrr, I was so angry! No new FOH bras for me!! Seriously??! What did they call the additional fee? I'd call them up and ask what exactly the $27 goes towards. Some call it a customs fee, but thats B.S., I'm sorry but paying $40 for shipping total is ridiculous!
  14. Aaron and I have already nixed the idea of dancing. We're both pretty brutal dancers and neither of us really care if there is a first dance or not. We'll bring in some other form of entertainment for the reception, but we don't care if there is dancing or not. So the other day I was telling my parents this and my dad got a look in his eyes. Apparently he's already picked out a song for the daddy-daughter dance!!! I don't know what to do. Aaron really hates the idea of dancing and he thinks that if there is even one single dance all eyes will be on him to join the dance floor (which I could see happening). So what do I do? Is there another way I can honour my relationship with my dad? I think just doing one dance and moving on is awkward and brings the attention to more dancing which makes Aaron cringe in fear just thinking about it! I know it's our wedding and we can do what we want, but I do have a fantastic realtionship with my dad and don't want to just skip right over him either!!! Are there any nifty altneratives to the daddy-daughter dance? or should we just suck it up and do it?
  15. Happy Birthday to you, Edyta on this milestone quarter of a century birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
  16. Lisa, was it the ink from your printing, or the ink from someone's RSVP? Is there someone close to you that you can check with to see if their's was received the same way?
  17. Ugh, Sarah that's so annoying. Like you need to add to the stress. I've had pretty bad luck with TAs too - generally they seem to be pretty lazy and don't really give a stink. When I called a TA here in Calgary to see about my wedding in May she told me not to call back until August! I just wanted some preliminary info! Anyways, I'm glad I'm going with Tammy (host)! Sarah, I would keep on calling him until he gives you a Fed-Ex tracking number. Call him every half hour until he gets the point!
  18. Holy cow. I felt like socking him just reading about it. What an ass! Seriously, why do they have to make the process harder?! If he just listened to you in the first place he could have save you guys and himself the effort of all of this shit. Maybe he was just getting his kicks for the day. Serious, what an ass. It's their freakin' fault that you had to make the appointment anyways! How can they screw up so many things on ONE passport?! So they just corrected the date right then on the spot? Why does everything else have to be such a hassle??! Well, at least you can go to your own wedding now! What a relief!
  19. Oh I guess that makes sense then! Of course, I never factored in the travel! lol, you hire him for two hours and spend your entire two hours getting to your scuba location! D'oh!
  20. No place like Grandma's to recover! And Ollie is so cute - lol, awesome costume!!!
  21. Wait... really?? Engagement pics take SIX hours?! Ya, those are Juan's wedding prices. Definately contact him about it. I'm sure he's use to getting so many inquiries about weddings he didn't look closely enough. If those are his engagement prices it's not worth it! That's a lot! But seriously... 6 hours for engagement shoot? I thought most were around 1-2ish hours?
  22. I know - the normal wedding timelines are so off from a DW! I think Tammy even has a list on the non-forum part (just bestdestinationwedding.com), that could probably guide you best. My wedding is May 9th, I'm hoping to have as much as possible planned as early as possible so that the glitches can be worked out, and hopefully then I'll have more time for DIY projects. I'm hoping to have everything completely in place by end of February, which will give me two months to do all my projects etc. Just a heads up - I'm not sure if this applies to your resort, but Tammy(host) did say that Dreams Cabo books up in October!!! Ahh that's like 7 months early!! So, I will have my invites out in a month or two and RSVP by September. I'm not sure Jamaica is like. You might want to check with a TA or your resort on this though.
  23. Ya - I'm not going through this entire thread just to see if this may have been brought up in the past! lol. I'm just wondering if anyone uses those big yoga balls? I've been thinking about it, and have heard that they're really great and super versatile to many different exercises, but I don't want to buy it and be disappointed and only use it once! Any tips/advice? Does anyone know of a website that gives good excersises with the ball?
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