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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller how have i stayed there twice and not seen an iguana? but i did get the business from a peacock who obviously did not want his photo taken! Seriously? Not a single one?! They're EVERYWHERE!! Mostly by the back of the lobby along that river thing. They like to chill in the grass over there. Shea, I really don't think you could be disappointed there. I'm interested to hear more on this particular review... but I really enjoyed it there. I've said it a few times that if it were only adults going to my wedding, I'd have my wedding there in a heartbeat!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by BEACHBRIDEMA HAHA that is too funny! Sarah ...but true!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Ok How Do I Delete This Thread Of Combine It. lol I'll try to merge them (Ooooh - this is my first attempt at is as a MOD... wish me luck!!) haha Catherine, I think thats funny (in a cute way) that you keep starting new threads. At least we have multiple threads instead of forgetting!
  4. lol Stephanie, I can see my guests needing me to send my list to them as well!! Paula, thats a great list! Thanks for posting that. I love the things that you need to leave behind. We started doing that last year when we went on vacation. Heavin forbid you lose your passport or any itinerary or something... then what?! Having those copies with a family memeber at home could make all the difference!
  5. Oooh that's a good idea! I never even thought of that! That's a really great rate you got too!
  6. Oooh Paula, those turned out great!! I absolutely love the personalized postcard idea
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by DREA14369 And of course you need to stay on this forum afterwards.....no take that back you HAVE TO stay on this forum afterwards. Psssh... she will. We'd have to perminantly ban her entire neighbourhood and any internet cafes nearby before we could get rid of her! lol
  8. lol - Catherine.... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t5537 Tammy already started a thread
  9. Welcome to the forum!! I have been to Dreams Tulum once, on a site visit (I didn't stay there) and really liked it. We also have a few brides and grooms here that are having their weddings there, including Laura - who has already posted for you. Feel free to let any of us know if you have a question about Dreams Tulum or anything else.
  10. That's just one persons (well... two with Leigh) opinion - if you like it, don't let me deter you from it. I do like grey, but just not that one in particular.
  11. Umm... I'm not sure exactly. When I saw it right away I just knew I didn't like it. I think it's a combination of the pants (they look like pj pants with that suit to me) and... that particular shade of grey. I'm not sure why, it just looks kind of ratty to me. BUT this is just my own opinion, and I'm completely not fashion forward, so if this is trendy I'll probably start to like it in 5-10 years! lol Just curious... what made you pick that grey suit?
  12. Ok, if I were to be completely and brutally honest - I don't like that grey one at all. I don't know what it is, but I don't like it one bit. :-| Sorry. The khaki one is definately more beachy, it's true... and thats probably what Aaron will end up wearing at our wedding, but I agree with Sabina... on a beach, the grey just kind of pops - in a good way! If it were a different grey suit, maybe I'd vote for it then. My vote for now, is for khaki! (sorry if that was too harsh!!)
  13. lol Sarah, I know... Glenda would have like 50 of these without even thinking about it. lol... pressures on, Glenda!!
  14. Tammy... I'm gonna miss ya! Seriously, who is going to keep this forum moving while you're gone?! Who is going to say all of the sarcastic comments that make us bust a gut every time? Have the best wedding ever. I don't think that I need to tell you to post a review (post whore!), or pictures - so... we'll see ya when you get back!!!
  15. Uhh, ya that's NOT enough pictures! lol - we need more. Hopefully Juan will have them up and ready soon. In the meantime, if you have more... keep 'em coming. I have to say, my favourite picture so far is the one where you two are walking back down the "aisle" and you've got the biggest grin on your face! I LOVE that!!!! Sarah, you looked absolutely beautiful and it looks like you had an amazing time - I mean, come on.. how many people can say they caught and had shark at their wedding reception?!?!! That's so cool!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva Both are great! I'm going to check out the signs when we're there in June, but isn't do not disturb in spanish, "no molste" or "no molestar"? I remember it was something about molesting... I know I have a childish sense of humor! lol, we share the same sense of humour. Everytime we walked by it I'd laugh "teehehehehe" and my parents would just roll their eyes. Thank god Aaron will be there in August with me, he would probably be laughing before me!
  17. Wow, so you didn't like the El Dorado Royale? I LOVED it. I thought it's size was part of it's charm - it didn't feel busy at all, even though they were full when we were there. Also, they have carts you can have take you from one side to the other if need be. You can wait for the shuttle every 20 minutes, or you can call for one and they usually they arrive within 10 minutes. Also, the I didn't find the iguanas threatening or disgusting... but there are a lot of them!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER as you know I'm not computer savvy! Don't you remember my frantic questions to you when I was trying to send my mp3 song files to Juan? Well, I wasn't going to say anything because I thought I might embarass you... lol j/k! You figured it out all on your own in the end!! lol Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER I think what Tammy was trying to say is that each page must be saved as 1 file. Ok, that's what I kind of thought. Thanks for the help - I'm starting to feel like I can do this!!! But don't think this is the end of my questions, there'll be a lot more!
  19. lol Trisha... that counts for something!! ...not sure what, but I'm pretty sure it does
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine I would say just to be safe, carry them on board with you since that is pressurized You can't carry a lot of liquids on board with you anymore can you?! I'd be afraid they'd red flag it and take it away!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards or even something like: Do Not Disturb...unless you're bringing a margarita! lol that's cute. DO NOT DISTURB.... ...Wait, is that a Margarita?!
  22. Honestly, from what I've seen from Sarah's books - the quality looks impressive!! I wouldn't knock it just yet
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by host the ceo is very helpful...if you want his email, pm me.. ok, keep this in mind. each page must be 1 image. So then I have to photoshop it (or w/e program) and overlap the images and save those as an image?! I don't get it. How do I get multiple pictures on one page without using their template?
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