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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Great review!! DH and I are looking for somewhere to vacation after the summer and this helped a lot - thanks!
  2. Hi Ashley, welcome to the forum. There are so many great destinations out there, and a wealth of knowledge here! With a little bit of searching, I'm sure you'll find your destination. It's difficult for another member to know what your "perfect" location is, therefore I don't think it's fair to ask other members to message you with information. It just takes a little bit of time, but I'm sure you'll find your location. Good luck!
  3. Wow, this woman is nuts!! What kind of a grown woman acts like this?? What does your FI's dad have to say about the matter? They both talked to him, right?? What does he want to do about it? Obviously no one wants to spend any time around your FMIL, which means no one will be spending time with him unless it's w/o her!
  4. So many of these recipes look sooooo good. Aaron and I plan on using our slow cooker a lot more. I just love the way the house smells when you walk in the door!! Yum!
  5. Wow, your pictures are beautiful!!! I love #227; such a precious, candid moment, I love it!!
  6. I voted for you, and I'm off to get my husband regestered as well; double votes!
  7. It's a neat idea. I think a few girls on BDW have made their own Bridal Survival kits as well. But they do have some excellent contents for an OOT bag as well, you're right!
  8. Wow, your FI is very creative... and I'm sure you weren't expecting a proposal in the tank with a Beluga Whale! How many people can say a Beluga Whale aided their FI/DH with his proposal?!!
  9. That's a cute story; these men are so sneaky, aren't they?!! Although that was a dangerous move, messing with a hungry woman, I'm not sure my DH would have made it to the end of the meal!! Regarding your aisle runner question, check out this section of the forum Flowers, decoration, cake, etc. - Best Destination Wedding Forum, there are several threads: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t30307 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t18507 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t4255 I didn't use petals in lieu of the traditional aisle runner, but I did use several of them on our tables, and they didn't blow away (or around) at all. Having said that, I don't know how much windier it is in JA!
  10. Yikes, that's quite the scare!! The silver lining is a good story for years to come. Something similar happened several years back at my grandparents house on Xmas Eve, except my grandpa caught on fire!! Everything was ok; my grandpa didn't get badly burned, thanks to my uncle to pretty much tackled him to the ground to smother the fire. I was like 2 years old, so I don't remember, but I've heard the story a million times. I'm glad your family is ok (and the food too!). I'm sure the next time you get the same feeling there is something wrong, you'll be jumping up to investigate right away!! Good instincts... i think you saved the day!!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda WOW!!!! I don't blame shop rite, that's their policy and seriously they could have bought the $2 tube and put it on themselves. But seriously why do that to your children? The children probably won't end up changing their names, cause they'll probably grow up to be angry mean children cause everyone in school makes fun of them. I'm totally okay w/ people naming their children whatever they want to, but honestly if my daughter came home from school and asked to go to Adolph Hitlers house and play w/ him and his sister Joycelynn Aryan Nation I'd say no, and stay away from that family. no one names their kids those names w/ out being KKK or white supremacists. I completely agree, could you imagine?!!! But that bounces right back to what Kate said; these poor children are stuck with these names, how many parents are going to keep their children away from them because of their names (although - if I walked into their house and saw swastikas everywhere, I'd probably do the same even if they had normal names!). Way to limit your child's options in life just because of what you chose to name them. Would you hire an Adolph Hitler??
  12. Wow, it's been a while since I've visited this thread - there are so many new preggos. It's like a fresh batch every couple of months comes in waves. Congratulations to all of the new-mommies-to-be!! Karma, the picture in your siggy is the very first I've seen of Hannah, and my goodness is she beautiful. I think she just wants to be held all of the time because she knows how gorgeous she is and if you put her down she's thinkin', "mommy, what are you doing? I'm too gorgeous to be away from even for just one second!" Lizz and Mo, I can't believe your little bundles of joy are almost here. That' went so quickly!! Mo, how does Morgan feel knowing she'll have a little brother soon?
  13. No, I don't think you screwed up the gifts!!! My mom was my MOH and my DH's dad was his BM as well. I can't remember what Aaron got his dad (oops), but I paid for my mom's hair and make-up, we did a spa thing. And then I made a photo album for the parents. Honestly, I don't think my parents nor Aaron's would have cared if we did anything for them. I think they're just happy to be there, the gifts are just gravy!!
  14. CourtneyV

    Hi all!

    Welcome to the forum Lori!!!
  15. P.S. I love that we can all see the forum on your computer! Nice touch!!!
  16. Honestly Calia, I think it looks great. And I promise, I'm not just saying that! It actually looks like a cut I use to have, only your hair looks healthier than mine did! And totally does NOT look like a mullet. The layers gives it great body and life. I honestly like it! Having said that, I don't think it looks much like the picture of Nicole Ritchie you posted. I'd say wait a couple days... see if you grow to like it. Usually when I get a hair cut, if I like it at first, I end up hating it later (the hairdressers always style it so well!). Or if I don't like it when I leave the salon, I'll give it a few days and make it my own, and love it! Judging from your avatar, your new hair cut is quite a bit of a change (even if it did match Nicole Ritchie's). give it a few days, play with the style. Wash it, curl it a different way or use a straightner etc. See what you think in a couple of days, and if you still want to change it, then go back to the salon and see what they can do.
  17. anything you wish you did differently? I SO wish I had done the sports jersey. After the bd session, I wore one of his Oiler's hockey shirts to bed a few times and every time he says how hot that is. Pretty common, but I think he would have liked it. what are you glad you did? I'm glad that I 'allowed' a male photographer. Leigh Miller's assistant photographer was a male (Riccis, and his work is fabulous!) and I think both he and Leigh brought a lot to the table. Trust and comfort is an importnant thing between client and photographer, but I think that's true whether the photog is male or female. I'm so glad Riccis was there, I got two fantastic photographers and a ton of amazing pictures. do you wish you went sexier? or more conservative? I wish I had gone a little sexier. I've seen a lot of bd pics posted here since I had mine done in August '07, and wished I'd gone just a step further. Some of my favourite pictures are the ones that are taken outside. There have been a few out on some deserted highway, and to me those just speak of such beautiful confidence. I love them. And then of course there are Amy's (of amy&andy)... she raised the bar all together!! who do you think liked the picture the most, you or your man? Do I sound vein if I say I LOVED my bd pics? I had mine done nine months before the wedding, so I took my sweet time designing our book and just loved looking at the pics. I think mostly because I never expected myself to do something like this that I was so pleased with how they came out. Having said that, I think Aaron was, if possible, even more blown away that I had them done. He looked at them quite a bit after the wedding, then the book got hidden away and I don't think I've seen it anywhere since! do you think it's better to look like yourself or more like a fantasy woman? No matter what, I wanted to look like myself. I guess if anything, I might have glammed-up the make-up a little bit, but nothing too crazy. There is something incredibly sexy about natural beauty, and I didn't want to get too carried away with looking like someone else.
  18. Aww Calia, that really sucks. Why would she cut it so short if you told her to go just below the shoulder? Did you bring a picture of Nicole Ritchie's cut to help illustrate your vision?? As for a new style, can you post a picture of the new cut? Maybe some of the pros have a few suggestions.
  19. Congratulations Tara and Joe!! I can't believe your wedding day is finally here, I feel like we've watched you plan this wedding for ages now. I truly cannot wait to hear every detail! now, I'm off to figure out what wedding band you finnally decided on... (lol!)
  20. That looks like blast. I love your Hogwarts costume! And wow, in that last picture, I would not mess with the devil (good thing you took her down!)
  21. Ok, so I know I'm over TWO MONTHS late on this... but better late than never, right?! Your wedding pictures are beautiful. I think those are the first pictures of you that I've seen, besides your avatar, and you're gorgeous!! It's nice to see what Martha really looks like (outside of thumbnail size! ). I'm in love with the picture where Jay is kissing your belly, it gave me goosebumps. Especially since Noah is finally here! Jay has the most heart-warming smile, btw. Looking at those pictures, he has such genuine love and happiness. Belated congratulations to the both of you, on your new marriage and your baby boy!!
  22. Karma, those pictures are so beautiful! Christine's right, pregnancy agrees with you!!
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