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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Hola Maye!!! I've heard nothing but great things about you! I'm glad you joined the forum, your input will be incredibly helpful!
  2. Hey Jackie... welcome to the forum!! A wedding on a February 29! Won't you miss having an anniversary when it's not a leap year?!
  3. Ooooh... I like that one!! lol. Now just watch... I won't bookmark this, and in 8 months I'll be asking you guys for it!! Seriously..
  4. Hey Michelle, Personally, I am not using an outside wedding coordinator. I (like you) am having my wedding next May, and so far haven't felt the need to... although that may change. For me, the resort provides one so I don't feel the need to hire an outside coordinator... but that's just me. There are lots of brides here who have hired outside WC, and swear by them. I think it also depends on the WC provided to you by the resort... how responsive she is, and how helpful she is with getting you the crucial information. I can understand why people would want the outside WC!! That sounds like a reasonable price, and if you feel that you'll need her services and she'll save you the stress, then I think it's a good idea. I can't remember if there were more questions... so I'll go back and read your post again and add if I need to! lol
  5. Hey Galit, welcome to the forum!! I don't have any fantastic advice for you, except to maybe use a Travel Agent? :-| Sorry... I'm not sure how difficult it normally is to reach them. It's so frustrating though, isn't it?! Also, have you tried e-mailing them? For some reason, I find when I e-mail them I tend to get more responses... I think it's because they can contact me whenever they feel like it, and they're not obligated to drop everything they're doing right then and there to talk to me on the phone.
  6. That's an excellent idea!!! Very smart... thanks for sharing that idea!
  7. AHH! Jen!!! YAY!!! lol (when I'm excited, I can apparently only manage 3 letter words!). Have an AMAZING time! I honestly can't wait to see those pictures and hear all about it.... but in the meantime, relax and enjoy your day with your brand new husband!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by laura b Oh girl, I am so on this! I have to run to a meeting and then the gym, so no one find it until I get back! See you in a few. Ya, Laura is GOOOOOD! She'll find it for you! She's found everything from Wedding dresses to men's watches. (Pressure is on, Laura! lol) Quote: Originally Posted by brecluse I know, I know. I do not know why I didn't just bookmark it. Stupid brain... omg, if I had penny for everytime I came across something that I like and didn't bookmark I'd be rich. For some retarded reason I always think, "Oooh, I like that. I should come back to this website next month.. but I don't need to bookmark it, because I'll remember." mhmm... i have like the worst memory ever, I don't know why I keep thinking this! One day you'll help me find something I didn't bookmark! lol
  9. Hey Maggie! Welcome to the forum!! I have been to other forums before, but this is the only one I have ever stayed with longer than a week... and checked obsessively. Everyone here is so nice, and incredibly helpful. This forum has helped me SO much with my wedding planning, and I'm still 11 months away!! Anyways, I sound like a commercial, but I'm proud to be a member of this forum (even if my 1800+ posts say I'm a geek!!) - I'm sure you'll love it here. I'm sorry, I don't have any information on Jamaica... but I really want to go! lol. There are a few brides here that are having their wedding in Jamaica, including Heidi, who I see has already posted. Let us know if you have any questions!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Well, that would be one thing out of the way, lol, but if you're like me you will have changed your mind 10 times by next year ) Then I'll just have more to wear!! haha... ok, you're right. I should wait...
  11. NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'll have to join the collection of people who can't view the slideshow. I have to wait until I get home from work. Only 8 hours to go!!
  12. Sarah, Those pictures are absolutely beautiful. You must be so happy with them. I love that first one.... and the one where all of the GMs are lined up. Ahhh - I love all of them!!! I can't wait to see Juan's pictures!!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by kemiller Oh. Good idea. I was also thinking about something in wine country in california. It is a pretty romantic place. Oh - talk to Christine about that - her wedding is July 20, and hers is exactly that. She's got some really great ideas
  14. CourtneyV

    I'm NEW!

    Hi Shanna, welcome to the forum! I'm not a PV bride, nor have I ever been, but I understand your worries about spring break... I was in Mexico this year for spring break, and the resort layout was perfect - it felt like it was maybe 50% full, and they were 100%. It's all about choosing the right resort. I stayed in the Riviera Maya (at the El Dorado Royale). I don't know about the resorts in PV very well... but there is hope for that perfect resort. Just because it's that spring break time, it doesn't have to feel crowded! Ok, I realize that what I just said gave you no options... but maybe it gave you hope?! lol
  15. CourtneyV


    Welcome to the forum, Shawn!! How is the planning coming along so far?
  16. Hahaha Kelly, that's so cute. lol, If I had yard like that, I'd do that too... and I'm an adult! lol. Meh, kids have to be kids - it's tough to resist a mud puddle when the occassion presents itself! I love stories like that! When we get blog sections, you'll have to post WAY more... and until then, hijack threads at random! lol
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by matt Hmmmm.... Tammy told me a couple of weeks ago that the resorts I was looking at in Riviera Maya hadn't released their prices yet. Maybe Los Cabos and Riviera Maya are on different schedules. I also requested info on Dreams (Tulum vs. Los Cabos) and apparently those aren't available. Thanks for the heads up. Matt Hey Matt... I'm incredibly late on this, but I still feel the need to say something!! lol. I felt the exact same way. I feel like I was developing ulcers just thinking about the stress of finding a resort w/the rate I liked in such a short timeline!! That's why I picked my resort and did a room block (through Tammy). It worried me that I (a) I was choosing a date that is busy and ( the rates wouldn't be released still for months!! Through the room block, I secured a rate and I didn't have to worry about what it would be like when the '08 rates were released.
  18. Are you going to get it Kate? I find a lot of eBay sellers will do almost anything to avoid the negative reviews because it takes only a few sour reviews to ruin it for them. Although, I once had a seller write me (well... Aaron, but same thing! lol) complaining about shipping to Canada. We asked before we put in a bid if he'd ship to Canada and he agreed. Well, it turned out to be a huge hassle for him, and he wrote us a super long e-mail about every little problem he bumped into. He ended the e-mail with "I'm never shipping internationally again. I know this isn't your fault, but I just had to vent". I was kind of shocked - it's not like any retailer you'd visit in person would/should do that!!! lol - we thought it was funny, but if I cared enough, I would have written a negative review. I don't care about the hassle you went through... we both agreed to that sale knowing the terms. Oh well! Lol, sorry for the hijack. I think that seller is safe. That is A LOT of positive reviews.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Tammy already has the greatest title of them all which is POST WHORE although I will admit that I think someone like Catherine or Courtney will overthrow you one day. LOL. You better watch your back. It's my goal!! lol omg, I need a life!!
  20. Ummm ya... and wedding in Italy would be amazing!!!!! I can't believe you got to go to one, I'm incredibly jealous! Take your time with the location, it should take a little while anyways - you want to be absolutely sure!
  21. umm... ok, why don't we have cool dollar stores here?! The best I found were 5 year old birthday party gift bags with Dora the Explorer on them! lol - NO, I am NOT getting those for my guests!!! Great find Laura, those OOT bags are great!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild FYI, they sent me a coupon for 15% off if you order by June 30th Enter this code for the discount: SU15 Happy designing! Thanks for posting that Jamy!! I'm sure someone here can take advantage of that... or I may just have to order mine a year early!! lol
  23. Laura... how did the venue visit go on Saturday?
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by jthrasherphoto.com I'm firm believer in paying for what you get and most of the time the photographers these resorts use are not great, at best. If you can live with only 50-100 photos that are mediocre, that's cool, but most of the time it's in your best interest to hire your own photographer. I couldn't agree more. There are very few things you walk away from this wedding that you will have for the rest of your lifetime... you FI and wedding bands are the only other things that mean as much (to me) as the photography. With the right photographer, you can get that emotion captured perfectly. The photographer is the most expensive thing on my budget list, and that's the way I want it! With a poor photographer... you might as well have an inexperienced guest take the pictures for your album. They just seem like they're snapshots instead of of real photography - catching THE moment.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by kemiller How much would it cost to use their photographer? It sounds like it could expensive paying for your own, flying them down, paying for lodging and paying the $500. You should do the math to see if it makes sense going with theirs. Just a suggestion. Sometimes the resort photographers don't quite seem to be..... up to snuff. Some of them are good photographers, but to a lot of brides (myself included) think it's worth paying more to have the perfect photographer there.... the extra $500 on the other hand is upsetting, frustrating and just down right wrong! It makes me angry just to think about it - and it's a cost I don't have to worry about with my chosen resort. If I had to though, I would try to fight it.
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