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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Yay Jen! They're great!!! I love the one where your bridemaids are looking at your ring, that's a cute one. You look so gorgeous!! Wooohooo, I love pictures! When did you say you were going to write your review (this is me getting you to commit to it!!)
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by mgreen perhaps they should invest. LOL who am I to say that? lol Laura - Melissa's got a point!!! You should march right up to them and demand they upgrade everything at no cost to you! And if they get pissed at you... blame Melissa, it's ALLLLLL her idea!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Ok, scratch that. I miscalculated, today is Day 4. So I think I'm gonna just wait until tomorrow and see if it gets better. If it's not then I'll call the doc and see what's up... lol you think like I do. I'll cross my fingers for you that the next 24 hours will make all of the difference in the world, but maybe you should go ahead and make an appointment to see the dentist anyways!! I don't blame you though, I'd put it off too!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by lryates76 **this is me being nice to Courtney** haha Lisa... it can't just be one comment... I'm looking forward to the next two months!! rofl
  5. Welcome to the forum, Stephanie!! I've heard amazing things about Punta Cana, have you ever been before? It sounds like a great location! Congratulations on your engagement - can't wait to hear about the details!!!
  6. Thanks Catherine, but we're going with Dreams Los Cabos now! Thanks mom for bumping this thread - it's always nice to read the story over again!! And come on mom... you knew about the internet thing after you met him... a few years after! Yes, he did ask my family's permission (apparently including my brother!!) and when I called my mom the next morning (because they wouldn't answer the phone that evening!!) my mom said "OH THANK GOD, I couldn't keep the secret any longer!" or something to that effect. lol.
  7. wow Sarah. I'd agree, you take the cake for the longest review, but I read every last word of it. So helpful! And, I did have questions as I was reading through it, but have since forgot so I'll follow up on those later! lol. I like that you did your review from beginning to end - excellent idea... but you should add your reviews on your b-pics with Leigh, and your site visit. I'm not sure how to go about the whole site visit thing and a small review would help. Like, how long did you meet with Mariana for? How many dishes did you try? etc. Fantastic review though, thanks... I've gotten more information from your review alone than in my entire time on this forum! lol.
  8. Woohoo!! Doesn't it make you giddy just thinking about it? It's silly because the smallest wedding related decisions make me really giddy now lol... not that this is small. Ok, I'm just digging myself a hole! I'm just going to be a jerk to you in every one of your threads today, ok?! So, any idea as to when it might happen? (it = proposal!)
  9. Ok - this is how selfish I am! lol. I read your posts and then I realize I didn't really ask anything accept questions that benefit me! Sorry!! So, is grandma spoiling you? That's good that it seems to feel better in the afternoon, you're right though, that is weird! Can you eat solids, or is it mostly liquids? You must be sick of soup by now! lol. I think you should post a picture of your chipmunk face while you still have it - just purely for my amusement! lol, ok you don't have to do that! But I do hope you feel 100% better soon!
  10. Oh wow - I missed your first post, which didn't scare me... and then I move on to the post today - ya that scares me! lol. Like, how painful is it?! Why are you still in pain 5 days later? Is it excrutiating pain, or just annoying pain?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian I know what you mean. I was socked when I found out the prices of veils! I debated not getting one, I didn't even really want one, but eventually found a reasonably priced one on ebay. It's insane! Ahhh - eBay!! When I'm done with mine, I can turn around and charge an arm and a leg for it?!
  12. Was 2 hours enough time? Did you want more time? I know some people were saying they'd go for a whole day?!! That seems like a lot of time to me! How much time would you suggest? (lol - sorry for the 20 questions!)
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by laura b Karla- You look stunning. Seriously, why DOES every bride on here look like a model? I am seriously going to have to have surgery or something before my wedding so I can post pics! I know... it's pretty upsetting for those of us that don't look like models! Really ladies, think of us before you post your wedding pictures... post the bad ones only - you know, the ones where you're stuffing your face, or in mid-blink but still smiling largely at the camera so you look like a drugged up nut bar, or the one where you have something stuck in your teeth!
  14. oh haha - I like that picture! Sarah, did you use the same dress for your trash the dress, or did you buy another one?
  15. Awesome Sarah - thanks! Glenda picked up the pashminas for you, right? Where did she get them? How much did you pay for them? Did you get your first aid kits in your home town, or in Cabo? Did you have the bags set up in the rooms upon your guest's arrival, or did you hand them out as people arrived?
  16. No a/c?!? Hahaha, omg I'd cross it off right then and there! Can you imagine being stuck in there on a hot day? No one would be motivated to dance because it is too darn hot and sticky! Oh well, at least you're closer to making a decision!!
  17. Why can't you wear it for your DW? Laura's right, you'd probably do best on eBay.
  18. Jackie, I'm glad to hear everything is going well!! Honestly, if I worked nearly as hard as you did I wouldn't have time for the forum either. We won't hold it against you! Good luck ring shopping, try and post your results once you find something if you can!!
  19. Holy, how come every single bride here looks like a model. Karla, you're beautiful! I love your reception dress too! So gorgeous. *anxiously awaiting Juan's slideshow*!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM BTW Edyta, I love your new sig picture.. You guys are just adorable together. I know, it looks like its right out of a magazine ad or something. It's gorgeous!
  21. IMHO, I really don't think it matters. I've seen plenty of pictures with off-white dresses with grooms and GM in white... it's never crossed my mind that the bride's dress looked dirty. I wouldn't stress over it!
  22. Hello Newlyweds! I have a few questions for those of you who gave OOT bags... 1) Was there any item that you wish you had included in your OOT bags? 2) Was there anything you included that could have been nixed, or your guests didn't use very often? 3) Was there any certain items that your guests really used a lot, or really loved? I'm just curious because I love some items that I'm including, but every once in a while I wonder if the guests will actually use it or if it's just a waste of money. Sarah, you included Spanish dictionaries, right? Did your guests use them often? I LOVE that idea, but it'll be a lot of extra weight/money and I'm trying to decide if it's worth it! (And yes, I know I'm way ahead of the game! lol)
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizzy Where is the photo of the other dress, hmmmmm? Oooh the other dress! lol. I'll post pictures of that too... I just have to work up the energy to try it on again! lol This one was a little more expensive, it was $120... but that was a lot better than the first dress I tried on that I loved; $300!! lol. Plus this one is much more beach-y looking.
  24. Melissa, I love them! They're awesome!!! I do agree with Martha though, you might want to add a bit of green as an accent. That's it though, they look fantastic!!!
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