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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr I was also going to suggest Ebay. The most expensive shipping on there that I saw was $25 and most places combine shipping. I am also looking for starfish, but I want the mini ones for my invitations and the bigger ones for the ceremony. I will tell you when I find the right place, although you spend much more time on the internet than I can, so you will probably find a place first. lol Seriously??! I always get dinged with eBay because they always ship from the US. I paid $70 shipping for something once... but it was a very important Christmas gift and I would have forked over thousands to get it here! lol I'll let you know which site we end up ordering from... if we ever get there! lol
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MorganShae Courtney, you are such a good bride! Your guests are so blessed to have someone as organized and prepared as you. Not that most of us aren't well-prepared but you really have it all together Good for you!! I'm sorry about your shipping woes... I hope you find an alternative. haha, aww thanks!!! I only pretend to be organized and prepared though!! lol Quote: Originally Posted by PaulaV Hey Court, there is a seller on Ebay that has a flat rate for shipping to Canada of $10 : eBay Store – THE BOCA BEETLE SHOP: Search results for starfish. These are nicer, ships to Canada, no price details: eBay: LOT 10 WHITE STARFISH 5"TO 6" & 10 SAND DOLLARS CRAFTS (item 330079110489 end time Jun-21-07 07:37:14 PDT) Wow, thanks Paula. I think I'm going to end up paying for my uber pickiness though. I really want them to be white sand dollars (2") and sugar starfish (4" - 6") ...see? picky!! I have Aaron searching obsessively meanwhile... and he may have just found one as I'm typing this! lol Thanks for your help!!! On a side note, I've very sad that the Anahiem Ducks just won the stanley cup! lol. I know, completely random, but the game just ended.
  3. So, today was a big day for us. As some of you know, I was having an incredibly hard time choosing a photographer. There are so many fantastic photographers, I just couldn't decide!! So, after much agony I narrowed it down to Juan and Leigh Miller... Today I sent in my contract and deposit to Leigh Miller!!!!! Omg, I'm so excited. All the big stuff is a done deal... it's just the details now. I've got my date, my venue and my photographer. WOOOHOO!!!! Sorry, I wasn't going to post a thread about it - but I'm just so excited that I FINALLY have made the decision!! After the bpics and the engagement pictures, I feel confident that I'll be completely comfortable with Leigh. I can't believe I've scored this amazing photographer for my wedding - I'm seriously so lucky that she agreed - it's going to be awesome!! Is there anyone else out their using Leigh as their photographer for their wedding, or is it just Ann and I? (which by the way - if possible, now I'm even more excited to see Ann's pictures! lol)
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Courtney, why are you sending your invites now? Honestly I sent mine in Early April for my July wedding and a lot of people lost them, why don't you just do STD's now? Haha, why does everyone always ask me that on this forum?!! lol I sent out STDs in March/April and my guests have to book before October (dreams books up by then). I just didn't feel comfortable asking my guests to book without a formal invitation and all of the information - thus invites are on their way out!! I'll be keeping them updated, but I really wanted to make sure they had all of the information ahead of time... otherwise I'd save this stress for next year! lol
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 courtney, how much would it be if you had it shipped somewhere in the states and then had someone ship it to you from here? Would it be any cheaper or work out to about the same? You could have them sent to me and I could send them to you if it would be cheaper for you. Jill - I'll look into that now and let you know - thanks!! Quote: Originally Posted by PaulaV I don't know of a site, but what about getting some when you go to Cabo? Will that be too late? We're sending our invites out this month, otherwise I would have tried that. Can you bring stuff like that back from Mexico though (customs)??
  6. UGH!! So, I finally find the best deal for Starfish and Sand Dollars, and I go to check out... $64.00 SHIPPING!!! Ouch! That doesn't even include tax! That's on top of the $100 I'm spending on sealife... and thats not even converted to Canadian dollars yet!!! Does anyone know of a Canadian site that sells starfish and sand dollars? I tried searching under Vancouver and all that jazz, and came up with no great deals. Ugh... so frustrated. Back to square one I guess. I feel like swearing at some random guy for personal satisfaction right now!!!
  7. Holy smokes Kash - that dress is gorgeous! It's absolutely stunning!!! Of course it's all worth it - just wait until you see your FI's face! He'll be completely blown away!!!
  8. Well, didn't Tammy (host) get married on May 27th?? I think she said her wedding was at 6pm?? I dunno, I could be wrong. You want to leave enough time for your ceremony and pictures though
  9. Wow Maria, how did I miss this thread?! Way to go Christa, you really hit the nail on the head. Maria, I think you've got an excellent plan - Let us know how it goes (and sorry I missed this earlier!)
  10. lol I just tried it quickly.... and got confused!!! I might have to try it when I get home and have a little more time/am able to focus a little more on it!! lol
  11. I've heard shutterfly is more difficult to work with. How did you find it? Did you bump into any problems along the way?
  12. Wow, what a great site... thanks for posting. Did you get your graphics from any particular place? I love them - they're so cute!!
  13. Everything looks so gorgeous!!! Your guests look like they had an absolute blast (and by the sounds of it too!), and you look so stunning!! Congratulations, Jen!!
  14. Ahhh - Anny, they're super cute!!! I love them! I love the little seahorse, so cute!!!
  15. omg, Laura - that's a beautiful venue!!! I love love love love it! It's got some amazing natural light. What colours were you thinking of using?? I like the ones she has, but I'm not the biggest fan of pink (this is just my opinion!), but I'd probably work with some whites and pastels or light shades to accent the natural light. You guys, I'm not sure there is an issue with posting her link on this thread. Maybe if it was just her pictures... but its her thread that she made on a public space on the internet - I'd think it would be ok. Its like posting a link to one of Juan's picture galleries...no?
  16. Yay, I'm so glad everything went well!!!! I love the colour of your bridesmaids dresses! Thanks for sharing two pictures - don't wait too long to post more!! Did you see Tammy while you were there?? And... last questions (lol) where are you going on your honeymoon?
  17. omg, did I miss this thread?! You three are so gorgeous, seriously!! I love all of the pics... the starfish one (which I saw in the other thread - thanks Juan!) and I love the one where Tammy has her hand on her belly - the candid one... and where Edyta is running up to give Sarah a hug!! Aww, they're all so great!!
  18. I'm glad the wedding went well. Thanks for the review!!! I love the El Dorado Royale. And yes, Tammy is the host of this forum (or were you just being sarcastic?! lol) and Elizabeth is a member on this forum and has fantastic work!! Did the bride and groom stay in the casitas? Do they have anything to add about that? I have never seen the casitas, but they sound beautiful!! Quite worth the upgrade from what I can hear! Well, maybe you could post some pictures when you get them back in a few weeks? That'd be great!
  19. lol Kelly!!! I pretty much look what I'm sure death looks like. I resemble a fricken ghost... seriously, not sexy!!
  20. Ahh, friends... I should really make some, they come in handy. I think the sand dollar alone is cute, but I do really like the shellholder. Honestly, it'd be find either way - just, if the sand dollar is alone, people might not notice it right away (depending on size, I guess too)
  21. OMG!! I never noticed the shellholders before!!! I'm so depressingly slow! lol. I remember one of these sites didn't ship to Canada because of "customs", and it may have been this one. I know I looked into ordering from these people for sure, but I don't remember if I didn't because of that. So, before you get your hopes up, you might want to look into that more. (boo - so expensive to ship to Canada!), but otherwise I totally love that idea!!
  22. Isn't it a huge feeling of accomplishment when you finish a DIY project like this?? I love DIY projects - they turned out great! Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done!
  23. Courtney to the rescue!!!! lol http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...06-4#post85502 (direct link to page 4) It was in that thread... but I'm not sure exactly which ones you're talking about, I haven't looked at these sites in a while - I just pulled these off my bookmark list.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr LMAO, I am working on it, as you can see. lol Its kinda funny cause they took my title away, but its really making me want to post more. Maybe that is what Tammy was thinking. lol Hehe, I noticed you're at 750 posts... and also logged off!! You just had to get that banner back! lol
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