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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by host welcome...I haven't picked a date or place yet but i am pretty excited as well! You're right Christine, that's a confusing post!! Poor, poor TTC Tammy lol
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Susan101207 Wow...great dress! There are so many Maggie brides, but it seems like everyone has something a little different! That's because all of her dresses are gorgeous!!! ...including this one, it's absolutely stunning. I love Maggie dresses - it's hard to look like every other bride in one of her dresses!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by cabobride2be I do have my heart set on Cabo Haha... well I guess otherwise you'd have to change your username. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 I don't know how set you are about having your wedding at a different location than where you are staying? We want to stay at dreams because it's an all inclusive but I just didn't love their locations and I happened to stumble across the Fiesta Americana Imperial Suite and we loved it! Even though it's a suite it has a lawn and it's own beach and you do the ceremony and reception right there and it's private...so we are doing that there and then staying at dreams. So it's an idea... I was totally going to suggest this. You can stay at dreams (or any resort of your choice) and still have a gorgeous wedding on your chosen date at another location!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA I'm glad there is someone else who has to wait too! It's so hard - but I guess it means we have plenty of time to sort this stuff out. heh... funny to read this thread now!!! Now you're only 6 months away! Did the time fly by like Tammy said it would??
  5. Ahhh - that slideshow moved so fast!! Man, she's pretty - and I love her dress. The scrab book looks so cool too! Thanks for sharing that Sarah, you know we love our pictures and slideshows!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride You can def send them out now. The more time people have to plan the better. Courtney is also getting married in May and she sent hers out. And Amy is getting married July 4, 2008 and she sent her's out as well. I say send them out! I got a SDT two months ago for a wedding in September 28, 2008. And this isn't even a DW! Send it out and start getting excited! Quote: Originally Posted by tvt I was just at a family function and people were asking when, where, etc. So I was telling them. And they were all like "if you know send us the save the date!!" so we're going to send them next month... which is a YEAR AND A HALF PRIOR!! But people kept asking for the STD so I can't argue with that! Totally send them out now!! I say the earlier the better. Your guests deserve to know key details as early as possible. And I applaud you, Tara for sending yours out a year and a half early - when I talked about sending mine that early people questioned it and suggested I send them later otherwise guests will forget details! I wish I had gone with my instinct. Guests totally appreciate getting the information and start arranging details early... treat it like a vacation - we often plan a year ahead of time... so these people need the same amount of time to plan and save. Send now - and post pictures too!!!
  7. Did you have your heart set on Cabo only? Are you willing to go elsewhere in Mexico?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Stephanie 525 My dad passed away when I was 17 and my sister just got married and honored him at her wedding. I am not sure where she got her "traditional" idea from but she left a seat open for him and then ,when my mom walked her down, she put a white lily on the seat. So my sister carried her flowers and my mom had the lily. We did have to get after my mom because she put her purse on the seat She also had read that a sunflower was another flower recommended. I am sure there is symbolism behind the two flowers I am not sure what that is. She made mention of it in the program so she didn't put a sign up. I like it better that way- seemed classy. omg, I love that - the white lilly. I seriously teared up - and (because I'm cold and heartless) I rarely do on this forum. That's absolutely beautiful. And then you made me laugh when I read that your mom put her purse on the chair. haha.
  9. Ahh, Christine - what an excellent idea. It makes me wish I had younger kids going to my wedding!! Did you get the last two pictures, or are you still looking for suggestions?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by kucka00 That is so awesome!! Congrats Courtney! Isn't it great that you can actually share the one thing that excites you so much right now and actually have people that care!!! I love this place! I know, that's why I love this forum. First of all, you all know how great Leigh is - and then you guys are all so supportive!! It's really great. I seriously would have had about a million nervous breakdowns if it weren't for everyone here!!! Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL Wonderful Courtney! That's so exciting....I know Leigh will get some amazing pics for you. Congrats chica, you've got THE BIG 3: date, venue & photographer. That's wonderful - yay for you!! Next big thing: The dress!!!
  11. Woohoo, That's awesome!!! omg, how does it feel to be a MARRIED WOMAN?! Jason is your HUSBAND! Ahh - so cool! Congrats!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by cessyboston ooooo i have a long way to go.....i try to post i am not a very good writer i try...donnie laughs at me because i got so excited about gifts so wait till i get a banner woo woo woo Haha, omg I'm the same way. I get excited over the silliest things on this forum - I get a gift and I get all giddy and Aaron just looks at me like I'm off my rocker when I tell him someone gave me a gift on the forum! lol I love looking at other people's gifts and why they got them too - I'm seriously the biggest nerd ever!
  13. Ahh! How do I keep missing threads like this?!? lol. I actually love that story, it's perfect and it gave me goosebumps! That's so similar to the way Aaron proposed, it was late at night, I was ready to go to sleep and he was acting all weird and popped the question in our home - and I wouldn't change his proposal for the world!! The only problem with him asking right before I went to sleep - all of the sudden I was excited and totally wired... and couldn't sleep! lol, were you the same way?! Like, omg I'm engaged now... how the heck can I sleep?! lol
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by NABUMBAH While it sucks that she's not that interested in your wedding, it seems like you're expecting too much. When you ask someone to be part of your wedding, you're asking them to stand by your side and support you. Not be your slave. Bachelorette parties, showers, help with save the dates, etc. are not part of the deal. It would be nice if she helped with those, but by no means does she have to nor should you expect her to. I think that's a bit harsh. She's not asking her MOH to be her slave and be in eternal debt, she's asking for some help. I agree, that maybe your MOH might think she still has lots of time since the wedding isn't for another 10 months. I'd definately talk to her if I were you, get her perspective and go from there... but I wouldn't strip her of her title just yet.
  15. Hehe - thanks. I'm such a nerd, I get excited over things that people are relieved to get out of the way.... and then I create a thread about it! lol. But I just had to share, Aaron was getting sick of hearing be tell him over and over about it!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by cessyboston congrats court.......she is so amazing i am in love with her work,,,,,,,so happy for you.....donnie and i love her work....is she doing your boudior session too?? Ya, she is and my engagement pictures!!! I'm so super excited!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine wow I can't even get my guests to book now and we only have a month and a half! Good job on being so prepared! Can't wait to see how they turn out. Well, I'm hoping to raise the bar for Destination Weddings!!! lol. None of my guests have ever been to one before, so I'm hoping they'll just assume this is the ettiquette. My RSVP date is for September 1, so that I can hassle them if I need to - that gives me on month (ish) to get everyone who wants to go to book. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama Any luck with cheaper sand dollars? Could you buy some when you go to Cabo for your b-shots?? Maybe it would be cheaper? And ya it sucks the Ducks won! But they deserve it because Ottawa didnt even try!! Aaron e-mailed the place that is charging $64.00 for shipping. They're shipping priority?? So is there a slower way? We don't need it here right away (although by the end of the month would be great!). So he's seeing what they can do about it. They're the only place that guarantees the safe arrival of the sand dollars and starfish, and if any are broken, they'll replace them - so I'm kind of attracted to their website for that reason. I might just have to suck it up and pay the $64. Ya, I'm pretty ticked off about the Sens- they could have played A LOT better throughout this series. Plus, I really really hate Pronger, so that made me pretty mad too! lol
  18. ooh my cousin did this... it was nice, but the minister kept saying their names.... only he mixed up their names a few times lol. It kind of ruined it!
  19. omg omg omg - I missed those pictures!! lol. Elizabeth - thanks for the sneak peak... they're great!! I can't wait to see the rest! How much longer do we have to wait?! lol
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 courtney, FI & I are staying in the casitas for our honeymoon, so I'll be sure to post all the dirt on the casitas when we get back, if no one else stays there before us! That was our big splurge of the wedding, Steve wanted the lazy river right on our doorstep, lol! I can't wait! Oh ya - post the most extensive review ever (with pictures of course)!! I've heard they're incredibly stunning, I'm sure you'll love them. At first I didn't think the lazy rivers were worth the upgrade.. my aunt had one in front of the building thing she was in (she wasn't in a casita though)... and omg - SO worth the upgrade!! We ended up going to her room a little too often! lol.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Get a little red devil with a halo on and and angel with devil horns. They can reproduce what ever picture you find and print out Well I have an idea in my head what I want it to look like, but I'm not a very good artist, so I'd have to try and get someone to think up something for me. I was thinking something like a devils horn with a glowing halo hanging off the horns (rather than hovering above).... either that or I once saw this gorgeous picture of a fairy (I think I still have it), and I'd see if I can alter it a bit and put angels wings on her and then add the devil aspects afterwards?? I dunno, I'm not very creative either, but I know I definately want a tattoo lol
  22. That definately sucks... but know that if you tell/ask her to step down from the MOH position, you may lose her friendship. I know she's being difficult, but just be prepared for this. Even if it doesn't happen right away (aka she doesn't spaz), things might get awkward and then the friendship will fade. I think if you go for lunch with her (and IMHO, this need to be done in person), and explain why you're feeling the way you are and then ask her if she is feeling too much pressure to be the MOH, and if she'd instead like to be just a bridesmaid, or even just a guest - then that'd be fine with you. That way, you may motivate her to step up to her tasks, or she'll fold and step down from the position. If you need to revisit this again later, do so - but I think it needs to be treated delicately. She may be being a complete hassle with this, but you don't want to hurt her feelings or your friendship, do you? She may just need a push in the right direction - whether it be stepping up to the task, or stepping down from the title. Good luck!!
  23. Ooh, good thread bump, Heidi!! I have ALWAYS wanted one, but I want it to be super meaningful. I'm a wimp to pain, but I'd be more nervous about not liking the outcome. Aaron and I talked about going over to Miami Ink (lol) while on our honeymoon since we'll be there, and get something to represent our marriage. We met online and his screenname was always something like "Devil" and mine was always "Angel" (I know, stop laughing please) so I thought we could get something with those to mixed, like a halo and horns or something?! lol I dunno. I don't just want his name though, I want something a little creative. We more than likely won't do this on our honeymoon, but I for sure want it done by someone I trust. Also, I saw on Miami Ink once a long time ago a kid wrote his name on his dad's back (? maybe chest) and they tattooed his son's writing on him. It looked cool, cuz you know how kids write bigger and loose, and so his dad forever has his son's name on him, in his son's wriitng. i thought that was cool...
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr I am also sad that the Ducks won the Cup, but the Sens just did not play like they wanted it. Omg, they played horribly!!! For a stanley cup final game, they didn't play the way they should have. 6-2 is not the score of a stanley cup final game! The ONLY upside, is that Ryan Getzlaf use to play for the Calgary Hitmen junior hockey team (WHL) so its kind of neat to see him playing in the NHL after we've watched him play for so many years beforehand... but I don't really like him anyways - he's lazy! lol *I love my hockey*
  25. I know, she totally rocks... I seriously don't know how I managed to get such an awesome, amazing, talented photographer - but I'm not complaining! lol
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