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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Aorry I missed this yesterday Sarah - it looks like you had a pretty awesome bridal shower!! How many people went? Looks like you're pretty popular! So, based on the gifts that you've already gotten... what did ya get?!?! Quote: Originally Posted by CABOBRIDE200 Looks like you had so much fun!! How many bows did you break while opening gifts? .....1 broken ribbon = 1 baby, right? Haha - I never knew that! I'll be very careful to break two - three!
  2. When do you go to see the others? You're taking pictures, right?!
  3. Sarah, it sounds like everything went perfectly! I can't wait to see the "surprise" pictures. Tammy said that you guys got really creative, so I'm super excited to see what you guys have come up with! Haha - I'm glad your HUSBAND (teehee, how fun is it to read that?!) reacted perfectly to your b-pics!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP the real ones or the store bought ones lol that's why it makes me laugh when it says they'll give Pamela Anderson's for a run for their money lol. It's a good pun!
  5. Ya, when I think about being the date of the person in the wedding party I cringe, because more often than not I end up sitting with a bunch of random people I don't know/care much about and all I can think about is how I'd much rather be ANYWHERE than sitting with these people trying to think of some small talk to make the time go by faster! Don't separate them - for dates of the wedding party's sake! Plus, it's a small enough group that it wouldn't look awkward, especially how you'll have the tables set up. I say go wedding party/dates and then parents.
  6. Hey Cassondra, welcome to the forum - and congratulations on the engagement! I'd have to agree; it's way better to start planning now than plan in panic mode a few months ahead of time. At least this way you can get all of your research done, you can pick your location with no hassle, and get a good headstart on the other details, and DIY projects! Did you say when in 2009 you were planning for?
  7. That's the only way you'll know for sure is trying it on! At least you have lots of time, so there's no stress there... might as well enjoy the dress shopping! Did you try on any others while you were there, or just the one?
  8. Welcome to the forum!!! There are lots of us Dreams brides on this forum, and plenty that are going with PV - and we're happy to help! What kind of activities are you thinking of to plan? Have you booked the resort yet? Were you thinking of on-resort activities, or excursions? Dinners or active excursions?
  9. CourtneyV

    Hey Girls!

    W-O-W! That's all I can say! That ring is stunning! Did you pick it out, or did you FI select it?
  10. lol ok, Jessica, your baby ticker is awesome!!! First it said something about your baby already being smarter than Paris Hilton... now it says something like your boobs are about to give Pam Anderson's a run for their money!! hahaha awesome!
  11. CourtneyV

    Hey Girls!

    Holy cow Laura - you're probably our most organized "newbie" ever! That was like a well performed sales pitch! lol. I LOVE that bouquet, that's exactly what I want mine to look like! Seriously, you've got everything on the right track... you might be helping us more than the other way around! Welcome to the forum! I love to have enthusiastic, fun people like you join - in no time you'll be just as addicted as the rest of us!!!
  12. Those are SOO cool!! Seriously, they look awesome - what a fantastic idea! I voted to use the tags somewhere else as well, it looks a bit too busy with them w/the door hanger.. but seriously, it's an awesome idea!
  13. Hey Ally, glad to see you made it!! Sometimes talking just in the shoutbox doesn't do the trick!! I'm very jealous of your St. Lucia!
  14. Aww, I'm the only one that liked the second choice?! Ya, I'm still in love with that one. I LOVE the scenery for the ceremony, and the reception area is still gorgeous!
  15. My mom found this for me today and it looks decently priced, but as soon as I see good prices I get nervous and skeptical! lol. Has anyone ever heard of these guys? This is what it says about the lunch: This is a fabulous opportunity to discover a less frequented, more remote beach of the Cabo San Lucas area. A perfect way to while away the afternoon on this relaxing trip along the Land's End tip of the Baja Peninsula and Sea of Cortez coast, picturesque Bahia Santa Maria (Santa Maria Bay) is the destination for this snorkeling excursion. The jewel-toned bay on the Sea of Cortez beckons snorkelers, swimmers and sunbathers a like. With 100% service in mind, the crew members will see to your every need - the marineros will come to your seat, personally fitting and equipping you with the provided snorkeling gear; as you're taking in the spectacular scenery and sipping on a beverage from our full open bar. After an hour of playing in the cove of Santa Maria, enjoy our full Mexican buffet cooked on board for the trip back to Cabo. $ 45.00 USD per PAX children under 10 FREE (one per adult) "New snorkel mouth piece per ticket" departure 11:00 am return at 2:30 pm arrive 30 minutes before departure SunRider Adventure - Excitement & Fun That's the site. Thanks guys!
  16. From what I can see, April to June is the best time... here, check these out: A Short Guide To Having Fun In Italy Tour Of Italy » Italy Tour Italy - Travel Photos of Rome, Genoa, Venice, Lucca and beaches
  17. lol I'm honestly OK with the 11pm cut off!! Aaron and I aren't much of partiers, and it's going to be a pretty long and tiring day. We might chill by the pool or whatever for a little while after but I couldn't see it lasting much longer than that!! I must be the only 21 year old that doesn't stay up past midnight on a Saturday!! lol.. I'm ok with that... but I do feel a bit like a loser!!!
  18. Angela - Would you mind to post more about your budget?? Now I feel like I'm forgetting something!! We'll be spending about $20,000 CAD including accomodations and travel for at least 3! That includes my photographer too. Ahhh *panic mode*!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Shelley I'm starting tanning soon so maybe that'll help - for those brief moments I can pretend I'm in Mexico... Hahaha... I sooooo do this too! I love tanning... I'm pure white, I seriously don't tan at all! So after I get even the slightest tan I feel happy... but when I'm there for those few minutes each time I can pretend I'm in Mexico - and have the tan to prove it!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege And some people don’t think about that when they dress to impress. Sometimes you impress the wrong people and horrible and unimaginable things happen. That's very true. A lot of girls go out there dressed to impressed whomever will look, and they don't think about the consequences. They get drunk and their sense of reason is impaired and before you know it they've made a string of completely stupid mistakes - they're still not asking for anything! But, ya I do get what you're saying.
  21. So, if I go out to a club in a super mini skirt, and a bikini top (which is so not me, but lets just pretend for a moment!) I'd get "what I ask for" if I got raped?! It's my own right to walk around like this, and no one has the right to so much as grab my ass when they're walking by! I don't care who you are, the way I dress isn't an invitation for rape! I'm sorry if I seem angry at you, I'm not... I hear people say this often. I get what you're saying, and I understand your point... girls that dress like this definately do get more "attention", and it seems to make it more likely that some pervert is going to hit on them - and ya, they should expect that, but they shouldn't expect rape! I honestly hear people say this all the time and every single time it makes me pretty angry because while they're dressing like sluts and they seem to be pretty permiscious, it doesn't mean they're "asking for it". Sorry... touchy subject! But I always like a good "debate!"
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Now, I didn't see the report... obviously, but is it 28 people from Calgary? If that were the case, then I'd sort of understand... I mean, the ratio of how many people go there with how many people die... it might be interesting. I still wouldn't be concerned about traveling... as long as you are safe. No, 28 in CANADA! Umm ya, we're the second largest country in the world... there are a hell of a lot of us, 28 is a pretty small percent! It sucks, but it happens! Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege This is awful... and I'm sorry to everyone I'm about to offend... by I've heard many people that are afraid of being raped or something like that. I'm sorry, but you get what you ask for. If you are completely drunk, you know it's not necessarily the safest place for tourists, and you decided to wear your two year old's outfit which barely covers the censor bar areas... what do you think could possibly happen. I think you might get a LITTLE more attention than you ask for. Given, nobody asks for something awful to happen to them, but use your brain! Seriously! While I think that girls that dress with little left to the imagination, it really pains me to hear people say they deserve it. Its an experience that hits a little close home for people that are around me. I don't care if someone is a prostitute... no one deserves to get raped! Yes, I think they call way more attention to themselves and should be (for this reason) more aware of their surroundings, and yes this is true no matter where in the world you are, but I don't think anyone deserves it.
  23. Or if you can get enough people to MN, you might be able to get Leigh over there! I think when we were going to have it in Pacific NW she said around 4, then we moved it to SW Canada and she had to bump it up to 6ish to make it so she didn't have to charge us her travel. ... we ended up canceling because we didn't get enough people, lol but you'd only need two more (ish!). Seriously, ask her...she's amazing!
  24. lol, no it didn't seem like you were rude! I'm not a mom, so I don't know what its like... but (I think) I can tell the difference between a mom who doesn't seem to care to give any attention to her kid from a mom that looks like she doesn't know what to do with her screaming child! Big difference! I love mom's who feed their kids cookies! It really does seem to work, they get so involve with the cookie and are so focused on it! My mom use to do it too... a few times she had people (like other customers, not employees!) tell her that she shouldn't be feeding a kid a cookie she hadn't paid for - like she was stealing it! Whatever, it's not like she's gonna put the box back!
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