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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Hi Jessie, welcome to the forum! What, besides booking the wedding, have you checked off your list? And what do you have left to do? Are you going to have the ceremony/reception on the ship or at a port-of-call??
  2. Aww hun, you looked beautiful!! Congratulations Mrs.! How'd you get so many pictures so quickly??!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle im a Canadian and i feel like all the news stations are OBSESSSED although we cant even vote in this election lol....we just had our election for Prime Minister but it was actually really pathetic that our election was covered much less than the American one So many of the channels that we have are American though, so of course we're exposed to a lot of it. The Palin/Biden debate was the same night as ours... and I watched the American one! Oops! My mom and I chat about the U.S. election a lot, even though we can't vote (although I'd love to!). We'll be having a mini election party Tuesday night. My mom is a little more obssessed than I am; she has notifications on google any time there is a new hit on the election posted. OMG... she knows EVERYTHING. And as a writer, she researches everything to death as well... she's managed to dig up some interesting (and amusing) points!
  4. Kelly, your pictures are beautiful.... you're a stunning bride! I love the TTD, it looks like you guys really let loose and had a great time. And holy hot wallpaper picture, I love it!
  5. CONGRATULATIONS YARI!!!!!!! I can't believe your day is finally here, it's about time!! I feel like I have been watching you plan this wedding for ages. I'm so incredibly happy for you and your new husband (woohoo!!). Congratulations again, you and Brian deserve all the happiness in the world!
  6. Congratulations Mel!! I can't believe it's been a year already! Where did the time go? It feels like just yesterday you posted the TTD pics that gave Kelly's a run for her money!!
  7. That room is freakin' awesome!! Seriously Lisa, you guys did an amazing job... my jaw dropped when I saw those pictures. I'm so jealous. PLEASSSSE come design my baby's room when I have him/her. Come on, who doesn't want to get away from toasty warm Texas for a little vacay to hell-frozen-over Calgary, AB?!!
  8. I stayed at a resort near PDC last year during spring break. It was 100% booked, and there were definitely partiers, but it honestly didn't get out of hand where we stayed (at the El Dorado Royale). In fact, some of the people in the group we went with were "that kind of crowd", but the rooms were well away from the common areas and it was no bother. The resort was huge (in fact, some people complained too big... wtf?!) and that helped with the large, disruptive crowds. It honestly felt like the resort was deserted at times. I wouldn't expect them do turn away college kids, afterall, they're paying customers too. Maybe some resorts do, but you can't let what other guests are doing get to you - just be prepared. If possible, have your ceremony and reception in a secluded location, away from crowds. Ya know, some people don't like being booked with large groups (aka wedding groups!), since they tend to be loud too... just keep that in mind!!
  9. What necklace, if any, would you be pairing with the earrings you already bought?? Those (the original purchase) is my favourite! They're really pretty.
  10. I love your dress, it's beautiful!!! I did the same with when I found my dress; I was so certain I knew what I wanted. Once I started shopping, I surprised myself at the dresses I ended up liking. My final decision was one of the dresses I probably would have looked at online and just clicked the "next" button! But I loved it! Isn't it the best feeling to find THE dress?? That's it, that's your wedding dress!! Congratulations!
  11. You did a fantastic job, your guests will be well informed!! I like the Marlin shot of your and your FI in your photo gallery - he seems happy with his catch!
  12. Wow Erica, that's messed up. I haven't heard about this on the news yet... do they have any leads?
  13. Oh my gosh, that's horrible news. It sounds like it's been a tiring, stressful couple of days. You and your family are definitely in my thoughts.
  14. Puts a whole new meaning on the typical BDW greeting of, "we're a wealth of knowledge"! lol. But seriously, that's crazy that your search brought up this thread again. And I go back to my original post from a year ago - you've got some pretty shit-luck with your health. I think your grandma's right about keeping a journal. You poor girl, this seems never ending.
  15. Ha!!! No exciting news yet! I can't wait to see the pictures - I admire Jay. I seriously can't draw a stick figure. Art and me don't mix. It sounds like quite the project for Jay, but what a great, personal touch for your son's room. I can't believe you only have a MONTH to go. Where did the time go?!! I'm so behind on things, I just went to search for your wedding pics... but your photog's blog won't load. Gotta keep trying!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Last night, I came out of the restroom and the nursery room door was open and the light was on. I went in there and Jay was in there just staring at the crib. I was like "what's wrong?" And he just smiled and said nothing. I said "it's weird, right?" And he was like "ya, it's crazy." This is just so shocking to us still because we never thought we would have a baby. Ok, that's the cutest story ever!! Seriously, it gave me goosebumps. You guys are going to be the best parents ever, I just know it. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy So, I am kind of freaking out. I am 7 days late on my period...I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it came back positive...just to be sure I took two more (ANSWER, with the lines), well there is definintely 1 line (not pregnant) but also a very, very, very faint 2nd line....(both times) -so I just don't know what this means. We wanted to start trying to have the baby right after the wedding...as i'm turning 40 next week - so it is not a bad thing necessarily if we found out now - but of course, it wasn't really planned on, and i'm worried about my dress fitting, not looking pretty in the photo's, and being sick ....i'm sure all the usual things that anyone in this case worries about - right?? Soooo late on this, but congratulations Tracy!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Jay started paiting the sea animals on the walls today. So far it looks really cute! He only did some sand, 2 jellyfish and a whale. Super cute though. I can't wait to post picures! Are you hand-painting the animals on the walls, or using a stencil? I need someone talented and creative like you and Jay when I have kids! The nursery sounds amazing! Lisa, you're so adorable!! I love your baby bump - you're gorgeous!
  17. Wow Casey, I LOVE the pics. The other girls are right, you've got an amazing smile and beautiful eyes. I really can't pick a favourite, all the photos are great. You remind me of someone, but I can't put my finger on it... I'll have to come back to this thread later!
  18. That looks like such a blast!! I love the centerpieces, how cool!
  19. It's your wedding, not your guests!! It is about you and your FI. Period. End of story. The guests attending are just icing on the cake (no pun intended!). In my opinion, 20 people is lots... that's about how many I had and it was the most meaningful, intimate event. I'm glad I didn't have any more. Also, I think something that you have to realize is that many of your guests who can't make it aren't doing so because they don't love you, it's usually because they simply can't. Whether it's money, or work or something else in their life, you can't expect them to drop their priorities (or fears!)! Enjoy your day with your new husband, that's all it's about!
  20. They look fantastic!! I was too lazy to do anything special to my raffia fans, but that's a really nice detail that you've added!
  21. I really like the first one, it's unique! The only thing I'd request from them is to bold your first names a little more (or maybe make the font a little darker)
  22. Hey Ladies, We have a few great TA's on the forum, including TA Lindsay who is our Canadian Travel Agent! We do have quite a few Canadians on the board; a lot of them from the East! And here are a few great threads to check out throughout your planning: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t5892 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t19038 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t19552
  23. Welcome to the forum Jenna!!!
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