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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Susan, I totally agree. I could NEVER have imagined myself doing this - not in a million years. Then I saw what the other girls did and was impressed. For me, I absolutely had to have Leigh be the photographer. I feel like I know her well and I can trust her completely. I'm arranging my site visit so that I'm in Cabo at the same time as her! haha. The fact that its something that I would never ever do is what makes it so exciting - and is what makes it the best gift for Aaron on our wedding day. I don't think anyone would ever think I'd ever do something like this (one girl at work use to call me "square" when she worked here because she thought I was boring!! ), so I like the idea of doing something shocking like this! It'll be fun! Go for it, Susan!
  2. I'm with you, I like the idea of BMs shirts - so I don't think they're cheesy at all! Who did you design them through? I want to get a bunch of "Newlywed" and "Mrs." shirts for the honeymoon too! Works well for free upgrades! lol
  3. Hey Patrick! Do I need to tell you that you're not the only guy?! Haha, I think everyone else has that covered!! So, welcome newlywed!! Lets here the details - and do you have pictures you can show us? How did you like the El Dorado Seaside?
  4. Tammy, I was just wondering if you ever heard back? Just curious... For some reason I was thinking about this today.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly So I have to say that you are all so freakin gorgeous! From seeing all the pics of ALL you girls out there, this forum has hit the jack pot in the gene pool. If the marriages don't work out we could turn this into one HOT singles forum!!(LOL) Hahahaha, that cracked me up!! lol - I agree...
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by EDYTA I had 50 roses and paid $112 for the bouquet Wow, that sounds like a really good price... or am I wrong? I don't have a green thumb or anything at all - but I thought roses were A LOT more expensive than that??
  7. Yay Andrea!! That's so exciting!! Any idea as to when we'll get to see the pictures (how long will it take to get them to you)? I can't wait to see how they turn out!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Ninis_MoH Courtney, did you see the flip flop key chains? I know, I know. If it's shiny, I'm a sucker for it. There are flip flop key chains?!? Did you bookmark it for me? (I have the best mom/MOH ever!!)
  9. AHH! JESS! You're HOT! lol. Those are a-m-a-z-i-n-g! I love the bride ones too, but I like that last one! haha, that's cute. So, how did you feel doing it? Were you nervous? Dish the details!! Leigh - Great work, yet again! Every time you post your work, it reassures me! Edited to add: Oops, you just posted! lol, you don't have to answer those anymore!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt Keep in mind that the DR is very popular with Europeans... not to generalize but some of them are more liberal. I've read reviews about people changing ENTIRE swim suits at the pool. Ya, I agree with your non-generalization. I know that Europeans just tend to be more casual about these things. They don't mean to offend anyone, but sometimes it can be shocking! lol. I've never seen entire swimsuits before though. We're just not use to it over here!
  11. have you sent them already?
  12. Aww thanks Edyta! And oh my gosh - look at Tammy's baby bump!
  13. Hey Rachel! I'm not a PV bride, but I just wanted to welcome you to the forum. I have to agree with you, when I was searching wedding forums I was getting fed up because there was very little to do with destination weddings and most things (or at least the process of) don't relate well to destination weddings. Very frustrating! Then I found this forum, and I've become a crazy addict! lol.
  14. Happy Birthday Kelly!!! Enjoy your pedicure!!! Oh, and I like your birthday too - it's payday! You chose an excellent day! lol
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 Thanks for responding... My TA tells me that my guests would NOT be able to get the quoted rate UNLESS I have already signed a contract...I can't sign a contract until I get a $200pp deposit to the resort, hence the problem. I don't want to have to tell people they have to decide NOW, 10+ months in advance that they are going to our wedding. and that we need that much money ASAP Is it a group rate? Honestly, I just went to a cousin's wedding in March and we reserved almost a year ahead of time. If you decide to do this, just explain that you know you're asking early, but DWs are a little different and need preparation much earlier than at home weddings! But, I forked over the deposit for my room for my cousins wedding way in advance too.
  16. lol, thats a good idea! I remember when I was a kid - my mom was wearing a certain perfume when we went on a disney vacation. I have NO idea what scent it was, but every time I catch even the slightest hint of that perfume scent, it brings back memories of Disney! I'm not a perfume wearer, but I'll have to try to look for something similar.
  17. Wow, eloping sounds like a nice option right now!! What are your family's concerns with Jamaica not being safe? If they list certain concerns maybe you can research it and get back to them on what the situation is really like! Sometimes people listen to the media a little too much and get spooked when they hear the slightest chance of danger! As for the room blocks, maybe you could just tell your guests that rates aren't guaranteed, so they should book soon if they like that rate - otherwise they risk the chance of a raised rate! I had an issue with that too; we did room blocks and needed to find a place to get the money... Aaron suggested we ask the guests to send us $200 if they wanted the room... uhh NO! I was thinking of telling my guests that $xxx was the current rate, but it's not guaranteed so they should hurry and book. Having said that, I did end up doing the room block, so I'm not sure how that would have turned out. Sorry, I'm not much help!
  18. lol good point Maria! Jill, I love both! lol, they're both gorgeous. Your FI was good to say what he did. I agree, I think you should just go ahead and order it. If you decide you don't want it, then sell it!!
  19. It's Tara's (tvt) 26th birthday today!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hopefully you got to enjoy part of your birthday on the weekend too?! ... or at least hopefully you didn't have a "case of the Mondays" (heh, good movie!).
  20. I'm with you on this one! Mostly I've accepted the fact that I'm going to have to fork over a little extra $$ for shipping to Canada. When I buy from Oriental Trading Co., I'll buy in bulk - everything at once - so I don't have to pay shipping fees more than once to Canada... it really does get expensive! I'll let you know if I come across anything though.
  21. Welcome Heather!! I have to admit, I'm not too familiar with PV, but I am partial to Dreams! So far my experience with them has been really great, the prices are reasonable and they allow kids (and have a FANTASTIC kids club!). I've only seen Dreams Tulum, and am getting married at Dreams Los Cabos, so I don't know PV well. I know there are a few Dreams PV brides here that you may want to contact for further help.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL Or my wedding book! Well, I'd say my b-pic book too, but that could get weird!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM Or start working on your next two coffee table books.. :-) Or my next two coffee table books!!
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