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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama Im one of those random thread people I think. LOL I just have no friends so I gotta share my stuff with someone!! Share away!!! I love reading about everyone elses problems... ok, that came out wrong! lol, but I don't mind other people's drama threads
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Rachelle, you looked beautiful. I would be afraid the sparklers might distract the guests from your first dance, what about when you cut the cake? Kelly~ hehe, that would be the point for us... Aaron and I aren't thrilled about dancing!!
  3. Exactly!!! I'm not really one to start a new drama thread unless I really, really need to vent - or I need some awesome advice. A wedding blog would help! I might just take Janet's advice and start one outside the forum and attach a link so people on the forum could read it.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Courtney what I think you really want is just a thread to just (for no better term) "shoot the %$#$", say whatever you want, and not worry about getting off topic, am I right? Kelly~ Sort of. I guess I just want to document the "journey", complain when I want to, brag when I want to without starting a new thread, or have people respond. I mean, they can comment if they want, but they don't have to. Maybe I'm way off on this, but I'd be interested to see how people are feeling 3 months ahead of time. What did they do? Were they feeling stressed? What about one week before they leave? (if they have time to post!). It would be interesting to go back and read a blog of Sarah's now that she's survived her wedding. Maybe it'd be boring for some people... I don't know.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by SonyandRob2008 Ah, I had no idea that was the technical term for them, I am getting those for him for our anniversary next month, since it's our last anniversary as bf/gf. I was going to give him a card first that says "are you SURE you still want to marry me" and then show him the album...nice, huh? Heh... maybe he'll end up putting the wedding off so he can have another "last dating anniversary" like that one!!!
  6. Oh Sony, I also wanted to say - Happy Pre-Anniversary!!! One year to go Can you imagine where you'll be in exactly one year?!?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by SonyandRob2008 Okay, i am obviously coming into this thread very late, but thought I'd add my two cents. First of all, what are B-pics B-Pics are boudoir pictures. If you check out some of our photographers on this forum (like Leigh Miller for instance), they do really classy work - they turn out beautifully!
  8. YAY Jen!!! I'm so glad everything went well!! So, you're back from Cancun now - or you are at the end of the week?
  9. I'm just wondering about the idea of a wedding planning blog or journal section to the forum? I think I've seen it mentioned before and thought it was a good idea. Personally, I know there are lots of times where I want to share stories, or how I'm feeling about a particular topic but don't really want to start a new thread or hijack someone elses... Yay? Nay?
  10. Wow, it looks great. You've clearly invested a lot of time into this!! I love the page dedicated just for you and then one for your FI - gives your guests a chance to either meet you for the first time, or catch up on how you are. It looks really, really great!
  11. Oh my goodness, I can't believe i missed this one (in my defense, I think I was on holidays! lol). So, during those years after you met him when you were 17 and before you saw him again at your sister's wedding, did you ever think about him? That's so cool that you have the same birthday..which is....?? Aaron and I have birthdays only a few days apart. Mine is on Sept 22, his is on the 24th and our dating anniversary is on the 25th... and somehow for the first few years, he couldn't get my birthday right! lol he kept telling people it was on the 23rd! I think he knows now though!
  12. Rachelle... that's the first I've ever seen of your wedding pictures!! I looked through all of them
  13. ...I've never heard of it before - do you have a website??
  14. Can you bring sparklers across the border? I guess you'd have to check them in your luggage?? Or did you send them to Mariana ahead of time? And... where did you get your sparklers from?
  15. I've also heard of doing this at the first dance!
  16. So, Jonathan... if I sent a card only expressing how grateful I am for your work with no tip, you'd be just as happy as if I'd sent you a tip? I'm asking honestly...
  17. Aww, the Stolinator is so cute!!! P.S. - Erica, I love your cats!!! I love cats so much, I'm pretty sure I'll be the crazy cat lady one day!
  18. Hey Shakira... I'm not a Riu bride, but I just wanted to welcome you to the forum... so... WELCOME!!!
  19. ROFL Rachelle... it's does help, it's true! lol. I like the idea about meeting for drinks after work - it kind of brings back the mystery and excitement back to it! I agree... we're both getting ready for other dates at the same time, and there is really no element of surprise to it!!
  20. Ummm... I change my vote! That gazebo that's not on the beach is gorgeous!!!!! It's actually the picture you accidentally posted of it that convinced me!
  21. Am I missing something? Those gazebos look the same... Edited to Add: Scratch that - you posted the new one!
  22. Well first of all, welcome to the forum!! Second... how much have you planned already?
  23. A ceremony on a beach is amazing any way you cut it, but adding the gazebo not only adds decoration but keeps you in the shade so you don't faint! lol. That's my vote... but do you have pictures of the different locations you're considering?
  24. Hey Leann!! Yipee- 07/07/07 - that's so soon (and apparently lucky too!). omg, Florida is a perfect place for a wedding!! It's going to be so beautiful!
  25. lol - Ann, I agree with you there too!! Like... do I tip the florist? What about the waitstaff at the reception... do I tip all of them? How much? Omg, I'm going to go broke on tips. I can just see it... I'll be so happy with how the day turned out, I'll tip everyone!!!
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