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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. I couldn't agree more with you, Jennette! Yes, these people are forking over a lot of money to come see us get married, but it's not like they're dreading it! They get a week of vacation out of it. We have provided them with all of the information, and even better rates than they would get if they booked down the road on their own! If they want to go on their own vacation and do their own thing, that's fine, but I don't see why I should have to pay for it. If they're struggling with cash, then by no means are they obligated to be there. I understand not everyone will have the $$ for this. There are a few people on my guest list that I know would do almost anything to be there, and I could see myself helping them out with something like this... but if cousin Joe that I haven't seen in 3 years decides to come for the wedding, but stay at another resort, I'm not going to fork over the cash. I don't know if that sounds harsh, but that's just how I feel! Look what you did, Martha - a full-on debate! LOL. Clearly everyone has different views about this, it really does need to be evaluated on an individual basis. If you don't feel right asking people to pay the daypass fee if they stay somewhere else, be prepared to pick up the tab. Chances are, the majority of your guests will stay at the same resort you pick and this won't even be a big deal! lol
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by sheaa I don't know how I messed that post up so bad.... lol I fixed it for ya!
  3. Here's a few I found that I really like (sorry if I repeated any)... The beginning of forever Give me a thousand kisses (in hers) And then a thousand more (in his) You wore me down A perfect fit Worth the wait Until my forever ends... One sunset at a time Honey, I called dibs Oh the places we'll go! You are SO mine You're mine sucker! Olive Juice Happy now? Good. Not for pawning All you need is love This is my solemn vow You jump, I jump Maybe I'm amazed... Love is friendship set on fire I love you. . . more than ice cream! To the wind that fills my sails... Mine, Mine, all Mine!!! I made a wish and you came true. two wishes left Loving you is the way I celebrate being alive If found, keep man and return ring Going Once, Going Twice, Sold! You are my first home run Say bye bye to freedom babe Wow...we got married, man! Love and cherish for eternity Have you lost it yet? You really are my angel Uncountable Blessings I LOVE YOU HONEYS...MMMMWAA!! Good morning wonderful The best things are free… this ring wasn’t – keep it on! Love, Friendship & Happiness You're the answer to my everything When God made you He was thinking of me
  4. Like a complete loser, I've already watched the slideshow a bunch a times... and I made Aaron watch it with me twice! lol. I think Jeff definately deserves those brownie points ... Aaron is still not sure about TTD, but he'll change his mind before the wedding... whether he wants to or not! lol Oh - and everyone is right, you two are a totally hot couple. I LOVE that picture where Jeff is brushing your hair from your face, and then the one right after that too... they both just melt my heart!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Thank you for your honest answers. Here is my issue. Aren't I already asking them to pay to come to my wedding? I mean, they do have to pay for their trip, right? But, I was all for paying their night passes, which are more than the day passes. It is my wedding and if they are staying at the less expensive resort, that probably means they cant spend a lot of money. We are going to make it very clear on our website and the TA is going to make is clear the difference between the diff. resorts and what will and will not be included if they stay at the other one. I think technically we should pay for them...but, I just don't know. It's what you're comfortable with doing. If I could pay for my guest's daypasses, I would. Hell, Sarah (SASSYGIRL) is paying for her guests accomodation (right?)... I couldn't do that!! lol. I don't know, I just consider the day pass to be included in the accomodation, maybe that makes me a sleazeball, I don't know. If there are only a few people that stay outside the resort, then I will... but if I go announcing it, then I could run myself into debt paying for all of the day passes!! I'm just repeating myself over and over again, so I'll stop posting! lol. If you can afford it, then awesome... if not, then maybe you can post something on your website like Maria mentioned so your guests are aware.
  6. haha... Tammy, as much as we'd love to hear from you - STAY OFF THE FORUM!! Enjoy your honeymoon! How often are you in Mexico?? Enjoy it while you're there... you can gush and brag about all of the details when you get back.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jthrasherphoto.com Have you looked at the Boudoir Photographers network? Boudoir Photographer's Network - Home . THAT is the website I was looking for!!!
  8. Oh ya... that's not a question for me. I haven't stayed at a resort like the one she's staying at. I wouldn't have known about that either - but I think its worth pointing out to your guests.
  9. Oh lol, I know!!! With Tammy AND Ann? We're all going to have to step up the # of posts to keep things alive around here! lol
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt Thats a good point BUT did these guests know that they wouldn't be allowed into every section of the resort if they stayed at the more wallet friendly part?? What do you mean? When I stayed in Mexico in March at the El Dorado Royale, there were the regular suites and the Casitas... us regular people weren't allowed in the Casitas area - we're adults, we got over it. Just as long as the guests are educated of the terms ahead of time rather than shocked when they get there, it's not a big deal. ...or am I completely missing the point of your question?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt just keep in mind that Tammy will be getting married so that will drop down the number of posts What are we all going to do with out you girls?? Something tells me we're stuck with Tammy lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng after her wedding!! lol
  12. lol I felt the same way when I was looking for a photographer. I saw what Leigh did, and wanted something classy like that - but everywhere I looked it was nasty, trashy looking stuff... nothanks!! I forget what the website is that Leigh suggested... I'll try to find it. Otherwise, I would ask her for her recommendation.
  13. Ahh.. this topic has come up before, and I think I got a few people upset by my answer! But hey... you asked!! lol I honestly think that if you did everything in your power to get your guests the best rate/deal and gave them sufficient time to book their rooms - they should pay! IMO, that is a part of their accomodations - if they stay at dreams, it's not included. However, if it's my fault that they didn't book at dreams (e.g. I didn't get them the information soon enough) then I would pay. I think you've provided the best possible deal for them, they are attending for your event, so if they chose to stray away, you shouldn't be responsible to pay for that. I'm sorry, that sounds harsh. I just think it'll be a lot if you end up paying $75pp if they have the option to stay elsewhere. I'd make sure they know about the day/nightpass before they book. I got invited to a wedding in Mexico last March, and it never crossed my mind to stay somewhere other than where they were holding the event. And if I had chosen to stay somewhere else, I would have expected to pay the penalty for it - it's my choice, not hers. Anyways, a lot of people disagree with me. If you can afford it, I'm sure your guests would appreciate it. Also, if it's just one or two people, then I could see myself flipping for the extra expense, no biggy - but I wouldn't commit to it. Sorry, I might sound mean... but I'm ok with it! lol
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by NATASHA This weekend, we just decided to reinvite everyone back to Cabo for our anniversary. The invitation is going out as, "Come watch us trash the dress." and we're going to do a TTD session. Fun! Juan - are you available the weekend of November 11th? Oh Natasha, what an excellent idea... for the anniversary! What a great way to celebrate!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by lryates76 And another thing....she hasn't got her dress or even thought about planning the bach party. I have 3 other girls who keep e-mailing and calling her to offer help and she is ignoring everyone and not even planning anything at freakin all!!!! I'm about to demot her a$$ and give the MOH title to someone who cares!! There....I said it!! If you feel that strongly about it, maybe you should "relieve" her of her duties. Just say to her that you understand she has other obligations and you understand that she may be too busy to plan a bach. party, or join you in Mexico (say it without the guilt trip tone!!), and she'll either get the hint, or step down.
  16. Alright... well I just have to say right off the batt that before I even read your thread, I knew you had to be pissed... I don't think I've ever seen a vent thread from you!! The fact that she hasn't applied for her passport is a huge issue at this point! Seriously?! I mean, I don't meant to freak you out because I'm sure you're aware, after reading the same threads I have.... is she slow or something? She's going to have to pay to have it rushed. Doesn't it take 10 weeks minimum w/o the rush?! Next.. the fact that she hasn't booked at all?! The people you should be hounding to get their reservations in SHOULD NOT be your bridal party or family - the fact that she falls into one of those categories is a big no-no. Also, I understand that it's her choice where she wants to stay and it's not like you can throw a hissyfit if she stays somewhere else, but I completely understand where you're coming from - she's your support group! What kind of a support group isn't there?!! There's nothing you can do about the kids though - they're her kids and obligation, but I agree... I'd be surprised if she payed the $300/day to see you (let alone for the wedding!). I think you should confront her with your issues... be polite, but to the point. And explain why staying at dreams would probably benefit her. People like benefits!
  17. My dad has one picked out that he is going to surprise me with... I'm 99.9% sure he'll choose Daddy's Girl by Peter Cetera. I remember listening to it with him when I was a kid - it's the perfect song. I'd be shocked if he didn't pick that song... but I'll let him think he surprised me lol - he's so cute!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL FRICK!!! I can't see it cuz I can't download the Active X program on my work computer. GRRRRR!!! I have the same problem. I feel like throwing my computer across the room - I wanna see the slideshow so bad!! lol. Only 3 more hours until I can go home... rush in the door, turn on the laptop, and watch the 2 minute slideshow! I can't wait!!
  19. I love that this is the first thread I clicked when I signed in, and it's clearly not addressed to me! I'm so excited for all three of you. Maybe I need to get a life, but I feel like its my best friends/family thats getting married.... not some people I met on a forum!! lol, I've said to Aaron..."Ann's wedding is so close, I'm so excited!!" and he just looks at me like I'm losing it!! lol
  20. Welcome Jenn! I'm not a Cancun bride, but I am a Dreams bride!! Paula attached a really great thread... even I've found some helpful information in there. Anyways, I just wanted to welcome you to the forum!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by PVBride My mom and I are actually going dress shopping tomorrow! Ooooh!!! Let us know how it goes! Have you gone dress shopping yet, or is this the first go at it? It's so much fun (if you get a good sales associate), they dress you up like a princess with the tiaras an veils!!! Try to get pictures if you can!
  22. Wow... in three months you got a lot done. You're making the rest of us look bad!!
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