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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Great review Karla - thanks! What colours of pashminas did you get? If you got actual colours (not neutrals) did the ladies wear them often - were there "matching" issues?! lol. Also... You missed an appointment with Juan?! haha, too cute. Like, was it the day of that you missed the appointment?!?
  2. Ok, I'll look into getting that program then. I am planning to do a number of albums, so this sounds like a smart investment. Plus $119 isn't a lot for programs these days. So, you used this program and saved each page as a separate image and then uploaded it to a full page template on Sharedink... or how did that work? Be honest... was the program frustrating or difficult? Are you computer savvy?! lol
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Adamsgrrl my mom made a point that there hibiscus flowers typically found in Hawaii, so she said they don't fit in Mexico. That's actually what I thought when I saw them at first
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by host i think we should make sarah a moderator on her DIY skills no kidding, I'd second that! ...as long as she helps me with this! lol
  5. SARAH!!!!!! I'm going to do my own book for the engagement pictures, but I want to make sure I'm not in way over my head here. I looked through all of the old threads about Sharedink and I noticed you said this: Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER Thank you all for your suggestions- there were some great ideas out there! If anyone is interested, I'll post a sharedink "how-to" thread one of these days lol Sarah I'm going to need as much help as I can get!!! I set up an account a few weeks ago just to try it out and got so frustrated five minutes in. I can't get the pictures to overlap like you did, the template options are incredibly limited. How the heck did you do this? And how do I make the pictures bleed off the pages? etc... Can you write a Sharedink how-to like you wrote your wedding review? I need as much detail as possible!
  6. Hey Mary, sorry I don't know very much about PV , but I wanted to welcome you to the forum. Oh, by the way... Mary and Joseph... lol, that's so cute! haha, I love that!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Anyone know where to get the sanddollars? I have a stinkload of websites bookmarked at home... ok.. a stinkload is like 4 lol, but they were the websites with the best prices I could find! If no one else replies, I'll try to post them when I get home.
  8. Alright, I looked at them for quite a while because I couldn't decide. I love the flowers, but I think I like the palm trees just a little more. Maybe because they have a little more colour? I like them both, but I voted palm trees
  9. Amy, I went there for a site visit (yes, Lisa - I know I need to write a review! lol). It was a gorgeous resort. I was only there for an hour, not a night - but here are my thoughts on it (mini review!): Kids - yes, there were a lot of them... but not annoyingly so. They had a really great kids club off to the side. We went and walked through it, and they have something from all ages, right up to teenagers... hell, I didn't want to leave the kids club! lol. They even have like a mini buffet area there, where a private cook will make them lunch. It was awesome. The pool area I found to be incredibly crowded. It sort of reminded me of a cruise, where everyone is lined around the pool. There are 2 (? maybe more) pools, but they're right next to eachother, so they're both kind of crowded... although the second/smaller pool was a bit better in that there were places to sit and the pool itself wasn't crowded. Food - I didn't try it, but we did stop in all of the restaurants during our tour and they were doing prep for lunch at the time - OMG it smelled so good. And the kids seemed to be enjoying the seaside grill when we were walking by! The resort - the layout is beautiful. You walk out the back of the lobby and there is a row of buildings to each side right to the beach. It's a gorgeous view, and fantastic first impression! My only nay-say about this layout was that there are A LOT of rooms that don't get an ocean view. the layout continues to the side so that there are a lot of rooms that face inwards, into a terrace area... which is still beautiful and peaceful... each terrace area (I don't know what else to call it! lol) has plant life, benches and fountains. But still, when most people go to a location like Mexico, they want ocean views! I'm not sure how many actual ocean view rooms there are, but I'd check if I were you. That's all I can think of now. I don't have pictures on this computer... but I should really post them!! lol
  10. I love all three options. But if you're pretty sure you want passport invites, then thats my choice! They're SOOOO cool. I love love love them! If I received a passport invite in my mailbox, I'd be so thrilled!
  11. Welcome Back!!!!! I missed you... and your ticker! lol. Did you tell anyone/everyone while you were there? omgomgomg I can't wait to see you St. Thomas wedding pictures - those are going to be amazing! AHHHHH! Where the heck are you?! Hurry that flight up! lol
  12. Wow Jaime... why do you always have the tearjerker stories?! It's so true - you KNOW when you have your rock.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh I did see those, but figured that Glenda gets them cheaper Didn't Glenda say they're not "real"? lol... not that I would know the difference anyways. Glenda gets them a lot cheaper than that though
  14. lol Nicole... I agree, I like that you post the pictures of everything!! I love looking at that stuff and omg... can I just say that your dress is the only dress I've seen that looks great on the hanger?! I don't mean that in a bad way... I think all dresses look kind of boring/ugly/odd on the hanger - yours still looks amazing!! LESS THAN one month to go!!! YAY!
  15. Amy, I've never used them before... but look at their wholesale pashminas! Wholesale Pashmina Wraps 12
  16. Simply put - yes! First of all... I got engaged last June and didn't start planning until this February!! I mean, I had ideas of what I wanted to do and maybe where I wanted to go... but I didn't feel incredibly motivated to research it. I can't even explain why - I'm excited about my engagement, but it was hard to get the ball rolling. And yes, family HEAVILY impacted decisions I was making... and honestly, still does a bit. Not even immediate family, but I would start thinking, "Well, aunt Barb might not like this, or uncle John might not like that". Maybe that's why i found it so discouraging at first... how do you please everyone? I think it helped to talk to my FI about it. What were our priorities? What did WE really want in our location? Even writing it down could help. Then maybe you'll start getting a little more excited/motivated when you start imagining your wedding with you FI.
  17. CourtneyV

    Newbie Here

    Hey Lori, welcome to the forum! Let us know if you have any questions.
  18. Aww, I don't think its fair to get MOD and MothM in the same month... there are a lot more brides (and grooms!) on this forum that deserve it more than I do... that's why I banned them so I would get it! lol j/k. Everyone here is so awesome, I don't know how I managed to score this - thanks guys. And congrats to the much more deserving MothM, Sarah!
  19. Wooohooo!! That's awesome Laura! It's so great to check those off the list, isn't it? Now for the fun stuff!
  20. Glenda, Ya, I'll be posting this on my website, which most of my guests have checked out already anyways. My mom is my MOH, and she's pretty good at spreading the word around - so we'll use that method as well. Also, surprisingly, a lot of my guests haven't been to Mexico before, so they're asking a lot of questions to begin with. We're not saying "stay with us, or pay!!", it's more about explaining the benefits to them. If they still decide to stay somewhere else, we'll make sure they know about the daypass before they book. You're right, I'd feel horrible if they didn't know about it before booking... if that happened, I'd pick up the tab. lol... I had to ask a few close relatives (mom, dad etc) about the paying for the daypass issue because I was starting to wonder if it was going to come off as rude. They both said right away that it shouldn't be a bride and groom expense. I've noticed that my fellow Calgarian agrees... I wonder if Kash is right in it being a "cultural" thing??! Even after reading everyone's posts where they feel so strongly about paying, I still don't think that I feel an obligation. I feel like such a jerk saying that, but I really see it as an accomodation fee. Like I said before, if it's a few people, I'd flip the bill.
  21. Ooh Christine, that turned out great!! Man, you work fast lol. How many pages did you do? Don't you have like 140 guests attending? Edited to add: Oh scratch thatm this is for the rehearsal dinner. How many people are going to be there?
  22. You might want to check out this thread from just last week: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t5452 or this older thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t4489
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by DREA14369 hey, I actually liked the tie choker and was going to ask you where you got it haha, I thought the same thing. Like everyone else said, it's perfect for bpics. So, like a lame@ss, I started looking it up right away. I found these sites: Tie Necklace Hourglass Fashions TIE NECKLACE Rhinestone necklaces, pendants, sexy necklaces and chokers. Jewelry funky bling bling accessories
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