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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. WOW! Ok, that is officially the most expensive invite I've ever heard of... but you can easily recreate it (*cough* /steal *cough* lol) As for the boxes... I know Michaels carries some, and someone here ordered some for her invites - I think it was Lenita? Hmm.. I'll try to find the thread. I can't remember where she got the invites from though... like, if it came with and she just paid extra for the boxes - but then I wonder if you could still order the boxes and not the invites from the place she ordered them from. Ok *rambling*... I'll try to find the thread...
  2. I guess it depends on what you're giving them. If it's a pain in the @ss for you to get it there, then it'll be a pain for them to get it home; at that point, is it important you bring it with you? I think you could give it ahead of time, or even afterwards as a "phew, we made it - thanks for your help" thing. If it's jewelry or something they might use while they're there, then why not give it to them the day of? The gifts I'll be giving are quite large, so I won't be bringing them to Cabo with me. I can't decide if I should arrange to give them to my BMs ahead of time or afterwards... probably afterwards, but I'm not sure if that's considered rude waiting so long?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL I just looked up the weather situation. It is currently 90 degrees and 33% humidity with 12 mph winds. I hope she doesn't melt! Wowza!!! Well, at least it isn't raining... although isn't it good luck when it rains on your wedding day?
  4. lol, I hope Tammy understands that our standards for photos from her are higher than average. I'm talkin' 500+ photos from her - no exceptions!!
  5. Haha Kelly... it'd be creepy if it did!!! The only thing about self tanning creams is that photographers seem to not like it... since the orange glow comes out more? I dunno, it's been brought up a few times on the forum. I don't want to glow orange in my bpics haha!! That's totally unsexy!
  6. Well, I'll probably have about 30 guests, minus the 5 in our wedding party. If I did have an MC, it'd be two people who work really well off of eachother (my aunt an uncle). I just don't want everyone running around trying to help, and end up missing out or not relaxing and enjoying it. Like, our parents... they shouldn't be running around once everything has started. same with my grandparents etc. If you aren't using an usher, mc, guestbook attendant etc (is there anyone I'm forgetting?), then how are you getting everything to work smoothly? How long does Mariana stick around - until the reception starts??
  7. Oh, thanks Jess! When you get it, (if you don't mind) could you post pictures of the final quality? I remember seeing Sarah's and being completely impressed, but more pictures always help! Also, that's amazing that the president got back you to so quickly - and with suggestions!! It would have sucked to have received it and be disappointed, so I feel a little more confident sending it knowing they won't let me completely screw it up!! lol
  8. Well, I'm hoping there is still a chance lol. I haven't walked by it yet today... I'll keep my fingers crossed that they were just doing some spring cleaning, but I'm pretty sure they're gone for good. All of the hours of operation signs are gone, chairs/couches in there are gone or stacked up. The product on the counter is all gone!! (NO, I didn't press my nose up against the glass to look lol). The signs are there that it's closed... but there is still a chance... right....RIGHT?!
  9. Oh haha - Jess, that's so smart!!! lol That honestly would not have crossed my mind until the time came for people to send them back and people are wondering how to do it!!
  10. Hehe, sorry I just had to have that thread title - ever since the Friends episode!! But my thread title does have a purpose.. how are you guys divvying up duties? Do you have an MC? A guestbook attendant? Ushers? I'd like an MC, I think - to keep things going, but not sure who to assign.. plus I'm worried that if I give so many duties to my guests, there will be no one left to just enjoy it!!! And a guestbook attendant... well, if we're doing the polaroid book. Ushers I think I could do without with Mariana there...?? We'll have a few reserved seats since Aaron's parents DO NOT get along in the slightest bit (his mom is even worried about coming), so we may just put out signs ("reserved for...") and let everyone else sit where they want. What do you guys think I should do?
  11. Hey Laura, when are you sending your invites out?? When is your wedding again - June '08?
  12. Hmm, I don't know. Are you concerned about bringing it on board with you? Could you not just call the airport/airline and have them check with you? I think that's the best way - get the confirmation straight from them.
  13. Aww, I like the tiara idea!!! But honestly, if I was a BM - the tiara might get annoying partway through the night anyways! I like the "Brides Team", that's really cute!!
  14. Hey Glenda, When do you need to know by? I might have to guess on my #, but I'll definately be getting in on this deal!! And whats DHS? ( lol, I don't know) Oh, and by the way... having us pay for the parking - not a big deal, why should you fork over the money for doing us a favour?!? That's just not fair!
  15. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Tammy, I'm so excited for you. I hope everything is absolutely perfect for you!! I can't wait to see the pictures and see how everything turned out, from your hairdo (did you ever decide anything?) to the "I Do" ... on your toes! lol Congrats, Tammy!!!
  16. Booo no! lol it's a local place. Haha, I'm hoping they're just renovating!! lol, I know this is a really lame vent, but I'm totally bummed since I'm too lazy to go anywhere else! lol
  17. omg, I think the tanning salon by my work has closed down.... forever!!! I had like 300 minutes there (I bought a deal lol). Ahh, their hours were slowly getting less and less and today I noticed that the place is completely empty (they have floor-ceiling windows) a;; .... maybe they're just cleaning the floors?!?! Where am I going to go now to get my pasty white self all tanned and gorgeous for the bpics?!?!?! AHHH!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Does your MothM banner always stay with you or does it go away when the month is up? I don't know... Christa, Glenda and Jackie all still still have theirs, but it doesn't indicate a month (does it? d'oh, now I have to post to check! lol) so it kind of looks like we're all always MothM! lol
  19. I think it was a link in her review... I sadly have it bookmarked! lol I think my wedding is going to end up being a complete copy of her's, it was so gorgeous!
  20. Right here: http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n...Wedding046.jpg
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Shouldn't yours say "Elite Member" too? Or does that go away when you have so many other titles... It use to, even after I became MOD.. but the MothM thing replaced that I guess - or maybe I just didn't notice before, I dunno. How many posts is it to become an Elite member? 1000? 1500?
  22. Lol ya, Tammy (host) just changed it last week to 750 posts! I still have my pretty banner, so I'm happy ... oops, did I just rub it in?! lol
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama Courtney you have to get this one to tie in with the honeymoon!!! http://www.hand-craftedcreations.com...t_purp2_LG.jpg Ahhh! I love it!! lol *bookmarked*
  24. Yikes, it looks like I'm the minority here... I'm with your FI. They're cute, since it fits the Vegas theme, but I just don't like them - sorry. But I seem to be the only one, so I'm out-voted anyways!!
  25. Wow, those turned out great!!! They'll be the perfect size if they want to use them for towels when going to the beach - lots of room!! Thanks for posting that info as well, that'll come in handy. Maybe you could start a new thread w/the info so anyone searching him doesn't have to go through all of these pages to find the info?
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