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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 Finally got my picture to work on here. It wouldn't upload onto my profile, but got it into the signature I hope. I forgot to mention I got my invitations in. This place ships these message in a bottle invitations direct to you. I am making mine from scratch, but you can have them print them and then mail them for you. I got them a few days ago and they are going to be so cute. I'm adding personalized ribbon, more shells, and personal labels also. I thought I would share..... Marketing In A Bottle - Detail BTW...the whole do it yourself package was less than 30 bucks!!!! I LOVE the message in a bottle invites! They're so cool!!!! Thanks for the site
  2. I see both pictures! I guess you figured it out. Sorry I didn't see this post before..
  3. ooooh, good question!!! Umm... I think so. I think the vendors would understand that you're busy that day....? Maybe. Ugh, I don't know - but now I want to know the answer! lol
  4. Welcome to the forum!!! I'm not a PV bride, but I am a Dreams bride... I'm not sure how much that helps!! lol But I did want to welcome you to the forum either way! Amy is right, we LOVE to share - so if you have any questions, ask away!
  5. omg Amy, what a great idea! Your first "attempt" at an invite turned out beautifully! Thanks for posting those, they'll definately come in handy!
  6. Yay Jessica!! Have a wonderful time - and enjoy St. Thomas... what a beautiful location for a wedding. I'm seriously incredibly jealous! It's going to be absolutely amazing - I can't wait to see the pictures.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by amym567 Help!!! I want to post this, but the PDF is too big!!! Anyone know how I can make it smaller Don't want to post it as a WORD doc because of the fonts I used- it will be all distorted if I do it that way! Amy Do you have paint? You can resize in paint or photoshop..
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by amym567 I have been working all night (in addition to babysitting my 2 1/2 week old niece!!!!) on a "Meet the Guests" brochure. Has anyone done anything like this? When it's finished, I'll post it. There is a picture and a small explanation of how we know the people. We have 40 people going, so I thought it would be nice for them to see ahead of time who else is going. I plan to send these with my welcome letters. Amy Amy, I'm nowhere near starting it yet, but I have a template for it somewhere (I can't seem to find it just now). I was going to include a few pages in a duotang I'll be sending out with all of the guests that are going, maybe a picture and a fun fact if I have one ... something that is hopefully a conversation starter...but it went something like this.. (PICTURE IF AVAILABLE) The Smith Family - Courtney and Aaron have known Joe, Jane and Jack Smith for over 10 years now - they were Courtney's neighbours when she was a child. Did you know that Jane Smith was in the '88 olympics, or that Jack is a 3-time consecutive spelling-bee champion? That way when the guests get there, they feel a little bit more like they know eachother. Mark Jones can go up to Jane Smith and say "holy crap, you were in the olympics?" and it's a perfect icebreaker! Ugh... I'll see if I can find the template, I can't remember where I've saved it (or on which computer!)
  9. WOOOHOOO, congrats on the engagement!!! I'm another Dreams Cabo bride, and yes - it's true, you'll find EVERYTHING to do with Dreams and Cabo on this forum! But, what is it exactly that you are looking for? What are the pros and cons to the locations you've already looked at? Edited to add: I almost forgot... you should post your story in the engagement posts section while it's still fresh in your memory!
  10. Ya, Crest Whitestrips work pretty well. As for the tanning... ya, the spray on stuff I've heard is a pretty big no-no before the wedding day. It's true, I have also heard some photographers on this forum (I forget which thread) say that it can come out really orange in pictures. Why not hit the tanning beds? I know they're not considered the healthiest way to go about doing things, but go to your nearest tanning salon and really talk to the employee there about risks and how to use the tanning beds in the safest way possible. I did this before my last vacation, because I too am INCREDIBLY white - it's depressing! lol. And because of this, I burn really easy and decided to get a base tan so I wouldn't burn while on vacation. So I went there and talked to the lady (who was also the owner - which helped, I'm sure) and found out the safest way possible for me. You don't have to overdo it, just get a nice base tan that will bring up your colour a bit, and not so much that it looks fake.
  11. Welcome to the forum!! There are tons of us Cabo Dreams brides here - you'll find the answers to questions you didn't even know you had to ask! lol. But if you do happen to have a question - ask away, we always love a new challenge!! So, tell us about the details. How much have you planned?
  12. Aww Sarah - thanks for sharing that!! I'm so glad you posted this, it was the first thread I visited!! And omg, your dance with your dad made me cry so much... Aaron came over to see what was wrong! haha.
  13. Aww thanks guys!! I don't know that I should be getting recognized for the amount of time I avoid my work, but hey - I'll take it!! It's such an honour to join the other mods, and of course now Jill as well! Congrats to my MOD sister
  14. Hey Erika, welcome to the forum!! Woohoo - the 25 day countdown, that's really exciting! Once we've got your passport problem sorted out you should post your engagement story. But - onto the passport issue... this member started this thread because she was leaving in a WEEK and still didn't have her FI's passport - and the good news: they got it on time!! There was some pretty good info in this thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t4984 Let us know if you need anything else! (woot - 25 days!!!! )
  15. Sarah - they tested the sand? What'd they do with it?
  16. Ooooh, good one! I'll be there for it next year too! Free party??
  17. Congratulations Sarah!!! Woooooooot! omg, I can't wait to see/hear how everything went - enjoy every last moment of it... and the next time we talk to you, you'll be a MARRIED woman! Soon your posts will say "my husband" AHHH!!! SO COOL!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by riubride Courtney I thinking sending out your invitations in June or July sounds a bit too early for me. Maybe you should send out a Save the Date Card to your guests first and then your invites sometime in the new year? Just a suggestion. Well, I have already sent out Save the Dates, but thanks! Dreams books up by October (as Tammy has thankfully told me!), so my RSVP will be September 1, giving me time to harass the late RSVPers. Honestly, last year I was invited to a wedding that was this March. We got the invites almost a year ahead of time (about 10 months) and I didn't "forget" about the wedding! We basically treated it as a vacation. I personally don't feel comfortable asking guests to fork over a few thousand without giving them all of the information first. So, I'll definately be sending out invitations early. Having said that, I don't plan on leaving it at that. I will be sending my guest's updates etc., so they are aware of the progress. Aaron and I have been engaged for a year now, and have been planning a DW from the beginning, so all of our guests know of the expenses. Maybe our situation is unique, I'm not sure. But I'm not worried about sending out the invitations that early. Thanks for your concerns though Kash and Aimee - I appreciate you guys looking out for me!!
  19. Laura, I wanted the same thing too - Aaron and I were going to plan the wedding on Sept. 25/08 for our 8 year anniversary. I was SO bummed out when we couldn't have it then because of hurricane season (especially since we're going to Florida right after!). So I was talking to my mom about it one day and I asked her why she chose the date that she did... and besides the fact that it was the only day available during her school break (lol) - she said she liked the idea of making an otherwise normal day special! I loved that! So, May 9th is normally just another day (... and also the day after my brother's birthday!), but now it's such a special day for Aaron and me - PLUS we have September 25th. I'm just saying, maybe its not such a bad thing if you can't have your wedding on the 28th... then you'll have two special days!! But that's a completely random side note, lets focus on the task at hand!! So, for this place that I can't pronounce or type that you're visiting on the 26th, you are going to bring a camera this time, right? Which one was it in the pictures? What are your favourite things about it? Did you ask them if they were available on the 28th?
  20. Ack, Christa... I totally remember reading that from before! I wonder who's review I read today then! haha. Thanks for reposting that for me!
  21. Well congratulations on the new house!!! That's so exciting! Have you moved in yet? Umm, ya... his and her closets - you know you've got a keeper right there! lol. My first dress shopping experience was a dismal experience myself! Keep at it though, the other times I've gone were a blast. I love dress shopping, I love getting dressed up like a princess lol. What I did was look online for designers I liked that made a lot of styles I was looking for, and I called stores to see if they carried a lot of that designer. But, I also tried on EVERYTHING, whether I thought I'd like it or not... and that actually worked well. I haven't chosen a dress yet, but I've changed my idea of what I want. Try not to go in knowing exactly what you want, I think that makes it difficult... and also, the dresses look so different on the hanger than they do on the person. Well, I'm glad you checked in, and we'll let you go with this excuse just this once! Do you have pictures of your new place??
  22. Ugh, everything is considered a weapon these days... soon we won't be able to bring books on board because we could papercut someone to death! Are you nervous about checking them?
  23. Well, I'm not going to mention the urgency or the day pass on the invitation, but after about a month, I'll send an e-mail/letter to those who have not booked and strongly encourage them to book as soon as possible - and thats when I'll mention the day pass as well. Something to the effect of "As you may know, Dreams Los Cabos is very busy in May and tend to book up by x month. If you choose to book with an outside resort, please be aware that there is $100 day pass per person to enter the resort for the wedding...etc"
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Clussy75 Good point. Now, that brings another good question though, if they do 'sleep' on this and make reservations too late and end up staying at another resort, it's our responsibility to pay their day pass, isn't it? I mean, ettiquette-wise. I mean, that'd be weird for them to have to pay $100 to get into our wedding, wouldn't it? Haha - I don't think so!! I say if you give them enough notice to book everything, it is now their responsibility. I would stress the fact that it books up fast, otherwise there is a daypass. I'm not Miss Etiquette or anything, but I will not be paying for anyone's day pass unless it's my fault they're not staying at the resort. Why should you fork over hundreds (perhaps even thousands... depending on the # of people not staying) of $$ because they didn't book on time?
  25. Aimee.. I am, even if I'm 99.9% sure they won't go - I don't want to make that decision for them, or end up offending them... especially since I wanted to invite them in the first place! Claudia - My wedding is next May, and I'm sending out invites in July or early July for the same reasons! I say, the sooner the better... it's not like they'll forget (or hopefully not!). Get them to book through your TA (Tammy?) as soon as they can... it'd suck if they'd have to pay the $100 day pass just because they couldn't book soon enough. Then, if they end up booking too late, it's their fault, not yours.
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