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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. So Sarah, would you suggest hiring makeup and hair outside of dreams? I was just going to use Dreams, but if your makeup didn't work out I don't know anymore!
  2. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! This is the day to make your kids do all of the cleaning with no complaints... take advantage!
  3. So I decided to drag Aaron out dress shopping. Since it's grad season already, there are TONS of dresses out and they're all on sale! So I went to the mall with two missions in mind; One, find a dress for my engagement pictures with Leigh in August - Check! Two, find a trash the dress for the wedding, CHECK! I found a really great dress for $60!!! It fits super well, the top is a bit big - but it's still stays up! lol. I'll have it altered when I get my wedding dress altered. Anyways.. here's my $60 trash the dress dress! Since most prom/grad girls have bought their dresses, prices were great. That's why I wanted to go now... this time next year would be too late ()! I would completely suggest trying this. Woot... one more thing checked off the list! Yay!
  4. Wow Mishi, gorgeous!! Thanks for posting more pictures! I love the view from the living room (picture close to end) SO gorgeous!!
  5. Wow, early July! That's so exciting, it's so close!! Let us know if we can help you in any way!!
  6. Ahh - Sarah, you know we love our pictures! Thanks for the teasers, you look amazing! It looks like you and Edyta got to hang out quite a bit! I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures! Congratulations!
  7. lol - I love them! So cool! I've bookmarked them... I don't know when the heck I'll use them, but they're bookmarked!
  8. Yet again, fantastic work Juan! Edyta, I love the idea of the horses - it really made for amazing pictures! Well worth what seemed like a long wait for the slideshow.
  9. Congratulations Kori!!! Enjoy it all, every last moment... and then hurry back to gush over all the details (and share the pictures!). Best wishes! BTW Heidi - smart to bring this us up today before everyone leaves for the weekend!
  10. Yay Leigh... I'm so glad you posted pictures!!! See, this is the thing that gets me about your pictures - I was just there in March and when I look through those pictures I recognize it, yet I see it in a whole other way! I can't wait to see the wedding pictures!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by sheaa He is a sweetie pie... now after he is pretty much done teething! This is a pic of our NEW sleigh bed after Riley got ahold of it!!! Oh....my....goodness!! lol. So much for new!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Oh, and at MGM I highly recommend the Areosmith(sp?) rockin' roller coaster. AWESOME! But, try and sit front row if you can. AMAZING! Oh, and keep your head back from the very beginning. You'll understand if you ride it. I LOVE that ride! You're right, sitting at the front makes a huge difference! Sometimes I don't like that you can see the tracks - but I love the indoor rollercoasters, very cool! I also love the Mummy Ride and Universal. That is the BEST rollercoaster in the entire world. That's the thing I love about the Disney/most universal rides... they're not about the g-force or making you puke, they play more mind games. Aww, I wanna go right now! lol.
  13. Aww Shea, he looks like such a sweetie pie!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Shelley P.S. Courtney, not sure about Calgary, but we do get that show over here in Victoria. It's on that new channel called Slice. Do you get that one? If not, better move further west I think it's a channel I have to pay extra for... I'm pretty cheap lol.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ajncooter thanks for the info I want to purchase this as well i just am not sure on the color... i have been watching this for weeks! Honestly, I'd say just go for it! $30 for all of that makeup isn't bad at all. The only thing I use of my own is blush and eyeliner. I don't like their blush options, but I might try their eyeliner. Everything else works well. I think I ended up paying a little closer to $40 because I live in Canada, but it really wasn't that much. Plus, I've never had fancy makeup brushes which are like $20 everywhere I go - now I have four! lol
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt Do these have to be things on you?? Good question. I don't think so... and even if it is - you could always just claim that it's a DW so rules are different! lol I love that excuse, it works for everything!
  17. Woohoo, Jen!!! You must be so relieved. My stomach was in knots reading your thread before when you still didn't have it! I'm so happy that you got it! HURRAY!
  18. lol - I'm one of those people that wimp out when it comes to telling people they have something on their face or in their teeth unless I'm really close with them. I may or may not have said anything to her lol
  19. Come on - join the Families.com side - they count down for you! (btw 3 almost three years, is my math right?!)
  20. Do you actually eat bugs and stuff? lol, I dunno if I could do that... I have a pretty wimp ass stomach - I don't even like too much toothpaste on my toothbrush or I'll gag... see? Wimp Ass! But I'd do the fun adrenaline stuff.
  21. That's why I chose the ticker site that I did, because all of the other ones said Over a Year Away, and the ones from Families.com all said One Year and 39 days or whatever. If it doesn't count down it feels like time is standing still! lol
  22. YAY! So good! I seriously get a big fat grin every time I think that it's less than a year away now! lol. Silly because people like Sarah leave tomorrow for their weddings and yet I'm pretty much just as excited as I feel like she must be!! haha - I'm such a loser... I'm gonna wear myself down if I get excited over 11 months and 28 days!
  23. I think you should use the chocolate cherry blossoms as your centrepiece! That'd be a hit!! But seriously, what happened to your Martha Stewart basket?
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama haha oh man, that could turn out bad! Maybe just swim in the tub first, to make sure it stays on!! Haha, I could just see it now... I emerge from the pool all sexy like Halle Berry in James Bond and all of the sudden kids run crying and screaming... zoom in to my face where all of the makeup is smudged to a point of disaster - I'm unrecognizable! lol... ok, you're right the shower is probably best!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Boys are dumb. Throw rocks at them. lol Ok - this is suppose to be a fun and exciting experience not one which you get blamed for everything. Sure, you made these decisions, but with his help this could have been avoided! Vent away! There is not much I can do in terms of advice, but I definately sympathise and nod in agreement and hubby's mistake!
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