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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 Cabo Wabo is owned by Sammy Hagar (former member of Van Halen)...and he owns the line of tequila! See.. I knew it had to be someone like that (and I was even thinking Van Halen!!), but I couldn't remember the name of the guy, even though I've asked Aaron like 50 times!! I think that's why he really wants to go, just because of Sammy Hagar... poor startstruck FI! lol (now just watch, we'll go there and see him and I'll be eating my words!!)
  2. Sabina, I believe she's talking about Dreams/Hilton Los Cabos. Thanks for the review. It's always nice to hear good things about your chosen resort!! lol, a bad review just puts a pit in your stomach!! Do you have pictures from your visits? Did you meet with anyone else while you were there? A few people on this forum have met with Maye and love her. She's also a newly joined member on this forum. Honestly, if you think you might need her help, she might be worth the $$. However, I've heard (as per Sarah's awesome review) that Mariana at dreams is amazing and she didn't use another WC. Which brings me to the next thing: I'm surprised at the poor response you've gotten from Dreams. I've always had people e-mail me almost right away, what e-mail address did you send to? I think if you go to the weddings packages and you request information, you get a response back from Yesica or Mariana.. you might want to try that route.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ajncooter we are doing the same thing... but we are calling it a coed-shower and we will be inviting both people that will be traveling and not.. we are not having any other events so i think its a great way to incude the people that cant travel or afoord the travel! Does that mean the people you've invited that aren't traveling, or have you included people that you didn't invite to the wedding as well?
  4. I know Aaron can't stop talking about a place called Cabo Wabo - his friend suggested it to him... I haven't looked too much into it though. His friend absolutely loved it though (plus, it's owned by some famous guy - who I can't seem to remember right now. Some rock musician)
  5. Oh wow, that sucks! Hopefully they'll reply with the answer you're looking for - like a nice discount since you've already used them..?? Ugh, my fingers are crossed for you!!
  6. Hey Nayhomie, welcome to the forum! Do you have any ideas of where you want your wedding to be? Are you partial to having a ceremony on the beach, in a gazebo, at a garden, etc? What about date? Do you have an idea when you want to go? That might impact a location as well. You should be able to find lots of great information here, but let us know if you do have questions!!
  7. That helps a lot, thank you!!! One last question...Do you get to choose colours, or is it all assorted?
  8. Ugh, how frustrating is this - you look AMAZING in both!!! Seriously, stunning. Could you wear one for the ceremony and on for the reception?! Or are you doing a trash the dress session? You could use one of them for that. Otherwise, if I had to absolutely choose between the two, it'd be the second one, but just barely. I love both of them on you! I agree with what someone said before (sorry, I really forget who said it) that you actually look happier in the second one, you've got a big smile on your face!! It is more of a beach dress, and it's just got that sexy, sultry look to it! How do you feel about them?
  9. Ok... few q's... Can they handle a decent amount of weight? Can you fit a towel in them if your guests wanted to use them for the beach?
  10. What kind of a garter could you get when the FI is a computer geek?! lol
  11. Don't forget to add weddings, bachelorette parties, birthdays etc. on the calendar!
  12. Oooh, I've been wondering this myself!!! Lizzy, etiquette wise, why is there a difference between a bon voyage party and an AHR? I would have thought they be treated the same way..?
  13. lol - good!! I didn't read yours as dirty, but I'm afraid that's the first thing people will think when they fill it in! Thanks for the help. This madlibs thing is turning out to be incredibly frustrating. Everyone seems to thnk it's a bad idea (family included), and I'm starting to feel a bit deflated and just give in to the "check yes or no here" option.
  14. Well, what are they going to do if one of your "guests" decides to take pictures??! There are no rules about guests taking pictures, or the type of cameras they are allowed to use, are there?! Honestly, what could they possibly do? EDR is a gorgeous resort - IMHO, I wouldn't give up on it if I were you.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by jfwolfe72 maybe I should just suck it up. Ahh NOOOOO!... get the best of both worlds!! EDR is by far my favourite resort... it's SO amazing. I've said it so many times on this forum - if I didn't have children at my wedding, I would have had mine at EDR. The $500 fee has come up a few times - ask Matt Adcock, he'll tell you to fight it, and I couldn't agree more. Apparently there is a loophole to this fee - just simply add your photographer to your guestlist and there is nothing the resort can do about it!
  16. Welcome back!! Sounds like everything went well!! How does it feel to be a married woman now?!
  17. Congratulations Jamy (starchild), on your marriage to Will!!!!! I hope everything was as perfect as you dreamt - and I can't wait to see the pictures!!! Congratulatios Jamy and Will!!!! P.S. Did Ann get the starfish to you?
  18. Haha, good pictures, but you should really remove the warning.. and add more while you're at it!!! lol omg, when we were there, there were cats/kittens everywhere... and our tourguide said they don't consider them to be pets, so most of the cats there are just wild! I wanted to take them home!
  19. Yay Jessica, welcome back!! We missed you! I'm glad everything went so well, and everything was beautiful (or so you're told!! lol). I love St. Thomas, and you're right - the locals are so nice! I'm not sure I can wait until after June 7th for the pictures - that's just torture!!!! and wtf with your guests taking all of the cameras from the tables?!? Maybe they're just pulling a prank on you..?! lol
  20. Umm... lol, I see how Kelly interpreted it, but Heidi... that last part, did you instantly want to write something dirty?! lol - just curious, that's not really the kind of response I'm looking for! haha
  21. lol I know, Kelly... SO FILL IN THE FLIPPIN' RSVP!!! (hehe, that's me practising getting people to fill them in in real life... how'd that go?)
  22. Thanks, Kelly, for the feedback. I want you to be completely honest... that's why I asked!!! My feeling on this is that most people don't RSVP to begin with... so my hopes are that people might feel a little more encouraged to RSVP back if they can have some fun with it. But, that did cross my mind that people wouldn't feel like they had the energy right then... hopefully if its creative enough, they might remember it later... fingers crossed!!! lol But... that's the reason I asked, I want to see how people react to them.
  23. So, after all of this Madlib RSVP work I've beeng working on (thanks again Heidi! lol), I came across this. It's called "How I met my wife" but I did it for Aaron and I and it came out pretty funny. I entered certain information that related to how I really met Aaron, e.g.: we met online and Aaron is a computer wiz etc. So... this is how I met Aaron according to the people at wordlibs.com The year was 2000, and I was in the internet doing some scientific studies on the squishy mating behavior of cats. It was difficult because specimens were so hard to obtain. I was wiggling in lab one day when a woman walked in carrying a particularly awkwardly specimen. 'Hi, Aaron, I heard you were looking for these! My name is Courtney.' As we talked, I couldn't stop looking at her amazing eyes, her incredible smile, and her beautiful couches. 'Will you take me to where you found this?' I asked. 'Sure,' she said, 'It's right over there in the Agridome .' As we walked there, we found a restaurant that served delicious fried paintball guns and powerful drinks made of vodka and computers. The next thing I knew, we were back in my apartment and trotting passionately. After a whole night of punching, I knew I was in love with her. After 34 months, I proposed to her. I still remember her saying 'Yes' as I slipped the ring onto her stick. At the wedding, she said to me, 'You know what I love about you, Aaron? You're tall, handsome and sweaty, of course, but what I love most is your sense of humor and your stinky smile. Of course the fact that we both love hairspray doesn't hurt either.' Now, 18 years later, we are still together, living in a cold house in Los Angeles with our 98 children and our pet printer cartridge, George Bush. But even after all this time, I still remember the time that I met my wife, and a feeling of air conditioning fills my heart. lol... here's the site if anyone else wants to give it a go (there is also a wedding one that Aaron and I were about to do before the phone rang!) How I Met My Wife Libs Mad
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