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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Yay, thanks for posting Jill... that helps us a lot since I was stumped when Jessica asked! To be honest, I hate when people expect tips. It makes me not want to do so - that is my money that I can give if I feel it is suitable... if you want the tip factored in, then include it in the cost!! So, if one of my vendors got upset with me because I didn't tip them right after the event, I'd be pissed - whether or not I was planning to tip- and I would probably take that into account when giving the tip (I know, I'm cruel, cold and mean!). Sorry, I know I already posted - but it just occured to me that if one of my vendors actually got upset because I didn't give them a TIP, it'd make me angry!!! (if you can't already tell! lol)
  2. Today is Jessica (JessicaLovesBrian) and Brian's Wedding Day!!!! Congratulations! I hope this day is everything you've ever dreamt it to be. I can't wait to see the pictures of your amazing St. Thomas wedding (still jealous, btw!)
  3. Heidi.... you are one active woman. Seriously, I feel so incredibly lazy compared to you now!! lol. We have considered the rock climbing, which I think would be a blast... and the salsa dancing I would like, but Aaron HATES dancing. I think if he gave it a try he might like it though, good suggestion!! lol Laura this is a completely random story I'm about to tell (enjoy!) .... yes, we have a zoo, and we went once last year. lol, ok I should start by saying that going to the zoo was NOT my idea... in fact I tried to think of every other idea possible, and yet we still went. It was the first day Aaron's mom was visiting. She lives in Sask. and she traveled 9 hours to come visit us. She called us when she was coming in to Calgary and asked us to meet her at the zoo. Something you should know about Aaron's mom: she's pretty much a tree-hugging hippy. There is nothing wrong with loving animals and wanting to see them free... but if you feel this way - WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO GO TO THE ZOO?!? lol. So we went, and it was so depressing to go with her. She kept saying "look how sad they are, they don't want to be here... I can't believe people pay money to come see these poor animals".... uhh, like we just did?! Anyways, it was uber depressing and I'm still shocked as to why SHE brought up the idea to go! Maybe I'll try going with just Aaron this time!!! lol Sorry, your story just reminded me of that and I can't resist the urge to tell every story I think of! I completely love his mom, she's so nice... but that was an interesting experience!
  4. Oooh - I've never been to Lake Tahoe before, but have heard great things about it. That will make for a beautiful location!!! I don't know if I can wait until April '08 to see the pictures... any chance you'd move your wedding up?! lol
  5. Aww - that's perfect!! Did he ever tell you how he ended up finding out? Who are the other culprits in this story?!? lol. I love that he played along and you were the one that ended up surprised!
  6. Hey Melissa, welcome to the forum! First of all - I LOVE your siggy picture!!! And, yes... it doesn't matter that you're not a DW bride, you'll find losts of good information here... plus, who knows - maybe your location will be a destination for someone else in the future!
  7. Holy crap... you're like the research queen! lol. That was the best intro I've ever read!! And it's true, we've got plenty of ladies on here that aren't engaged yet. As for the location... umm ya, ask Tara (the girl who posted above here - tvt) She pretty much looked at every location on the planet, lol - she knows her resorts!!! But seriously, if there is something that you're having trouble with, we're more than willing to help -we love finding new information! P.S. - May 2008 is the best time to get married EVER! I vote for that date! lol
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Those came out fantastic!! It makes me kind of sad that we didn't do any I love how you incorporated your dog too! Why can't you still do them? You're still engaged!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by mgreen what about going to a corn maze now that the summer is here? Me and jared had a blast when we did that last summer. OMG, the corn maze is amazing!! My mom and I went a few years ago (I know, not a date - but still fun!) and we got horribly lost. We were in there for hours and hours haha... people kept coming by to ask if we needed help out, but we were determined to finish ourselves!!! Good idea, I'll have to drag Aaron out to the corn field maze!
  10. I love the first one and the newest one... but I liked the one you did before a few weeks ago where it had a bit of laughs in it too. You're a naturally comedic person, and I loved that part of your vows - but I love the new ones too, they're genuine and sincere. ...can you write my vows for me next year?!
  11. Oh my goodness Brenda, I'm sorry I'm so late on this! Congratulations to the newest Mrs. on the forum!!!! I hope everything went just as you had dreamed - I can't wait to see the pictures. Congratulations!
  12. Those are great!! You must be so pleased with how they turned out. You guys are so photogenic, seriously - you're both freakin' models!!! I love the ones outside and the ones with your dogs, but the studio ones are awesome too. Yay - they're awesome!!!!!
  13. Hey Angela... I don't have Mariana's e-mail address on this computer, but I'll check for it when I get on the other one. As for the contract - no, I didn't sign a contract either until I commited to a room block, which is not mandatory.
  14. Wow! That's great. Did you post her information already? And can you please find one of those in Calgary for me?!
  15. Do I need to colour every time I cut? That just seems like a big expense every month or so...
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by akh is your area known for anything? lol... the Calgary Stampede, which is like the BIGGEST hillbilly fest ever! lol. Plus it's super overpriced! But we are super lucky because the Rocky Mountains are literally an hours drive away, and they are stunning! I guess we could always take a day trip out there. I'm also anti-camping... too many painful experiences lol. Like, being in an "Outdoor Ed" class in Jr. High and going camping in the WINTER!! Seriously, who does that?! I've been scarred for life.
  17. Aaron and I try to have a date night once a week. I honestly think it's one of the things that keeps our relationship at it's strongest. We also live with my parents and brother, so a night out every week is time to ourselves. This weekend was SO fun. On Saturday we went bowling, which I haven't done since we were kids and it was a blast. I'd just like to announce that I out-bowled Aaron with a score of 206 to his sad 43! haha, good times. Anyways, then on Saturday night we decided we'd watch a stink load of movies on video on demand and we made a contest out of it - whoever got out of their chair first lost! The winner got $50! I'd also like to say that I won this as well! lol. It sounds totally lame, but it was SO much fun. We watched so many movies, and we each had a lazyboy chair. We surrounded ourselves with enough food and beverages and watched movies until 3am. This weekend we're going to a rock climbing place, since its something we haven't tried before. But I was wondering if anyone else had some different ideas for dates? Or share something that you've done before that wasn't the traditional dinner and a movie...
  18. Erica... I'm so glad you're on this forum! I know NOTHING about how to treat my hair. I colour, so I do use the colour conditioner - I'll try the Redkin, I've seen it before, but have never tried it. I've always coloured my hair at home on my own and have been considering colouring my hair professionally - my only issue is the $$$$. I already fork over $50 a cut every five weeks and that's hard enough to swallow... I hear colouring is pretty expensive. How often would I have to colour? Is there a trick to knowing the best highlights for my skintones... sometimes highlights come out looking kind of funky and I'm nervous to tell the lady to do whatever she wants! Do they colour and highlight at the same time as cutting? How long does this take? HELP! lol
  19. Oooh fun! What's your budget for the honeymoon?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Susan101207 Congratulations! What does you new job entail? haha... shhhh, I don't know!!! ...a pretty pink MOD banner below my name..?? lol
  21. Aww thanks guys... I think the tier system is an EXCELLENT idea! Recent Bride - Duh, Sarah! Seriously, the DIY projects - amazing! The review - holy crap... long, but informative and I read every last word! lol. Definately Sarah! Regular or New Member - Trisha (Tlseege), she's funny, friendly and helpful... she's opinionated, which is NOT a bad thing! She offers awesome advice, even if she's not in agreement with everyone else, which I think is so important because when we ask for help we (mostly) want honesty! She's just awesome!!
  22. Woohoo, congrats Loretta!! Those will be amazing pictures - I can't wait to see them!!!
  23. Welcome to the forum!!! There are lots of us Cabo brides on this forum, so we should be able to help you with whatever it is you need! Just let us know if you have any questions. P.S. I've very jealous of you're city! I want to live in Nanaimo!!!
  24. Congratulations Jamy - that's so exciting!!! How does it feel to be a Mrs.??!
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