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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. So, thanks to Heidi I've decided to do the Mad Lib RSVPs (SUCH a great idea... thank you so much!) Here's what I have so far. Maybe it's been a long day or something, but when I read the last part I always think someone is going to write something dirty. So here's what I need you guys to do: 1) Fill this in as if you were actually sending in the RSVP. I'd like to see how everyone's responses come back. 2) ADVICE!!! I wouldn't mind adding more/editing. I had a part in there where they told a mini story about a memory because seriously... how fun would that be to get an RSVP like that (IF they send it back!! although I'm hoping that the fun twist on the RSVP would encourage them to send it faster!) If you have any ideas how I can add to this in a super fun way... suggest it!! But first, fill it in - I really, really want to see how people fill them in and interpret them. Thanks guys - and thanks Heidi, this is the best idea ever, I'm so pumped about it! Here's my RSVP RSVP (Mad Libs Style!) Please RSVP by September 1, 2007 We're saving 2 seats for you! ___________________! [exclamation] __________________________________________________ ___________ [guest’s names] ___________ [will/will not] attend the wedding and will most likely __________ [verb] _______________ [adverb] on Friday May 9th, 2008. Don't forget to _______________________________________________ [advice] before you ____________________ [verb] and ____________________________[advice] after the ______________________________________ [noun] An ADJECTIVE describes something or somebody. Lumpy, soft, ugly, messy, and short are adjectives. An ADVERB tells how something is done. It modifies a verb and usually ends in "ly". Modestly, stupidly, greedily, and carefully are adverbs. A NOUN is the name of a person, place or thing. Sidewalk, umbrella, bridle, bathtub, and nose are nouns. A VERB is an action word. Run, pitch, jump, and swim are verbs.
  2. Hey Megan! Welcome to the forum!!! There are a tonnnnnnnnnnn of Cabo brides here - and lots of Dreams and RIU brides, so you shouldn't have any problems finding the info you need... but if you do have questions, we're here to help - just let us know!!
  3. Jess... just an FYI - I'm starting on invites today and WILL need your help! lol.... just a heads up! OoooOooOoOhh - by the way, I love your new siggy picture!!
  4. I chose Dreams - but haven't stayed at either of them. I mostly liked Dreams because it seems like a nice, relaxing, romantic atmosphere... RIU (from what I've heard) is definately more of a party place, and that is not really what Aaron and I are like (heck, I'm on the forum on a Friday night - does that not speak for itself?!). When I looked at everyone's pictures from Dreams, it had an incredibly romantic atmosphere. I too thought about what my family would think, and overall I think most of them will be happy (you can't please everyone), the food is pretty good, the staff friendly, the rooms RENOVATED (). Also, when I contacted Dreams, Mariana responded right away - and she has every single time. Each time I e-mail her, she responds easily before 24 hours is up. That might not sound like a huge deal... but its so frustrating waiting to hear back from someone and it takes weeks! She responds quickly, and answers every single question perfectly. Plus, after reading what she's done for other brides, you really can't go wrong!!
  5. Aahhh, Edyta - you're such a gorgeous person.... no wonder you can't pick your pictures, I'd have a tough time too if my FI and I were like supermodels!! Are you going to post pictures from you AHR? ...
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Courtney, are you paying attention? LOL Kelly~ Haha... are you bringing me into this because you've seen me dance?! lol
  7. Omg Jill... I suck. Sorry this took so long, here's the sand dollar sites that I had bookmarked. I'm not sure which ones I liked, and which ones I didn't - lol sorry... these are just all of the ones I had in my folder. I also haven't ordered any yet, so I'm not sure how they are shipping wise. Sand Dollars, Starfish and Seashells Sand Dollars, Sand Dollar, Sanddollars, Sandollar, Sandollars, Bank Sand dollars seahorses sanddollars and more Sand Dollars - seashells world eBay: A732 140 SAND DOLLARS ASSORTED SIZES (item 160122798583 end time Jun-06-07 18:00:42 PDT)
  8. Secret Lives An ideal ice breaker game for groups who work together remotely or who need to build relationships quickly. When sending out invites to the meeting, ask each person to send back a secret fact about them. You’ll find all sorts of hidden talents, escapades or achievements – one hit popstars, matchstick collectors or maybe a kissogram! Prepare a document with all the secrets written out, and a blank next to each for the owner. Make sure you print out enough sheets. At the meeting hand out the secrets sheets, and ask the group to mingle and figure out which secret belongs to whom. If the group is mixing well, be flexible about the timing and maybe let the exercise go on slightly longer. Take the completed sheets back and mark them quickly. As you are doing this, ask each person to confess their secret to the group. Announce the “winner†and maybe give a small prize. Oooh... this is interesting lol - it relates to your wedding theme, but it's an actual board game: Fun party game: Ideal Ice Breaker Game | Adult Party Games | Wine Tasting Icebreaker
  9. Hmm... I just found these online, not sure if they're what you're looking for: Who am I? Everyone writes down one fact about themselves that nobody else would know. (Don't include names.) All facts are put in a hat. One person reads the facts one at a time. Everyone tries to guess who it is. For example, the facts could be something like: "I was born in my parents car." or "I was adopted." It is a fun way to get to know each other. "I have never...": Each person gets 5 cards or 5 M&M's or 5 whatever. You go around the circle and each person tells something they have never done. If you have done it, you must throw one of your cards into the middle. The last person holding a card wins. For example, I could say, "I have never been on a mission." Everyone who is an RM must throw in a card. (I've actually played this one before, it's not as lame/dirty/boring as it sounds. It's weird to hear the things that people have never done before e.g. never eaten a taco before) Guess the Picture Collect a set of pictures of your town / locality / personalities etc. and display them on the wall with a number. The guests have to identify them and write the name on a sheet of paper. The winner is the one with the highest score. Name Mix-Up Sit in a circle on chairs or with definite spots to sit. Put the name of the person on each chair where it cannot be seen. The name on the chair determines the "name" of the person sitting in the chair. Decide where the "beginning" of the circle is. The person at the "beginning" of the circle starts by saying their name (or rather, the name on their chair, which originally is their own name), followed by the name of someone in the room. The person they called says their name and calls someone else's name. That person then says their name and calls on someone else. If a person makes a mistake, by forgetting to say their name or someone else's, by not responding in time, by responding when their chair's name was not called, or by calling a name of someone who is not there, then they leave their spot and sit to the right of the "beginning" of the circle. The people scoot one seat to the right to accommodate the person who made the mistake. If the person at the beginning makes a mistake, everyone scoots one chair to the right. The person at the beginning position then starts again. However, since the name on the chair is the "name" of the person sitting in the chair, now the person who's real name is Jenny but sitting in the chair labeled Michelle, must respond when someone calls Michelle and not respond when someone calls Jenny. Continue playing the game until everyone is utterly confused.
  10. Oh, I love the BD pic reaction shots!!! lol - Jeff looks impressed! Haha, I can't wait to see what else Juan captured...
  11. It's here, Lizzy http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t3283-8 Page 8, a little further down the page
  12. Nice work Lisa!!! Have you picked one, Laura?! I love that you're creative with this... hmm... maybe I need to think of something different too...
  13. AHHHHHH!!! Have a great trip and an amazing wedding - enjoy it... every single second of it. Congratulations!!!
  14. Thanks Rita, I might take you up on that. When shipping to Canada, we always get dinged big time with the shipping/customs costs - sometimes it's unbelievable how much they charge!!!
  15. Haha... well I guess you don't expect a proposal when people are fighting!!! lol, Jared's a smart cookie!
  16. Oh, Kelly I've heard of that before (and I think even wrote it down in my "ideas" document when I first got engaged) I really love this idea - its so cute!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama I am looking for a certain style so if anyone can find it let me know! I want it to be black with skull prints on it! If you can find some let me know!!!!!!! ...we won't ask!! lol I'll let ya know if I find anything.
  18. Welcome Ashleigh!! I'm so jealous... I LOVE St. Thomas!! Keep an eye out for JessicaLovesBrian's next post... she just got back from her St. Thomas wedding and will hopefully be posting pictures and a review!!!
  19. Since it's grad/prom season, go to retailers that sell those dresses. They'll be pretty heavily marked down since most girls will have gotten their dresses - or at least that's the way it is here.
  20. Well, welcome to the forum!! You're absolutely right, this is the best site to find the information you need, I'm so proud to be a member of it! Anyways... (lol) RIU! I've heard fabulous things about RIU, and we've had a few RIU brides get married, and some brides-to-be here to so you should find lots of information.
  21. Hey Veronica (and Chris!) welcome to the forum! You'll find SOOOO much Cabo information on this forum. You might want to start here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/f59/ And if you can't seem to find what you're looking for there, then you can always ask any of us - there are tons of us Cabo brides on the forum!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsV-to-be Thanks Courtney! I like it too - but its GIGANTIC, and I can't make it smaller! (any suggestions?) You can't resize it in photoshop (do you have photoshop)... or paint?
  23. Hey Tammy, some of the girls that were Senior members before are now back to being Full Members - was this a part of the upgrade? Is there a new post quota to become a senior member?
  24. Sorry Jennette, I don't have an answer for you... but I like the new monogram!!
  25. I would just go to a bridal salon and offer to pay for one of theirs. Also, try some retailers in a mall near you. When I worked in retail, we always had people coming in to ask if we had any bags for dresses (we never charged) and we always had a lot because of grad/prom season. I would just hit the more hit-end retail stores that would have better quality, zip-up bags.
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