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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Oh my goodness... choosing the location is the most difficult part, in my opinion. The good thing is that you've got the internet and this forum, and all the information at your fingertips... so lets start figuring this out! First, what are your wedding priorities? When you get married, do you see yourself on a beach? in a garden? Inside? Outside? What do you see in your mind's eye? Next, who do you see looking back at you when you're up at the "altar" with your FI? Are there kids? If so, adult only resorts are ruled out. Do you want to choose a less expensive location to have more people there, or would you prefer to splurge on the location? Also, BUDGET!!! Are you considering all kinds of upgrades? Do you want an all-inclusive resort? There are lots more questions that can help narrow things down... but lets start there! Also, if you have any questions and you can't seem to find the answer on the forum... ask away, we always love a good challenge!! Oh... and before I forget... Welcome to the forum!! lol
  2. Oh, Christine those are great!!! That's so clever... and I love the ribbon! That's so smart.. I have to know, what are some of your other cork projects?
  3. Stephanie, that looks great!!! I might need your help next year if you stick around... that's such a great idea, it's so perfect! So, with 9 people, are you going to have a guestbook attendant or just leave it out and hope everyone signs? I knew we'd have someone move in for the DIY crown! You're so creative, your projects constantly blow me away... they're so creative and look fantastic. I still can't get over the door hanger thingies... SO cool!!!
  4. Did you see it on this forum... or on the designer's website? Or are you not sure? Where is laura b? She always finds stuff like this!
  5. Ya, that's good that you have that time off for your DIY projects and everything else... just don't leave it until the last minute. lol, I know that's what I'd do. I'd think, "oh, I have all of this time... I'll do it next week" and before you know it, it's the week before the wedding and you're rushing around doing DIY projects!! But, by the sounds of it (and your "assembly line"), you've got some help!
  6. Ok... you know you've got a great picture when this happens.. I was actually checking what everyone else said after me so I could scroll up and see the picture again.. then when Kate posted I was upset because it was on a new page!! Hahhaa... sad... and maybe a bit creepy!
  7. My mom is in my wedding party, so she'll be dressed like the other bridesmaids, but I just had to say that I LOVE the sundress idea. It's perfect for a hot, beach wedding... and you can dress up sundresses if you need to. I didn't look at the other posts, so there may be some great suggestions there too, lol - I was just too excited to post. w/e, it's Monday!
  8. I may be wrong, but I thought all Dreams resorts only book one wedding per day. I asked Sandra this when I was there and I'm pretty sure she said that was the case, so if you wanted to move your ceremony time up, I don't think that would be an issue. 3:00 may be quite early to have a ceremony, it'll be incredibly hot... just think, it'll be at about it's peak for temperature for that day! But, there are lots of brides who have their ceremonies at noon and their receptions in the evening and wouldn't change it for the world - so it's up to you.
  9. Christine, they look great!! How long does it take to make them? Personally, I think I'd do the front and back the same colour, although in the zoomed in pictures it's easy to see how you've tied the colours in, so it's not like it'd look odd if you left it that way.
  10. Wow Sarah... WOW! That picture is amazing!!! omg, I can't wait for the slideshow. I think he should send us another teaser in the meantime!
  11. Wait... you get 4 flower girls?? Did I read that right?! Can you lend me one? I really want a flower girl!! I actually like the way the look - a lot. I think with the pink ribbon all the way instead of just crisscrossing is a lot of pink, especially if they're wearing to too. I like Tammy's idea of using ivory instead, that'd look fantastic. But they look great just the way they are. Honestly, no one is going to look THAT close at the bouquets - they'll be too busy looking at you and Paul!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jdweinbe We just got back from Cancun and married at RIU Palace Las Americas! I will write a review by the end of the week Umm...excuse me... by the end of the week? It's Sunday - and you've changed your siggy picture! Did I miss the review/pictures thread?! lol. Empty promises...
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by DREA14369 girls does suzanne morel only do up-do's? No, she does up-dos, down-dos, flat ironing etc. It's all listed on her website w/prices: Suzanne Morel Face and Body Care
  14. OOH - I just noticed you're from Calgary too!!!! Yay! lol - let me know if you have any good wedding places to hit in Calgary. If you haven't found your wedding dress yet, try hitting Beautiful Bride on Macleod (right across from Chinook Mall), they have really amazing service and have a decent selection - although not the biggest, but still a lot to choose from.
  15. Hmm... well I'm not a Punta Cana bride, and I don't know very much about it... but you might want to look here http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/f33/ and I also wanted to welcome you to the forum!!!
  16. Oooh Anny, your wedding band looks like the one I'll be getting - I love it!! lol. And I agree with Glenda, Aaron and I don't like guy's wedding bands because they're all so boring - but I love that one. I'll have to show that to Aaron and see what he thinks.
  17. Welcome back!!! Everything looks beautiful.. the pictures on Shutterfly are from your friend? She did a great job! Good thing you had her there. BTW - I love your dress, I really love the bow on the front! I really like picture 161, it really shows the emotion. What time was your wedding? It looks like you had some brilliant sunshine the entire time!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama haha he must be if the gay guys are hitting on him! They have good taste!! When we lived in Ottawa we went to this gay bar with friends and Robin went up to the bar to get a beer and this HUUUGE guy slapped his ass and said, "Hey hot stuff" hahahaha god this still makes me laugh! Hahaha that's awesome!! lol As for the chick at the grocery store. Isn't there some satisfaction in the fact that she is there serving you (the customer always gets their way!), and YOU'RE going home with him, not her?! It's just sad that she's flirting with a man who already has a child and a (soon to be) wife!
  19. Happy Birthday Stephanie (Stephanie 525)!!! Wow, next year will be amazing - a wedding and less than a month later a birthday!!! Happy Birthday, what a great way to kick off the weekend!! Have a good one! (Isn't it a long weekend in the U.S.?) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA We are going to Thailand or Africa for our real honeymoon - 1 year after our mini-moon in Mexico. I'm so excited!! FI's BF and wife went to Thailand for their hm and loved it so so much. Can you take me on your honeymoon with you?! lol - I've always wanted to go to Africa too!! And Thailand... there are SOO many places I need to visit other than Canada and the US (and Mexico!). That's such an amazing destination for a honeymoon - that'll be amazing!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama I got ASIA! Id love to go there if it was in the budget!! Ahh.. Laura and Catherine, Asia would be amazing, wouldn't it??! There are SOOOO many places Aaron and I want to go... we've been talking about Australia for our 5 year anniversary (which is still 6 years away! lol), but it's good to plan!!
  22. Wow Jason - You've got to dish the details when you get back! I'm impressed with all of your planning - you could teach some of our grooms a thing or two!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by DREA14369 Courtney....so can you change the date for the starfish for me? Is that possible? Yep, I'll see what I can work out - I have to re-arrange it anyways, so I'll have that posted hopefully before the weekend is over. No matter what, you'll get a starfish!
  24. YESSS! Andrea, thats AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! omg, I really do need to bump into you at the airport now! lol - I need to buy you a congrats 'rita or something!!
  25. Hurray Kate!!! That's awesome, and she looks like an amazing photographer! If you're ok with it, you should definately post the ones that you like! After July 14th, you need to give me some tips so I don't ruin my own bpic session! lol
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